
Thursday, September 28, 2017

Review: Fragments of the Lost by Megan Miranda

I simply adore this author. Have read so many of her books and I have enjoyed them all. This one was no exception. I stayed up until three am to finish this lovely book. As I could not stop after I started it. Eee. For the most part I really liked this book. Had a few small issues, but nothing big. And so four stars for this one.

I'm going to begin with saying that the writing was all kinds of awesome. And I had no trouble at all reading this book. It is told from the point of view of Jessa. And oh, how I enjoyed reading about this girl. I loved getting to know about her life, about who she was. I liked her a whole bunch. She was a great character.

The plot about this book is that Jessa's boyfriend, Caleb, died two months ago. He drove his car over a bridge and into a river. The car was found destroyed, but he was not found, but they all know that he is dead. Jessa has been grieving his loss for ages now. Because in a way, she blames herself for what happened to him. As they had just broken up before he died, after having been together a year. And there were so many details about all of that. This whole book is about Jessa going through his room, packing up his things, because his mom is moving. And when she goes through his things she remembers parts of their past together. And I liked that, as she is realizing things she had not noticed about him. Not so nice things. But good memories too.

See, this is why this book is a four star and not a five star for me. I wish it hadn't focused so much on the past. I wanted to know more about the now and the future. Sniffs. There were some awesome characters in the now that I really, really wanted to know more about. Even though just about all the book was about the past, it was not boring at all. It was so exciting and interesting and mysterious too, trying to figure out who Caleb had really been. And why their relationship had ended. I liked reading it all. Past and present.

But yes, just wishing there had been more focus on a certain someone. Hmph. Despite that, the ending was all kinds of awesome. Rude. Yet so perfect. But now I want a sequel that is all happy. Anyway. This book was so good. And so easy to read and to get lost in. There is so much I wish to say about this book. Not going to mention all of it, but some things must get written down. Like how Jessa and Caleb had been together for a long time, yet I didn't ship them at all. I liked how it didn't focus too much on their romance.

And how Jessa had been friends with another boy, Max, for years. And how they sort of had feelings for each other. And how I loved that to pieces. And oh, how I wanted to read more about Max. Aw. This book wasn't about a love triangle. First of, Caleb was dead. Jessa isn't with Max. And she had not cheated on Caleb either, before he died. So no weird feelings about any of that. I just really shipped Jessa and Max. When she remembered the past, he was always there for her, doing all the important things. I loved him.

This book is all about Jessa figuring things out about her dead ex-boyfriend. And gosh, there were a lot of secrets. And it was so much fun reading about it all, figuring out the hidden things. The present was a bit scary too, with the mom of Caleb being a bit crazy. I liked reading about Jessa and Max together, being friends. They were such awesome friends and I wanted more of them. Hmph. But I also liked this story for what it was. Which was an exciting mystery. Because Jessa starts to get the feeling that Caleb isn't dead.

And that is all I'm going to say about this book. There is so much more I could mention, but I'm not going to. I just really liked this book. I couldn't stop reading once I started it. I really loved all of the characters. Fragments of the Lost was simply put incredible. I enjoyed every moment. The writing was stunning. The ending was exciting and revealing. I really wish that there had been a long epilogue, though. Ack. I wish to know more about these characters. The book was long, yet not nearly long enough. It was so so good.

Huge thank you to Random House Children's for approving my request on Netgalley to read this book early. I'm so glad that I read it now. And I cannot wait to own the finished copy of it as well. I simply can't wait to read even more books by Megan. I have enjoyed them all; even her adult ones. Her stories are just the best. Awesome and heartbreaking and evil. And I love every moment of them all. You all really need to read this book when it's out. It's slow and fast and exciting and mysterious all at the same time.


  1. I just added this to my TBR like a week ago, so when I saw this review I had to check it out! I love the premise, and the sound of the secrets- that's always fun. Plus I just read a Megan Miranda book and liked it, so I imagine I'll like this one too. Great review!

  2. I enjoyed Megan Miranda's adult mystery, and this sounds really good, too! I'm sure I'd be shipping Max and Jessa, too! I'm off to look this up and add it to my TBR! Wonderful review, Carina! :)

  3. I haven't heard of this book nor have I read any books by this author before. However, I'm glad that you enjoyed it so much!

    Have a great weekend!

    Thanks for sharing,
    ~Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

  4. I love a good mystery. This sounds like a great one. Glad you enjoyed it so much! :) ~Jess


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