
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Review: The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls by Claire Legrand

This book is still so precious to me. It's been five years now since it came out and I read it for the first time. This is now the fourth time I have read it, though it had already been three years since my last read. How rude. Finally had the chance to read it again now, though. And I'm so happy that I did. Because it is perfect.

I'm thrilled that I still love this book just as much as I did all those years ago. I simply adore Claire and all her books. This first one of hers is still my favorite of them all, I think. The writing is simply amazing. Yess. And I adore the characters more than I can say. Gosh, that epilogue is still the worst. I need a sequel so so badly.

I'm not going to share too much about this stunning book. But I must write down some of the parts that I loved. If you still haven't read this very precious middle grade book, then shame on you. Because it is one of the best there is. It's so creepy and evil and heartbreaking and so perfect. This book is told from the point of view of twelve year old Victoria. Whom was all kinds of amazing to read about. She was a bit mean at times, yet she has a huge heart inside of her, and she got kinder as the book went on. She's obsessed with being the very best at school. Which she is. She wants everything to be perfect. I did love that about her. She was awesome. Okay, she was a bit rude at times, but I didn't mind. Because she's sweet too. And kind. And very brave.

Victoria doesn't have many friends, only one. And oh, how I adored Lawrence. Eee. They only have each other. And they are so cute together, though Victoria could be a bit rude at times. Yet it's obvious that she cares about him a lot and they are best friends. This book is about Lawrence going missing. And though Victoria is a bit distracted with something about her grades, she's still realizing that something isn't right with Lawrence being gone. The grownups are all acting weird. And she's noticing other kids missing too.

There is so much that I love about this book. The friendship between Victoria and Lawrence was my favorite thing. I loved how there are small hints that they are to become more than friends. It's the cutest thing. Mostly I just adored how they were together. I so wish there had been even more scenes between them. Aw. Because these two characters were the best. I adored how they cared for each other. I loved how Victoria started trying her best to find him, to save him. Some parts were so heartbreaking, though.

I'm not sure how to describe the plot of this book. It reminds me a lot of Coraline, the movie. Which I adore. But this book is even better, just so you know. Kids are going missing in this town. And no one is doing anything about it. No one even seems to notice it, except for Victoria. So she starts to investigate. And she notices The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls in her neighborhood. Which has always been there, but she's never really thought about it before or heard anyone talk about it. Which was very weird.

And oh, the plot in this book. It's just all kinds of perfect. I'm not going to mention all of it, just that this home is all kinds of creepy and horrible and it still kills me how sad some parts of it were. Like the gofers. I still can't get over that. So heartbreaking. Yet so perfectly written. Mrs. Cavendish was the very worst person there is. And her sort of partner, Mr. Alice. He was horrible too. And just, ugh. This book was so good. But so so creepy and this big house was pretty scary to read about and I loved it so. But so evil.

I'm not going to say more about this book this time. Just that you have to read it if you haven't already. I love it so, so much. Victoria and Lawrence are the very best. And this story was incredible. I love that I have read it four times now, and love it even more for each time I read it. Such a huge fan of Claire, and cannot wait to read more books by her. And re-read all her other books as well. So excited. But yeah, this one is my favorite. Stunning artwork inside too. And that cover is just gorgeous. Love this book so much.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday #307

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Everyone in Vallen knows that ice wolves and scorch dragons are sworn enemies who live deeply separate lives.

So when twelve-year-old orphan Anders takes one elemental form and his twin sister, Rayna, takes another, he has to question whether they are even related. Still, whether or not they’re family, Anders knows that Rayna is his best and only true friend. She’s nothing like the brutal, cruel dragons who claimed her as one of their own and stole her away.

To learn what he needs to rescue her, Anders will have to enlist at the foreboding Ulfar Academy, a school for young wolves that values loyalty to the pack above all else. But for Anders, loyalty is more complicated than blind obedience, and friendship is the most powerful shape-shifting force of all.

New York Times bestselling author Amie Kaufman delivers heart-pounding adventure and breathtaking magical inventions in this unforgettable story about finding one’s place in a sharply divided world.

Hardcover, 326 pages
Expected publication: March 27th 2018 by HarperCollins
Pre-Order here and here

I adore Amie. She's awesome and I love the books she's been a part of writing, eee. And ahh, this book that is all her is going to be so amazing :D I love middle grade books oh so much, and gosh, this one sounds so amazing. Hope that I will love it tons. <3 And eee. Dying about that stunning cover. Pretty.
What are you waiting for on this icy Wednesday?

Monday, August 28, 2017

Review: Unearthed by Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner

So happy to say that I loved this book like crazy. Just as I had hoped for. Yesss. I love everything about space. I also adore Amie and Meagan so much. Their books together have been so good. And oh, their writing is perfection. I loved that about this book so very much. Five stars to this one. For so many reasons.

First there was that perfect writing, which I enjoyed so much. And then there was the characters. Oh, how I loved them. This book is told from the point of view of Amelia aka Mia and Julian. One chapter each. Which I enjoyed a lot, because reading from both of them was so interesting and amazing. Loved them both.

This book begins so well. It starts with action right away, and I liked that very much. And it begins with both characters already on this new world that they have sneaked off to to explore for something. Which I must say that I loved so much, because it left out all the boring stuff before they left for this new world, lol. And what a beginning. Mia is almost taken captive by raiders. Jules show up, thinking they are his team. Which they weren't. And ah, this was such an awesome first meeting between these two characters. They defeat the two bad people, and run away. Then they get to know each other better. Jules came to this planet to study it, to help his father. Mia came to it to steal from it. Which makes them enemies. And oh, it was so much fun.

The plot in this stunning novel was all kinds of exciting. It takes place on a different planet, a planet with two suns and no life. Earth isn't all normal either, things have been bad for a long time. Jules came to this new planet to search for a hidden danger. Then he meets Mia, and they end up searching together. And oh, the temple they arrive at was all kinds of creepy. This is a book full of puzzles and surprises. And full of dangers. I couldn't help but love every moment of it. So much happens all the time. It was awesome.

There is so much I wish to share about this book. But I can't share too much about it. Some things should be a surprise. But gosh, I don't even know where to begin with what I will share. This book was so good. And I loved every moment of it. Okay, fine, there was one part that broke my heart a bit too much, and I didn't enjoy that all that much. Hmm. It's when Mia is lying to keep Jules and her safe, but he does not know that, and oh, it broke my heart way too much. But I'm healing from it. It was so well written, though.

