
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday #30

Top Ten 2016 Releases I Meant To Read
But Didn't Get To (But TOTALLY plan to)

1. The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater.
I don't even really know why I haven't read this book yet. I mean, I loved the first three books oh so much. And I have been dying for this one for so long. But first I must re-read the first books. I'm a little nervous. I'm reading it soon.

2. A World Without You by Beth Revis.
I know that I will love this book. I just know it. Because I adore Beth. And this looks and sounds fully amazing. But I also know that it will break my heart. Which is the reason for why I haven't read it yet. Ack. I just need to be brave.

3. The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi.
Just about everyone have read and loved this book already. Ack. I don't even know why I haven't read it yet. I just haven't had the time for it. I do think I will love this one, though. Because it looks and sounds amazing. Let me love it.

4. A Study in Scarlet Women by Sherry Thomas.
I adore this author so much. Yet I have only read her YA books so far. Which is why I'm excited to try this new adult of hers. It sounds so amazing. I do think I will enjoy it a lot. I'm just nervous since it isn't usual for me. I will read it soon.

5. The Scourge by Jennifer A. Nielsen.
This one sounds all kinds of amazing. And I love that cover too. And I adore this author. I have wanted to read this one for a while now. I'm just really slow in starting it, lol. I do know that I will love it for sure. It sounds so interesting.

6. The Passion of Dolssa by Julie Berry.
I'm unsure why I haven't had the chance to read this book yet. I'm pretty sure that I will love this. This book sounds so different and special and I'm super excited about it. I just got a little nervous when I peeked at the ending, lol.

7. Tell the Truth, Shame the Devil by Melina Marchetta.
I adore this author oh so much. I have loved all the books I have read by her so far. And I cannot wait to read more by her. The only reason why I haven't read this book yet is because it is adult. But I think I will love it even so. I'm excited.

8. Never Ever by Sara Saedi.
This book looks so gorgeous. I must admit I ordered it because of that cover. And because I adore Peter Pan. But gosh. The book arrived, and I peeked at the ending. Which made me not read this book then. But I will read it. One day.

9. Let the Wind Rise by Shannon Messenger.
Gosh, how I adore this author. I haven't read all of her books just yet, but those I have read I have loved. I adored the first and second book in this series. I must admit, I haven't read this yet because of the long wait. Ahh.

10. United by Melissa Landers.
I must get this book read soon. I really must. Because I simply adored the first and the second book. This third one is going to be even more awesome and have even more romance and I know I will love it. Ack. Just have to start it.

I couldn't resist taking part in this topic this week. There are so many books that I have been meaning to read, yet still haven't picked up. Ack. I do own all of these, and hoping to read all of them really soon :D These are the more recent books that I haven't read yet. I still have more than 400+ unread books, hah. Getting to them all one day :) Have you read any of these books yet? What did you think about them?

Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme held by The Broke and the Bookish :)


  1. I'm more than ashamed of myself for not reading Tell the Truth last year. *sobs* I'm a bad MElina Marchetta fan.

  2. The Star-Touched Queen almost made my list, not everyone has read it yet! Good luck reading all of these!

    Here's my TTT:

  3. Great list! I hope you get to all of these in 2017!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  4. I really enjoyed The Raven King, I hope you do too!
    My TTT:

  5. ACK, I really wanted to read Passion of Dolssa and The Scourge! The only one I read on your list was Star Touched Queen!

  6. A World Without You is one I have been meaning to read as well but missed out on. I would read anything Beth Revis writes actually <3


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