
Sunday, July 30, 2017

Preview Review: The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang

This stunning book sadly isn't out until February, and so today I'm only sharing a few of my thoughts about it with you guys. My full review will be posted closer to the release date, around January, I think. I have written it down, so it's ready to go. But yeah. I couldn't resist writing a smaller preview review as well.

Just to let you know that you guys need to pre-order this one. Or request it via Netgalley too. Because this graphic novel was adorable. And a bit heartbreaking. I'm giving it four stars, for a few reasons, more about that in my full review. But oh, I liked this book so much. I'm thrilled that I got to read it early.

I'm going to be buying the finished hardcover and paperback edition of this one. Simply can't resist owning all the versions of it. Only feel sad that this book wasn't longer. I wanted more about all the characters. Not going to say much more than that about the plot and such, lol. There is a prince. And there is a dressmaker. And reading their story was all kinds of incredible. I really think you should get this book. The artwork inside is in full color and it's so beautiful. I loved every page. So much. I cannot wait to see the final version as well; though this eARC felt pretty final too. So gorgeous. Huge thank you to First Second for the approval to read this one via Netgalley. I loved it lots. My full review will be up closer to the release; in the mean time, go pre-order this stunning thing. The Prince and the Dressmaker is a book worth reading. Amazing story.


  1. This looks so cute! I will definitely have to look more into it. I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

    Thanks for sharing,
    Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

  2. Glad to hear you loved it so much you want many versions! Looking forward to your official review, Carina! :)

  3. Aww.. <3 I'll be on the lookout for your review come next year. :) This one sounds adorable!

    Cass @ Words on Paper

  4. I love graphic novels and this one sounds great. Thanks for the recommendation. I look forward to checking out your full review when it is closer to the release date. :)


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