I adored these two characters beyond words. Mia was so much fun to read about. I loved her thoughts and I loved how she was fierce and brave and just awesome. And reading about her forbidden sister was pretty sad. Loved their relationship. Mia and Jules came from two different worlds, almost. Mia has grown up in a bad place, and she's pretty poor. While Jules grew up almost rich, with everything he could want. But even though they are so different, they get to know each other and start to care for each other. Eee.

And oh, how I adored Jules. He was such an amazing character as well. And reading about him and getting to know him was the very best. And reading about Jules and Mia together was simply incredible. They argue and they are so fun to read about. They disagree about things, but they begin care too. And the slowly beginning of a romance between them was the very best. I ship them so much. Yesss. I am unable to fully describe how much I adored them. There are just no words for how awesome they were.

I'm not going to say much about everything that happens in this book. As I have already written a bunch about how I felt about this book. But yeah, I just loved it so much. It was such a thrilling story to read. So much happened. A bunch of bad people too. Mostly this is the story of Jules and Mia, and I loved that so much. I loved reading about them exploring and finding hints and almost dying all the time. Was so much fun. This whole book was awesome. And very beautiful too. Enjoyed reading about all the different traps.

This book has one of the rudest endings. I'm not sure what will happen next. But I know that I am dying to read it. And I am so, so curious. That ending was evil. Total cliffhanger. Yet not with the main characters, so yesss. I'm thrilled about that. But that ending was still rude. But so good and surprising and exciting. I loved it. Another part of this book that I loved was that there was no love triangle at all. Not even a hint of one. And I'm very sure that one will not show up either, so I'm very happy. The romance was so so good.

Unearthed was everything I wanted it to be and so much more. Such a thrilling science fiction and space adventure. This new world it took place on was so interesting and different. I loved reading about it. The characters were all fantastic, and I loved the beginning of the romance so much. This book was also a bit heartbreaking, which I couldn't help but love. Some parts were a bit too hurtful, though. Ack. But still so good. I am so thrilled that I ended up loving this book so much. I'm now dying for book two. Need it now.

Huge thank you to Cassie at Disney Hyperion for letting me reading this book early via NetGalley. Means the most to me. Eee. So glad that I got to read this precious. I cannot wait to own all the finished copies when it comes out in January. Will also be hunting for that special looking ARC version of this as well. I need it badly. If you are unsure about this book, don't be. Because it was beyond amazing. And you are all going to love it. So go order it. Right now. And if you already have it, read it. Don't wait. It's so good.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Cover Reveal: Tess of the Road by Rachel Hartman

Eee! I am SO excited about this precious book :D Been waiting years for it. Sigh. Going to be SO GOOD. I loved Seraphina and Shadow Scale oh so much, and I have been dying for more books by Rachel for years now. Eeee. Love that this book is set in the same world, with a character that was a little bit in the earlier books :D This book used to be called Tess in Boots, which I adored so much. Aw. But love this new title too :D Eee. I simply cannot wait to read about Tess. And oh my god. THIS COVER. Love it so.

Meet Tess, a brave new heroine from beloved epic fantasy author Rachel Hartman.

In the medieval kingdom of Goredd, women are expected to be ladies, men are their protectors, and dragons get to be whomever they want. Tess, stubbornly, is a troublemaker. You can't make a scene at your sister's wedding and break a relative's nose with one punch (no matter how pompous he is) and not suffer the consequences. As her family plans to send her to a nunnery, Tess yanks on her boots and sets out on a journey across the Southlands, alone and pretending to be a boy.

Where Tess is headed is a mystery, even to her. So when she runs into an old friend, it's a stroke of luck. This friend is a quigutl--a subspecies of dragon--who gives her both a purpose and protection on the road. But Tess is guarding a troubling secret. Her tumultuous past is a heavy burden to carry, and the memories she's tried to forget threaten to expose her to the world in more ways than one.

Returning to the fascinating world she created in the award-winning and New York Times bestselling Seraphina, Rachel Hartman introduces readers to a new character and a new quest, pushing the boundaries of genre once again in this wholly original fantasy.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

In My Mailbox #303

I have read four books this week. Yesss. Just suddenly felt like reading :D Yay. Hoping it will continue. Other than that I have done a bit of catching up too, and ordered some awesome things, and just mostly had a good week. Yay. Health still sucks, of course, but nothing new there. Sigh. Hoping they will come up with a new medicine for me in September. Fingers crossed. I got a little bit of stunning mail this week :D Love it all so much. <3 This week I posted a bunch. Well, okay, a bunch of reviews, lol. So this week I have written a whole bunch. Ahh. I first shared my review of Warcross. <3 Then my review of A Study in Scarlet Women :D And this week I'm waiting on Renegades. <3 Then I shared my review of A Conspiracy in Belgravia :) Then my review of The Epic Crush of Genie Lo. Aw. I'm glad that I managed to read a lot :) Just hoping I will continue to do so. Worried now, as the book I finished today was so so bad. Hmph. But yeah, I have tons of books to read next :D So excited. Still doing spa baths every day; love it the most.

John Green Box Set. Eee! Thank you PRH International :D Excited to take part in something awesome.
Fast & Furious 8. I adored this movie a whole bunch. Love them all. Cannot wait to re-watch this one :)
Pop Figures. New Maui since last one was damaged :D The Nazgul looks so awesome. Ahh. Love them.
The Hobbit. Gosh. I finally bought myself a letter opener, not to be used for that, haha. It's GORGEOUS.
Before She Ignites. Eee! Thank you Jodi for this stunning pre-order swag :D It all looks so so gorgeous.

The Final Six + Heart of Iron + Everless + Devils Unto Dust. I simply could not resist getting all of these from HarperTeen via Edelweiss :D Eee. Crossing all my fingers that I will end up loving all of these books. Was a bit unsure from peeking at the ending of some of them, but hoping they will be awesome even so.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Friday, August 25, 2017

Review: The Epic Crush of Genie Lo by F. C. Yee

Well. I tried my best with this book. But I didn't enjoy a single thing about it. And my review will not be positive at all. Not sure how much I'll share about this book, but I must mention all those things I didn't like. Aw. And there were a lot of those things. I'm just so disappointed in this book. Giving it one star, which is rare.

I just cannot deal with how extremely bad this book was. I hated it so much at times, almost all the time. I have seen a bunch of people love this book. Saying how amazing and fun it was. Did not see this at all. I found it to be one of the worst books I have read. Ahh. And it was pretty awkward almost all the time. No fun.

