
Saturday, July 29, 2017

In My Mailbox #299

Haven't had such an awesome week. Been healing all week, and haven't been able to use my spa bath at all. So sad about it. Sniffs. I love my spa bath. And I want to bathe again. Hmph. Soon, I hope. The healing part has been going slow so far. In a lot of pain each day, for reasons. I just hate this surgery wound. Hmph. Should be healed shortly, but I sort of doubt it, because my body never heals like it should. Hate that. Anyway. Not feeling the best, as I'm in pain all the time almost. But trying to stay positive about other things, though :) Got a bit of gorgeous mail this week. <3 Love it. Yay. Again I read two books this week. And it was two books that I did not like much at all. Uuugh. Might be a bit busy this coming week, so won't have much time to read. Ahh. But I do have a lot of books that I must read shortly. Like, re-read Nevernight. Then read Godsgrave.. oh. I don't want to :\ But I must. How rude. Anyway. A few blog posts this week :) Posted my review of A Shadow Bright and Burning. This week I'm waiting on Odd & True. <3 Then I posted my review of A Poison Dark and Drowning. Sigh. Was so disappointing. Aw. Have read tons of bad books this year. And I'm so goddamn tired of it. Hmph. Need more amazing books. I'm a bit behind on commenting, only about a week or so, though, as I haven't done any since my surgery. But commenting today, so will get it done, hopefully :) Just, yeah. Pretty exhausted these days. And I'm so goddamn tired of always having a wound that needs to heal. Sigh. This one shouldn't take that long, though. But still. Pain. Always pain. So tired of it. I hate being sick for life. So rude. Plus side, got some great news about money and such this week, and I'm happy about that. Just wish I had more room too.

Vanguard. Pretty excited about this one :D Loved the original trilogy, ages ago. Hope to love this one too.
Bean Stalker and other Hilarious Scarytales. Didn't love this one, aw, but it was too cute not to buy, haha.
White Space + A Legend of Starfire. Eee, thank you Jackie for sending me these ARCs :D I love them.
The Bronze Key. Pretty paperback edition. <3 Still need to read this third book, though. Ahh. Soonish :D
Lyra's Oxford. The first one I got was broken, aw, but they sent me a new copy :D Yay. It looks perfect.
Figures. Eee, Wonder Woman :D She's so awesome. And new Belle pop. And a couple of Dorbz. And a tiny spider man pint size hero; only one I have been able to find online. How rude. Want more of that kind.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Awesome haul. I like the figurines as well. Hope you love all of them.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. Carina, hope you continue to heal up nicely. I know it's such a long and painful and arduous process, but it'll get better! :) I really like that Bean Stalker cover, it's really eye-catching! Looks like you got some interesting books this week, haven't really heard much or seen them before! Also, I love those figurines! <3 I don't really buy them because I can't spare the space or justify the cost, but they're so cute. :)

  3. I am obnoxiously behind on commenting so don't even worry about it, for anyone! I need to check out your review of A Poison Dark and Drowning. I hope you feel a little better this week!

    Hugs to you, Carina. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. It's good to keep a positive attitude in spite of your health issues, Carina. Hope you feel better soon! The lupines are beautiful! :)

  5. All of the books you got look great. I hope you love them!

    Sorry to hear about the pain and the wound that is healing. I hope it heals fast! I know it is hard to stay positive when you are in pain, but you are doing a good job. Sending hugs!


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