
Saturday, September 30, 2017

In My Mailbox #308

I am so tired all the time. And in pain all the time too. And I am so goddamn sick of it. Sigh. I'm trying my best to deal with it all, but it's hard, because I never have a day or just hours where I'm not in pain. Hmph. And medicine not working. And hospital being a bitch about giving me a different type of medicine. So might still be weeks or months until I start getting better and I'm just not feeling pleased about this. Sigh. But despite all of this, I'm feeling happy. Because I'm reading a lot. And I'm getting a lot of stunning mail, with more perfection coming soon. Eee. I'm very happy about all of that. But then sad again, because my room for books is just about gone. Which means I need to get rid of even more of my books. Which mean selling, which means making so little money of the books I spend lots of money on and don't want to get rid of. Sniffs. But no room. And no way to make new room either. So, yeah. A bit depressed too. Anyway. Some new blog posts. I shared my review of The Traitor Prince :D Which I loved. Then shared my review of Will Grayson, Will Grayson. Which I hated. Ugh. This week I'm waiting on Snow & Rose. <3 I shared my review of Fragments of the Lost :D Which I loved. Yess. And I'm currently re-reading The School for Good and Evil, finally. Reading them all. And oh so excited. But, well. They break my heart. But so good.

The Language of Thorns. Two US hardcovers and one UK hardcover. <3 Both gorgeous. Love them.
A World Without You. Still haven't read this precious book. Ahh. Now I own the stunning paperback too.
All That Glows. I haven't read this duology by Ryan yet, but I will soon :D I'm excited to read them both.
Godsgrave. Special Goldsboro edition :D Yess. So gorgeous. And B&N special edition too. Love them.
Warcross. The gorgeous UK hardcover. Yesss. Rainbow colored beneath the jacket. SO stunning. Love.
Quests for Glory. YESSSS. Book finally arrived yesterday. Took forever. More to come. SO EXCITED.
The Ever Never Handbook. I did not know there was a UK paperback out. Ahh. But now I own it, finally.
His Dark Materials. Damn it. B&N sent me the wrong set. But they refunded. Now ordered from Amazon.
Invictus. This UK paperback edition is so pretty. And I enjoyed this book a whole bunch. It was awesome.
Lyra's Oxford. The first one arrived damaged, so I got a replacement. Yay. This one looks so so perfect.
Pirates of the Caribbean 5. I did enjoy this movie a bunch. And I'm excited to watch it again, for Will :D
Godsgrave. Finally got this stunning audiobook too :D Collection is complete, minus US ARC. Love this.
Pokken Tournament. Eee! But, ugh, I got this last saturday. And I have yet to play it. No energy. But soon.
Happy Hello Bookmarks. Ahhhh. More bookmarks :D And more coming too. Gosh. They are gorgeous.

Fragments of the Lost. Eee, thank you so much to the lovely publisher for approving my request to read this book via Netgalley. <3 I have already read and loved it. I adore Megan oh so much and you all need to read her books.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. The U.K hardcover of Warcross is so pretty, I will definitely have to get myself a copy of that edition when I finally buy myself a copy! And so sorry you haven't been feeling too great Carina, here's hoping some medication works out for you x

  2. Lucky you :-) So many pretty things.

  3. Wow! You got SO many good books. Even though it may be depressing to have to sell your books, you are a great supporter of books and in some ways are an even better supporter by passing on so many fantastic books.

  4. So many goodies in your mailbox. Love all those beautiful books! I want your mailbox. :)

  5. Your cat is so fluffy. :D :D :D :D I love how many Language of Thorns copies you have! Have you seen @CallaWalker's collection??? I was impressed. She really went after those various editions. :o I hope you feel better next week, Carina!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!


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