But I do know that a lot of people will probably love this book. Which is fully okay. But I'm not one of those. And I'm going to share all of the reasons for why I think that this book wasn't a good one. So I'm starting with the writing. Which I found to be the very worst. I'm not sure how to describe the way it's written, so I'm going to settle with saying that it's written in a modern fan fiction type of way. Like the author was trying to write in the way that teenagers talk these days. For me this was an awful thing to read. It felt so silly and just annoying. Genie is cursing all the time, arguing with her mom at every moment, ditching her only friend at all times. And oh gosh, this book is full of yelling! Like that. All the time. Was so annoying to read and highly unreal.

I could probably talk about how much I hated the writing for hours. But I'm not going to, because I'm not able to describe it well enough. Just that it was so crappy and I was never able to overlook how it was written, so I was never able to get into the story. Not that it would have made a difference, because my hate of this book wasn't all about the writing. Sure, the writing was goddamn awful, but it was far from the only bad thing about this book. Sigh. I'm tired of this book already. I cannot wait to forget all about this.

This book tells the story of Genie Lo. A girl in high school working on getting into a big college. She is supposed to have this best friend, but we only get to see her talk to her a few times. And Genie keeps ditching her, and not even talking to her to make it right. Genie was an awful friend, to be honest. She is described as being very very tall. This book begins with a new boy in her class. And her first thought about him was how he was shorter than other boys. I guess others would enjoy that, but I didn't. At all.

This boy is Quentin. Who shows up in her classroom, jumping on the desks, claiming that she is his. And she responds by punching him in the face. Which she happens to do a lot in this book. Punching him in the face and in the stomach. It wasn't good. And she had no reason to do this, as he wasn't a creep or anything like that. Though he was a very badly written character. And I won't describe him, as I don't feel like it. But he also kept yelling all the time, like her, and he was just incredibly boring, to be fully honest.

But my issues were mostly with Genie. She wasn't written as a good person at all. With how she kept punching Quentin often. How she treated her friend. And how she behaved toward Quentin in the whole beginning of the book. Sure, he kind of stalked her, but he talked to her and explained why and such, and she kept talking awfully to him and just generally being weird. I just found this book to be so so awkward. And, oh, boy is described at one point while being wet, that his shirt is lapping at his muscles. Just, puke.

This whole book was written badly. I read someone said something about sexual tension between these two characters. And just hahaha. No. It was simply awkward. And they share one kiss, at the end of the book. Described as him kissing her, her kissing him. No heat. No nothing. So badly written. And oh, then there is the whole plot of the book. Ancient gods and demons. And with Quentin being the monkey god or whatever. Her having been reborn from being his weapon aka a blade. Uhm. What. Made no sense at all.

And then there were all those demons that these two characters have to kill all by themselves, no help. How typical. They were also written really badly. And gosh, they had such silly names. Like the baddest of the demons was called Red Boy. Just, ugh. This whole book was silly. And I'm not doing a good job of describing all of it at all. My mind is just blank. I want to be done with this book. With how extremely awful it was. And the book was full of cliches too, and not in a good way. Romance sucked. Characters sucked.

To be honest, this whole book sucked. And I don't see at all why so many people are loving it. Sure, the girl is Asian, which I loved, but it wasn't written well at all. Or written well to be diverse either. This book probably could have been amazing, had it been done a whole lot differently. But it wasn't. So yeah. I'm done with it now. I gave it a try, and ended up hugely disappointed. Thank you so much, though, Amulet Books for the ARC copy of this book. Means the most to me. I'm sorry it ended up being so awful for me.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Review: A Conspiracy in Belgravia by Sherry Thomas

This sequel was pretty amazing. I'm so glad that I decided to read these books. But also so unhappy, because I need another one, and I want it now. How rude. Fingers crossed there will be more books, because this one did not have an ending, and there is still so much that could happen. I need more books so badly.

I don't know what I wish to share about this book yet. I think I enjoyed book one a little bit more, simply because there was a tiny bit more of the small romance in that one, lol. But I really enjoyed this sequel as well, because it was exciting and very mysterious and I adore the characters. Four stars for this one.

Most of this book is from the point of view of Mrs. Watson and Charlotte. And a few others included as well. I felt like there was a lot less of Charlotte, and that made me a little sad, because I want more and more about this beautiful person. She's amazing to read about. And I wish to know everything about her. Livia as well. There was so little of her in this book, aw, but even so, the scenes with Livia were so awesome. She's amazing, and I loved how great she was in this book. I cannot wait to read even more about her and how she is doing. This second book is mostly about a big mystery, involving Charlotte's half brother. Whom is missing. He was involved with Lady Ingram before, the wife of Lord Ingram, the man who is in love with Charlotte. Ahh.

Everything was so complicated in this book. It was difficult at times to understand everything that had happened, and almost impossible to guess at what would happen next. Which was why it was so exciting as well. I loved the mystery of it all. I loved how amazing Charlotte was at figuring things out. She's the best. And I simply loved her even more in this second book. She's so clever and kind and just awesome. But, well, I didn't like that she kept that secret from him for so long. It was a bit rude and heartbreaking.

I just really enjoyed reading this book. I wish there had been more of the romance, and a bit more about all of the characters, but even so, this book was so great. I loved how exciting it all was. I must admit to having peeked at the ending, so I knew a couple of things, but still didn't really get it while reading all of it. Which was awesome. My favorite part of the book was reading about the different characters. Charlotte and Lord Ingram and Livia and Mrs. Watson and her niece. They were fantastically written. Loved them.

Only thing that bothered me about this book was the very much lack of romance. Ahh. I had hoped there would be more in this, instead there was less. Sobs. But this ending made me feel so much more hope about the romance, so I'm pleased with that. Just hate waiting. Hmph. I want Charlotte and Lord Ingram aka Ash to happen to badly. They are perfect together. And them not being together is breaking my heart. I need more. I need kissing. And spending time together. They were apart so much in this book. Sad face.

But I'm dealing with it, lol. Because this book was still amazing, even without the romance. And though there wasn't any physical romance, aw, it is still so obvious that they both love each other and want to be together. Sniffs. But so complicated. I do have hope, though. I am only hoping that when they finally do happen, that there will be a lot of scenes with them together. I need that. His brother is also in this book a lot. And he's proposing to Charlotte for a second time. Hmph. No triangle at all, though. Just complicated.

