
Saturday, January 7, 2017

In My Mailbox #271

Well. This week haven't been the best. I read the most awful book, and just waiting for it to leave my head :) Health isn't doing all that good, but it's not the worst either. This week we had a few days with over -20c outside, which was all kinds of cold. Shudders. Thankfully, the cold is all gone :) This week I managed to read two books, happy about that. But none of them were awesome. My next two reads will be re-reads, though, and I'm thrilled about that :D I will love those. And the third book I will read too. I'm so excited. I ended up blogging a bit more this week :) Yay. I shared my Best Books of 2016 post. <3 Then posted a review of Long May She Reign :) This week I'm waiting on Vanguard. <3 Then I posted my review of Allegedly. Ugh. I'm finally starting to catch up to comments; been commenting a bunch these past few days :) I shall finish it within a week, I hope. About 350 posts left to comment on. Ack. I shall do this :)

Zootopia + Moana + Trolls + Frozen. Eee! I love all of these movies+books, lol :D They are the cutest.
Vacation Movies. I have only seen two of these, so excited to watch the other two as well. They are fun.
Starflight. Yay for gorgeous paperback edition being out :D Wish it wasn't a bit damaged, though. Aw.
The Wish Granter + Allegedly. Eee! Thank you so, so much HarperCollins International for these two stunning looking ARCs :D So happy with them both. <3 Though I didn't like Allegedly at all, I am glad that I got the chance to try it. Hoping to find someone else to send it to :) Let me know if you wish to trade.


Shadow Run. I'm excited about reading this one :D I just hope that it will be amazing, and that the writing and romance will be good. Fingers crossed. Thank you so much to the publisher for accepting my Netgalley request for it :) Have any of you read this one yet? Or planning on reading it? I'm curious.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. If you are looking for someone else to send Allegedly to, like you said you are, I am interested in that book, and think I would like it, and I would love to read and review it.

  2. The Wish Granter looks good!

    I hope you'll enjoy your reads this week, C.

    Happy reading!

  3. Yay for Wish Granter! :D Though I'm still sad they never made ARCs with the cover art. It's so pretty. I never did read Starflight. Ugh, so many books get by me lol. Enjoy all the new lovely book, Carina!

  4. Lovely fireworks! Purple is my favorite color. :D I am hoping to read The Wish Granter very soon - Redwine's books are so good. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a lovely week, Carina. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  5. Sorry to hear that you week haven't been all that, I hope this one is a lot better. Enjoy your new books and movies :)

  6. Awesome haul! Hope you love all the books, and I'm curious about The Wish Granter :)

    Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles


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