
Saturday, August 26, 2017

In My Mailbox #303

I have read four books this week. Yesss. Just suddenly felt like reading :D Yay. Hoping it will continue. Other than that I have done a bit of catching up too, and ordered some awesome things, and just mostly had a good week. Yay. Health still sucks, of course, but nothing new there. Sigh. Hoping they will come up with a new medicine for me in September. Fingers crossed. I got a little bit of stunning mail this week :D Love it all so much. <3 This week I posted a bunch. Well, okay, a bunch of reviews, lol. So this week I have written a whole bunch. Ahh. I first shared my review of Warcross. <3 Then my review of A Study in Scarlet Women :D And this week I'm waiting on Renegades. <3 Then I shared my review of A Conspiracy in Belgravia :) Then my review of The Epic Crush of Genie Lo. Aw. I'm glad that I managed to read a lot :) Just hoping I will continue to do so. Worried now, as the book I finished today was so so bad. Hmph. But yeah, I have tons of books to read next :D So excited. Still doing spa baths every day; love it the most.

John Green Box Set. Eee! Thank you PRH International :D Excited to take part in something awesome.
Fast & Furious 8. I adored this movie a whole bunch. Love them all. Cannot wait to re-watch this one :)
Pop Figures. New Maui since last one was damaged :D The Nazgul looks so awesome. Ahh. Love them.
The Hobbit. Gosh. I finally bought myself a letter opener, not to be used for that, haha. It's GORGEOUS.
Before She Ignites. Eee! Thank you Jodi for this stunning pre-order swag :D It all looks so so gorgeous.

The Final Six + Heart of Iron + Everless + Devils Unto Dust. I simply could not resist getting all of these from HarperTeen via Edelweiss :D Eee. Crossing all my fingers that I will end up loving all of these books. Was a bit unsure from peeking at the ending of some of them, but hoping they will be awesome even so.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Yeah! Glad you have been doing so much reading lately and that most of the books were so good. You got some really great things in your mailbox this week. Must be so fun getting your mail. :)

    Happy reading!

  2. YAY for reading a lot! I need to read Warcross soon - I can't believe it's almost September already. OMG you must show me where you got that dagger/letter opener! Which reminds me, I need to send you links for those foreign copies I bought. Please keep reminding me, it just slips my mind!

    I hope you enjoy all of your new books! Have a wonderful week, Carina. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  3. Glad to hear you're enjoying your spa baths, Carina! :)

    I read a book by Alexandra Monir a while back and wasn't impressed. Hope her new venture is good.


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