This time there wasn't much point of view from inspector Treadles. And I didn't really mind that. Ack. I sort of adored this man in book one. But gosh, in this one we truly learned to know him better. And I cannot stand the way he sees the world in some cases. Not okay. I hope he will be better in book three. Fingers crossed. His wife deserves better than who he is at the moment. Hmph. But even so, I did enjoy reading from his view. Because it was always interesting to know what he was doing; who he was interviewing.

I ended up enjoying A Conspiracy in Belgravia a whole lot. The story was pretty mysterious and very exciting at times. The characters were all lovely to read about. And I can't help but adore the time these books take place in. So interesting to learn more about this time, but also heartbreaking, because of all the rules for women. I do not approve of the past in those cases. But anyway. This book was awesome. You must read it. Thank you so much to Berkley Books for letting me read this one early via Netgalley.

Waiting on Wednesday #306

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

From #1 New York Times-bestselling author Marissa Meyer, comes a high-stakes world of adventure, passion, danger, and betrayal.

Secret Identities.
Extraordinary Powers.
She wants vengeance. He wants justice.

The Renegades are a syndicate of prodigies—humans with extraordinary abilities—who emerged from the ruins of a crumbled society and established peace and order where chaos reigned. As champions of justice, they remain a symbol of hope and courage to everyone...except the villains they once overthrew.

Nova has a reason to hate the Renegades, and she is on a mission for vengeance. As she gets closer to her target, she meets Adrian, a Renegade boy who believes in justice—and in Nova. But Nova's allegiance is to a villain who has the power to end them both.

Hardcover, 416 pages
Expected publication: November 7th 2017 by Feiwel & Friends
Pre-Order here and here

Ahhh. Is it time for this precious book yet? :D I'm the biggest fan of Marissa. And DYING to read this new book of hers. Ahhh. It's going to be SO GOOD :D It looks stunning. And sounds so goddamn good. Sigh. I'm going to love this duology to pieces. Cannot wait to fall in love with more Marissa characters. <3
What are you waiting for on this extraordinary Wednesday?

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Review: A Study in Scarlet Women by Sherry Thomas

This book was such a joy to read. I adore Sherry, though I had only read her YA trilogy before this book. I wasn't fully sure that I would enjoy it, as it's not really my kind of genre. But I wanted to give it a try even so. And I'm glad that I did. Because I liked it oh so much. Was such an exciting and stunning story to get to read.

Not sure where to begin. I loved the writing so much. Reading this book was very easy, fast and awesome. And oh, I enjoyed reading about all the characters so much. I wish there had been more point of view from Charlotte, as I loved her most of all, but I liked the other point of views as well, as they were all interesting.

Most of this book is told from the point of view of Charlotte and a police inspector. Charlotte is twenty five years old. She was such an amazing character to read about. Sigh. I loved her so much. She was a huge fan of food, and I loved that the most. She was really smart and brave and just all kinds of awesome. I wish to get to know her even more in book two. I disagreed a bit with her choice in the beginning of the book, aw, but I'll learn to forgive that, I hope, lol. The beginning of the book is from the view of her sister, Livia. She has a few chapters in the book as well, but not much. And oh, I adored this woman a whole bunch too. Loved getting to know her a lot. Just wish she'll get her happy ending. Because she very much deserves it. Crossing my fingers.

My favorite was Charlotte, though. And reading her point of view was the best part. She's doing so many exciting things. And some awful things too, that were a bit heartbreaking at times. But most of the book is just exciting and a bit fun too. I loved how Charlotte made up a person that solves crimes, aka Sherlock Holmes. And I loved how amazing she was at solving crimes too. She was so smart and awesome and I just loved her to pieces. Sigh. I cannot wait to read more about her and her adventures. So very excited.

Though I do feel a little bit bitter about the romance. Because it is full of heartbreak. And oh, I want the romance to happen so badly. But I have a small fear that it may not happen at all. Ahh. But I need it to. Because Lord Ingram was such an amazing person to read about. He's two years older than Charlotte, and they have known each other for so many years. But aw, they are not together for most of this book. So heartbreaking. They seem to be in love with each other. But it's so complicated. My heart is aching.

The book is also told a lot from the point of view of the police inspector, Treadles. I ended up liking this man a whole bunch as well. He seems like a kind person, and sort of a smart man too. I liked his wife an awful lot too. Wish to see more of her. There was so many characters to read about in this book. Treadles spend most of his chapters interviewing people, trying to find a murderer. And I liked that a lot, because it was exciting, and I was curious about all the different people he talked to. I enjoyed it. It was interesting.

This book is about a mystery. Trying to figure out who murdered three people, and why. And it was such a stunning story to read. I loved reading about Charlotte so so much. And Lord Ingram. Sigh. Hope he is in book two a bunch more. I wish to know so much more about him. And more of his past with Charlotte as well. I'm so curious. Anyway. Not sharing much about the story, just that it was pretty exciting and very interesting to read about. I enjoyed reading every part of this story. Even the more boring parts of it, lol.

Only reason for why I'm giving it four stars and not five was because while I loved the book, I was not completely in love with it. Probably because my heart was breaking over the choice that Charlotte made in the beginning of the book. I didn't approve, but understood her reasons for it. But still, broke my heart. And because of the lack of romance. I wanted more. But despite this, I loved the book a lot. And I have hope for the romance, that it will happen. Hopefully. Because I want it more than I can ever describe. Ah.

This book probably shouldn't have been for me, as I'm more of a fantasy reader. But I ended up loving it a lot. Because I am a fan of mysteries, though I have never read or seen Sherlock Holmes before. But I will. One day. And this book was just all kinds of exciting and mysterious. I was never able to figure out who the murderer was. And I loved that. I adored the characters so so much. A Study in Scarlet Women was such an amazing book. Full of mystery and excitement. So glad I read this book. You should do so too.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Review: Warcross by Marie Lu

Been excited to read this book for ages. I have read almost every book by Marie, and I have loved them all. Was a little bit nervous about this one, because I wanted to love it so so much. And oh, I ended up enjoying it so much. Yess. Had a few small issues with it, but nothing big, and mostly this book was perfect.

I found this writing to be flawless. Yesss. It was such a joy to read this book. It's fast and easy to read as well, which I loved lots. And I fell in love with this creative world right away. I'm not sure how I will be able to describe it, so will only mention parts of it. I wish is that this book had been even longer. I needed more.

I don't know what to say about where this book takes place. In an alternative reality, maybe. Not much different from our world. Difference is the virtual reality. The glasses that everyone wears for most of the day, to take part in the games and all the different worlds. It was so exciting to read about. And a bit different. And I loved every moment of it. Not able to describe it well enough, but it's easy enough to understand while reading. And it is so much fun too. I wish we had this kind of virtual reality too. Hmph. How rude. Would have been amazing. I loved that it was possible to do almost anything in this unreal place. I loved how they are hosting a big game called Warcross each year, were young people compete in virtual games. Not sure what they win, though.

There is so much that I enjoyed about this book. The writing, the characters, the world. Everything about the virtual reality. All of it was just very interesting to read about. Eee. This book is told from the point of view of Emika. And oh, I adored this girl to pieces. Some parts of her bothered me a tiny bit, but most of her was perfect to me. She's fierce and badass yet sweet and a bit unsure as well. I loved reading her memories about her father. I loved how awesome she was at hacking. I just adored everything about her.

This book tells the story about how Emika ended up hacking the biggest game in this world. And how now everyone knows about her, even the most known person in this place, Hideo. Emika ends up getting a job offer, and ah, I just loved everything about that. I loved how she fangirled for Hideo. I loved reading about her taking part in Warcross, reading about all the games. I'm unable to describe it any better. And so I will just say that the plot in this book was unique and oh so exciting. Few small faults, but there weren't many.

What I loved the most about this book was the growing relationship between Emika and Hideo. They first meet in an interesting way, after she hacked his game. Then they spend more time together, while slowly getting to know each other. And slowly become friends, then more. Okay, maybe not that slowly, but still. It was so sweet to read about. I ship them like crazy. And they fit together so well. Sigh. Romance was the best part and I want more so badly. The sharing of the past was heartbreaking and sweet. Loved it.

There is a bunch of awesome characters in this book. I loved Hideo and Emika the most, but I also really enjoyed getting to know her teammates. They were interesting to read about, and seemed like they could all be amazing friends for Emika. Ahh, I hope so. And hope there will be more about them all in book two. Then there was the bad guy, aka the villain. A boy named Zero. A hacker that Emika is trying to capture. We don't get to read much about this Zero person at all, just a few glimpses. He did not seem nice. Hmm.

And here is the reason for why I'm not fully loving this book, for why it's a four star. I feel like there will be a love triangle in book two. Nothing at all about it yet. But, yeah. At the ending Emika is unsure what to do next. Once choice could end in a triangle. And god, I hope not. Please don't. Emika and Hideo are perfect together. Please don't ruin that with another boy. Sigh. And, the secret identity of this boy. Would be such a cliche if this ended up a triangle. Hoping it won't happen. Thinking it won't. But I fear that it might. Ahh.

Gosh. I just thought of something. Not a single person died in this book. Which is unusual these days in books that I read, lol. Someone always seems to die. But not in this one. At least, not so far. I hope no one ends up dead. Because this book is most about the virtual reality, and so people don't get hurt in real life. And this book wasn't all that dangerous, and so no deaths. It was pretty nice to not have anyone die. Yay. Just hoping it will continue to stay that way in book two as well, ack. Either way, I enjoyed reading it.

I'm super nervous about book two, for reasons I mentioned, but also dying to read it. I'm hoping it won't be as I fear it will. Either way, though, I'm so excited for the next book. And just wishing it was out already. Hmph. I have high hopes for it, to be honest. The romance in this first book was so stunning, but also too little. And I hope that there will be much more in book two. Yet with this ending, sigh, I'm not sure how that will be. I just, please, please don't make this into a love triangle. I couldn't stand it. But, I'm still so excited.

Huge thank you to the lovely Penguin Random House International for sending me this ARC for review. It's so precious to me. I also cannot wait to get my three different pre-ordered editions of this lovely book. Eee. You should really, really read this book. Simply because Warcross was amazing. Such an exciting and fun book to read. The characters were all amazing, and the world created was so so interesting and awesome. So glad that I read this lovely book. Please let the sequel be even more amazing than this one.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

In My Mailbox #302

This week has been pretty lazy for me. Well, okay, maybe lazy isn't the right word. I have just been exhausted all the time. And body hurts every moment. Because of this I'm a bit behind on some things, and only managed to read one book this week, days ago. Aw. Just haven't got the energy to do anything lately. I wish the medicine would work, like it always has before, for years. But yeah, not working any longer. Sniffs. I hope the blood tests agree, so that they may give me another medicine to try. But until then, my body feels awful. But hoping I'll feel up to reading shortly. I need for my mind to relax a bit too, in another world. Hmph. Anyway. A few blog posts this week. I shared the stunning cover for Obsidio. <3 I shared my review of Odd & True :D And this week I'm waiting on Beyond a Darkened Shore :) Didn't get all that much mail this week, but what I got was all so perfect. Eee. I love it all so so much. <3 I'm going to start Warcross tonight. I hope. I just need to make myself start a book, then hoping I will be well enough to read. Maybe. Will try it tonight. I do have so so many books to read, and my current reading list is very planned. Hope I'll be able to read more very soon :) Well, fingers crossed for that. Want to read so badly.

Percy Jackson. Eee, this coloring book is so gorgeous. I must re-read the first 9 books soon, to catch up.
Warcross. Eee! Thank you PRH International for this precious ARC :D Ahh. Reading it next; so excited.
The Epic Crush of Genie Lo. YAY! Thank you Abrams for this lovely ARC :D Cannot wait to read this.
Simon Thorn. I haven't read book one yet, but I have an ARC of it, and wish to read them all together.
Wonder Woman. Sigh, I love this pop figure. Not the newest version of her, though. Must get that one too.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday #305

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

The ancient land of Éirinn is mired in war. Ciara, Princess of Mide, has never known a time when Éirinn’s kingdoms were not battling for power, or Northmen were not plundering their shores.

The people of Mide have thankfully always been safe because of Ciara’s unearthly ability to control her enemies’ minds and actions. But lately, a mysterious crow has been appearing to Ciara, whispering warnings of an even darker threat. Although her clansmen dismiss her visions as pagan nonsense, Ciara fears this coming evil will destroy not just Éirinn, but the entire world.

Then the crow leads Ciara to Leif, a young Northman leader. Leif should be Ciara’s enemy, but when Ciara discovers that he, too, shares her prophetic visions, she knows he’s something more. Leif is mounting an impressive army, and with Ciara’s strength in battle the two might have a chance to save their world.

With evil rising around them, they’ll do what it takes to defend the land they love…even if it means making the greatest sacrifice of all.

Hardcover, 384 pages
Expected publication: April 10th 2018 by HarperTeen
Pre-Order here and here

This cover is so so beautiful. I love it tons. And so I simply cannot wait to read this book now, hih. I think that the summary sounds pretty exciting too :D But ugh, worried it won't have a happy ending.. sigh. I need a happy ending these days. But yeah, fingers crossed that this book will be an amazing one :D
What are you waiting for on this dark Wednesday?

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Review: Odd & True by Cat Winters

I have been a huge fan of Cat for years now, ever since before her first book came out. She always writes such amazing and stunning books, full of awesome characters. Odd & True was no exception. This book was truly incredible. Like I knew it would be. But yes, I am beyond happy that I loved this book so much.

It ended up breaking my heart, though. Because this story was so good. And the most heartbreaking at times. I'm not sure how I'll find the words to describe how much I enjoyed it all. But will try my best. The writing was so good. And I loved the characters as well. I'm giving this stunning book five stars. As I loved it so.

This book tells the story of two sisters. Odette and Trudchen. Od and Tru. They are both such stunning characters to read about. Sigh. It's also told from both point of views, Tru is present time, and Od in past time. I cannot begin to say how much I enjoyed that. Because the past was just as exciting as the present. This book takes place over a hundred years ago, which I love reading about, but oh, some of the things these girls were ignorant about made my heart hurt like crazy. Some parts of the book made me angry, some parts made me sad. But for the most part I was so happy with how much I enjoyed this story. Because it's truly an amazing book with a stunning story and awesome characters. This book also has monsters in it. Real ones and human ones.

Not going to mention the plot of this book too much, just saying a little bit. It's about two awesome sisters going on a sort of adventure to hunt monsters that they have known about their whole lives. They have always known how to protect themselves from every horrible monster out in the world. And figuring out if these monsters were real or not was all kinds of exciting. And just reading about their adventure was all kinds of fun. And sad too. I only wish that this book wasn't a standalone. I badly need more of them both.

I think my favorite parts of the book was reading about Od's past. Simply because it was so heartbreaking and I was dying to know what would happen next. So many surprises. So much heartbreak. Was simply stunning and so perfect. A lot of her past was when she was almost four, and when she was six years old. And oh, I cannot even tell you how much it broke my heart to read about it all. I wish this precious girl had had a better childhood. Aw. So sad. But written so well that I couldn't help but love it. My poor heart.

Another thing I loved very very much was the sister relationship between Od and Tru. It was stunning to read about. I loved how much they loved each other and cared for each other. Though all of that mostly happened in the past, as in the present, I felt like Od kept way too many secrets from Tru. Hmph. Which wasn't very nice of her and made me a bit upset with her. But I also didn't really blame her, because all of those secrets were horrible and oh so heartbreaking and evil. But still felt that Od deserved to know it all.

I simply adored these two girls so much. What I loved most about Tru was that she had a broken leg, yet she was still so fierce and loving and trying her best to live her life the way she wanted to. I wanted all the best for her. Sniffs. And wishing there had been focus on her upcoming romance. How rude. But despite no romance, I still loved her to pieces and enjoyed reading about her so much. She was so brave and so full of love. I couldn't help but adore her. But yeah, I do sort of wish the romance had been in focus too.

And oh, Od. I cannot write too much about this girl. I simply can't. I'm not sure if I loved her or Tru more. But I do know that I loved them both like crazy. And getting to know Od was the best thing. But also the worst. Because getting her chapters broke my heart each time. More awful things got revealed, and it was so sad. Yet some good parts too, of course. I hated Cy, though. Like crazy. Awful boy. Hmph. Could not decide if I loved or hated Uncle Magnus. Think I did both. But oh, I loved Od an awful lot. So much.

There is so much happening in this book. About both sisters, together or not. Though they are together all the time in the present, they weren't always in the past. And oh, reading about their family life killed me a little. So sad, yet so interesting and exciting. I loved reading about all of it. So so many exciting moments. I'm having trouble thinking of anything to write, simply because I enjoyed this book so much. Sigh. And so I won't write much more, just that you really need to read this book. It is so good. But also very evil. Ahh.

Thank you so much to the lovely UK publisher for sending me this ARC to read and review. So happy to have my collection of books by Cat complete too, eee. And cannot wait to get my two pre-orders of this lovely hardcover as well. It's going to be so stunning. If you haven't pre-ordered this yet, then you really must. Because Odd & True was all kinds of perfection. It was everything I wanted it to be. Odd & True was full of mystery and monsters. Heartbreaking moments and a stunning sister relationship. Loved it so.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Cover Reveal: Obsidio by Jay Kristoff & Amie Kaufman

Eee, I am SO excited about this book! It's going to be so good. Sigh. And I simply cannot wait to read it. I loved Illuminae and Gemina so, so much. And I'm dying to know how it all ends. Eee. I need to read more about all these lovely characters. Sigh. And get to know even more new ones too. Ahh. If my heart can handle all of it. Just wishing it was March 13th already. Hmph. Time is moving way too slow. I need this book noooow. But anyway. The cover for Obsidio is stuuunning. Ahh. I love it so so so much :D Pretty. And very matching with the other two. I cannot wait to own all editions of this beauty. Just, please don't kill any of the main characters. Hmph. That would not be okay. But still, I simply can't wait for this book.

Kady, Ezra, Hanna, and Nik narrowly escaped with their lives from the attacks on Heimdall station and now find themselves crammed with 2,000 refugees on the container ship, Mao. With the jump station destroyed and their resources scarce, the only option is to return to Kerenza—but who knows what they'll find seven months after the invasion?

Meanwhile, Kady's cousin, Asha, survived the initial BeiTech assault and has joined Kerenza's ragtag underground resistance. When Rhys—an old flame from Asha's past—reappears on Kerenza, the two find themselves on opposite sides of the conflict.

With time running out, a final battle will be waged on land and in space, heros will fall, and hearts will be broken.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

In My Mailbox #301

I don't know what to feel about this week. I got my usual monthly medicine, but like the last time, I'm not feeling better at all. They are pretty sure I have stopped having effect with this type of the medicine. Have taken more blood, and if so, I have to change to something new again. Sigh. But yeah, I'm feeling awful, because medicine not working, and I'm not getting well at all. Ugh. Only plus side is that the wound I got three weeks ago is healing more and more and no pain from that. So yay. What is good about my life currently, though, is that I get to take my spa bath for a couple of hours every day again. So so happy about it. It's the best. Yess. Bathing in hot water is the best for me, lol. This week I managed to read two books. Took me ages, but they were hard to read. My re-read was the best, but the sequel was not. Aw. Oh, well. Have tons more books to read :D So excited. Just need to spend a couple of days catching up first. A little bit behind on things. My photo below ended up really dark; not sure why. It wasn't dark inside. Hmph. How rude. Blogged a little bit this week. I shared my Book Recommendation of Nevernight. <3 This week I'm waiting on The Defiant :) Then I shared my review of Godsgrave. <'3 Aw. Also didn't get a lot of mail this week, but that's okay. The one book I did get was the best. Eee. Reading Odd & True next :D So excited. And got two stunning eARCs. So so excited. Lots of amazing books to read soon. Yesss. Despite my health issues, I did have a good week. Hoping to be able to read lots. Have so many books :)

Odd & True. Eee! Thank you so much lovely UK publisher for this beauty. <3 Reading it next. Yesss.
The Lost City of Z. Eee. Newest Robert Pattinson movie :D I'm pretty excited about this one. Be good.
Maui Dorbz. He looks gorgeous, except his hook arrived broken. Ahh. Getting a new one, thankfully. Yay.
Harry Potter Film Cell. Was a free gift from Zavvi while ordering pop figures. It looks pretty awesome.

Unearthed. + Rosemarked. Thank you so much Cassie for letting me read these early via NetGalley :D Eee. I'm so so happy. <3 Sniffs. DYING to read them both :D Ahh. Just have a few books I have to read first, then reading these two. And gosh, I'm the most excited. Hoping to love them so so much :) Yess.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Friday, August 11, 2017

Review: Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff

For more than a year I had been dying to read this book. Then I learned some spoilers that I did not approve of, and I wasn't all that excited anymore. But I knew I would still read this, because I adore Jay, and I loved Nevernight oh so much. But I was worried. So worried. With good reason. Sigh. Have many thoughts about it.

I don't know where I shall start. I don't know what I will write about this book. I just know that I think there will be a lot. And I know that I'll be very honest about how I feel about certain things. Aw. Have decided to give this book three stars. I did enjoy some parts of it, but I didn't love any of it. Which was so depressing, to be honest.

I'm such a huge fan of book one, Nevernight. I loved it even more when I just read it for the second time. I loved it because of how amazing Mia was, how gentle yet fierce. And I loved it because of Tric. He made everything better. He made Mia a better person too. And he made things fun as well. I loved him oh so much. And I loved beyond words reading about him and Mia slowly falling for each other. But then that was ripped away. That ending of book one still kills me. And I think that is a big reason for why I knew I wouldn't enjoy this sequel. I mean, that very last page is awesome, but that was only the last page. Hmph. And not having Tric in this book, well, it made me not like it as much. Mia was changed. More than a year had passed. Just, depressing. Sigh.

But even without Tric, I did think that maybe I would still like the story, and like Mia. But sadly I had so many issues with all of it. I don't know where to begin. Like Nevernight, this book is so long. But unlike Nevernight, I didn't want this book to never end. Instead I wanted it all to be over with. Aw. Which is the worst feeling to have. But I couldn't help it. Everything felt weird, compared to Nevernight. First that it takes place so many months later. And so I never got to read about Mia grieving for Tric, if she did that.

And so many other things not to know. The book starts with a smut scene. Which I normally like, but this one I didn't like at all. Sigh. I just felt nothing from it. Maybe because I was missing Tric, and not wanting Mia with anyone else. Or just felt like the writing was different. I don't know. Just didn't enjoy it. And it sadly didn't get better from there. Aw. Because just about all of this book takes place inside a prison for Mia, sort of. She sells herself to a gladiator sort of place, as a slave. Almost every moment is about that.

And while it was interesting to read about, and I grew to care for some of the characters a lot, it grew to be boring too. I wanted so much more. There were tons of plot things and shadow things that could have been focused on, instead all of it is getting showed over to book three. I hate waiting. Felt like more of it could have happened in this book too. Sigh. So rude. But even so, it was exciting at times to read about this new place Mia ended up at. Such horrible people. And learning more about the horrible law and such.

Most of this book was just heartbreaking, to be honest. There is a lot of death. So so much murder and blood. I enjoyed it, somewhat, but some of it felt a bit too much too. Bitter about a death that happened early in the book. So wasted. There is a lot of fighting and learning to fight like a gladiator. Mia did way too much cheating, tbh. Well, if she hadn't, she would be dead. But still. And oh, all the characters. I hated and liked Leona. She was interesting at least. Arkades was sort of interesting too, but not much.

Then there was that Furian person. He was another darkin, like Mia. And she spent all the book being hungry and full of lust around him. Always. And that last part just made no sense and it bothered me so much. Sigh. The rest of the shadow stuff was so interesting to read about and I wanted more so badly. But her wanting to fuck that man at all times? No. Made zero sense. Like her want to fuck Adonai as well. That was just weird. But nothing happened with either of them, though, so I'm thankful for that at least.

But ah. Then there was the biggest reason for why I hated parts of this book. Ashlinn. She is in it a whole lot. This girl murdered Tric. Hurt Mia. Murdered many others. I hate her like I hate no other. But oh, Mia is quick to forgive her. Even quicker to fall for her. Which made no bloody sense at all. I'm so angry about it. She seemed to forgive her after she told the truth about one thing. Felt pity for her when she heard her father was dead. Just, I'm so angry. I hate this girl. I hate Mia for not hating her. So disappointed in her.

Sorry for the spoilers. Shrugs. But I couldn't not mention this one part. Because I can't stand it. I can't stand it at all. Mia and Ashlinn grows so close. Not once did I witness them talking together or spending time together or Mia forgiving her for real. Or talking to her about Tric, hating her for it. It did not happen. None of it. Their whole relationship screams false to me. Yet it's supposed to be love, or whatever. I'm so fucking angry and hurt about it. Never forgive. Never ever forget. I will never ever forgive these parts of it.

Gosh, I've already written more than I was supposed to about this book. And yet not nearly written down all of my thoughts. Sigh. I just feel really hurt by this book. Because Mia and Tric was the reason for why I loved Nevernight. She barely even think his name in this sequel. I feel so betrayed. Because she so very obviously loved him in Nevernight. And she knew he loved her too. Yet now she's pretending she's never felt like she feels with someone else. And gah. I'm angry. Anyway. Enjoyed some of the plot. Most times.

I am glad that I read Godsgrave. I'm just really sad that it was disappointing, like I thought it would be. I'm happy that I didn't hate it. Three stars is still good. Just, no love. I love the world, no doubt about that. I love Mister Kindly and Eclipse. Sort of love Mia, at times. But parts of the plot I hated so much. But still. I'm dying for book three. More than I can say. I fear it won't end like I want it to, sigh, but still dying for it. I need to know everything that happens. But oh, I must say that I won't re-read Godsgrave anytime soon.

Despite this, I'm still getting every edition of this book, like I did with Nevernight. And I feel happy about this. Because I still have that hope that book three will be everything I want it to be. Okay, fine, I don't think it will be what I want. Sigh. But my broken heart still hope. Oh, well. I'm prepared to be shattered. Godsgrave was exciting at times, but overall disappointing to me. Still, huge fan of Jay, and I did enjoy it some. Others will love it. Hmph. Thank you so much Harper Voyager for the ARC of this gorgeous book.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday #304

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Gladiator Fallon and her warrior sisters must face off against a rival gladiator academy in this lush sequel to the highly anticipated historical fantasy The Valiant.

They call her "Victrix" now. Victory.

But winning the highest honor ever bestowed upon a gladiatrix in Rome has earned Fallon more deadly enemies outside the arena than she ever faced within it. And it is those dearest to Fallon who will pay the price for her success.

Now, Fallon and her warrior sisters are thrust into a vicious conflict with a rival gladiator academy, one that will threaten not only Fallon's heart - and her love for Roman soldier Cai - but the very heart of the Roman Empire.

Hardcover, 336 pages
Expected publication: February 13th 2018 by Razorbill
Pre-Order here and here

I wasn't in love with book one, The Valiant, but I'm still curious about this sequel :D And oh my gosh, that cover. Dying. It's awesome and fierce and beautiful. Love the colors too. Cannot wait to own a copy of this stunning thing. Hoping that I might enjoy the plot too. Fingers crossed. I'm curious about it, yes :)
What are you waiting for on this fighting Wednesday?

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Book Recommendation: Nevernight by Jay Kristoff

I have been wanting to read this book again for so long. And now I finally felt brave enough to do so, lol. Nevernight is such an amazing book. And I have no idea how I will be able to describe the reasons for why I love it so. But I shall try my best. This second read was amazing. Probably even better than the first time I read it, in April last year. I've just been a little bit nervous about reading it again, since I know what will happen in book two. Hmph. And I am not very pleased. But even so, this first book is still perfection.

Though I don't think I will ever forgive this ending. And the person that ends up dead. Okay, so many ends up dead, but I only cared about one. And I'm not happy about it. At all. And the person who did the killing, well. I'm never forgetting. Never forgiving. Despite the fact that I know others are clearly forgiving this person for the murder. Hmph. I'm not pleased. And never ever forgiving. But still. I do think and hope that I will enjoy Godsgrave. For the plot. And the murders. And Mia, most of the time. Fingers crossed.

Okay. Enough about that. I loved Nevernight oh so much. The writing is amazing. And the characters are all stunning to read about. I loved getting to know them all. And I loved paying better attention to details this second time, when I knew everything that would happened. I noticed a lot more. About Mia's family. And some things about the plot too. I simply can't wait to know what happens next. Though, I must admit, that I'm a bit heartbroken that a person won't be in the sequel. Sigh. I wanted that person there. Sad face.

I think the biggest reason for why I love this is not because of how dark and bloody it is, but because of how it isn't. Well, it's a lot of dark and awful, but it's not all that. I would say that a lot of this book is about Mia and Tric falling slowly in love. Though it doesn't focus on it often, but when they are together, it is so clear. And it's breaking my heart into a million pieces. What I loved about Mia in this book is that she isn't all about revenge and killing. She also has a soft and gentle heart inside of her. But I loved all her sides.

I'm not going to mention that much about this book. Just that it's amazing. And that I loved every moment of it, except for that one murder. So rude. Okay, I got my heart broken over a lot of murders, but still. One hurt more than others. Hmph. Anyway. The story is simply incredible. I seriously loved reading about Mia and learning her past and her present. Getting to know what happened to her and her family in the past broke my heart so so much. And I loved it to pieces. Mia was such an amazing character to get to know.

This book is about young people who are learning to become killers. By studying and doing lots of awful things. It was all so so interesting to read about. And I loved that Mia made some friends too. I did like Ashlinn at first. As her friend. But near the ending, that feeling changed fully. And I loved Naev so very much. She was amazing to read about. There was just a bunch of characters in this book. All interesting and exciting to get to know. The mean girl was awful. Yet loved her scenes even so. Loved all the scenes.

Then there was Tric. Sigh. The person I loved the most in the whole book. Especially when reading it again. He was simply incredible. He has such a soft heart and is full of love. Yet he's brutal too, and he's a killer like them all. Yet so awesome. Sigh. I loved reading about him and Mia meeting for the first time, and him falling in love with her right away. And her liking him right away too. And them becoming friends were just awesome to read about. Didn't like all the time they spent apart, though. Wasted moments. Aw.

But oh, how I loved this boy. He was everything. And when he and Mia became more than friends, eee. It was awesome. And a lot of smut too. I loved it so so much. And I ship these two beyond words. And I'm beyond heartbroken over that ending. Sigh. Never forgetting. A bit upset about the fact that Mia didn't make things better before that ending. Think that will haunt me for ages. Hmph. But anyway. I loved Tric so so much. And I want more of him. So badly. Do not want Mia with anyone else. At all. My poor heart.

Totally forgot to mention my favorite scene of the book. There is this awful whipping scene. Heartbreaking and painful, yes, but it's so good to read. Because it happens to Mia and Tric, and they are both trying to save the other. Tric because he so obviously loves her. Mia trying to pretend that she doesn't love him. But she does. She so clearly do. And this scene just broke my heart, because I feel that they cared so much for each other. And oh, learning about the Tric's past. Broke my heart the very most. So so good.

Okay. I'm not going to say much more now. Just needed to write a little bit about how I loved this book. Sigh. It's perfection. Yet so heartbreaking and rude. This book is dark and brutal and bloody and full of murder. Yet Mia isn't a dark person. She's sweet yet fierce yet brutal. She's amazing. And this story is incredible. Didn't mention much of it at all, but it's so good. I love Mister Kindly. And everything else too. Nevernight is perfection. And so worth reading. Read it now, if you haven't done so already. It's worth it.

Tension crackling between them, curling the edge of her lips. She could feel it thrumming in her fingertips. Pulsing beneath her skin. Desire. Her for him. Him for her. Nothing and no one between.