
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday #29

Top Ten Books I'm Looking Forward
To For The First Half Of 2017

1. Shadows of the Lost Sun by Carrie Ryan and John Parke Davis.
I'm the most excited about reading this one. And it's out in just under a month. Eee. I simply cannot wait for it. It's probably going to break my heart, like the first two. But also be the most amazing. I'm so excited. I adore Fin and Marrill.

2. Wires and Nerve by Marissa Meyer.
I simply cannot wait for this precious book. Graphic novel. Eee. It's going to be so good. I adore Iko. And I love that the other characters will be included too. Sigh. I adore this world. I cannot wait for this story. I will love it so much.

3. Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth.
Oh, I cannot wait to read this book. It looks awesome. And it sounds so good. And I want it so badly. Sigh. I think and hope that I'm going to love this book oh so much. Crossing my fingers that it will be amazing. I'm so excited to read it.

4. The Burning World by Isaac Marion.
Please let this one end happily for my couple. Pretty please. It has been ages since I read Warm Bodies, but I adored it. And I liked the movie too. And gosh, I'm excited about this sequel. Please let it be amazing. So curious about this.

5. Spectacle by Rachel Vincent.
So excited and nervous about this one. I loved book one oh so much. Menagerie was amazing and heartbreaking. I think this sequel will be even more heartbreaking. I'm just hoping for romance. Which won't happen. Ahh.

6. Traitor to the Throne by Alwyn Hamilton.
I adored book one. And I'm super excited about this sequel. I think it will be so amazing. And it's going to be so long too. Ahh. I cannot wait to read and love it. Also happy, because author said there is no love triangle between main couple.

7. Starfall by Melissa Landers.
Eee, I'm a bit nervous about this one, as I didn't fully love these two characters in book one, yet I adored the plot. And writing. And world. And so I'm still so excited about this one. I'm hoping to fall in love with them both. I'm so curious.

8. Pyromantic by Lish McBride.
I'm worried. I want my ship to work out so badly. Yet I fear it will not. I fear a heartbreaking triangle. Ahh. Gosh, I hope not. I hope that this book will be amazing. And fun. I think it will be. I'm just worried, lol. Crossing my fingers.

9. Wayfarer by Alexandra Bracken.
While I didn't totally love book one, I found it to be all kinds of interesting. And I loved the world. And so I'm so excited about this sequel. I think it will end up being pretty awesome. And I hope and think that I will love it. Can't wait to see.

10. A Conjuring of Light by V. E. Schwab.
I can't help but share this one too. Yes, I haven't read book two yet, but I'm going to. The moment before this book releases. And oh gosh, I'm so excited. I need to know how it ends. I need more of the romance. Ahhh. I cannot wait.

Already been months since I last did a post like this. Gosh. I just haven't felt like doing the topics lately, lol, and I haven't had the energy either. I still don't. But today I really wanted to take part and share about the books I'm excited about reading very soon :D Eee. Also. I have already read a few books coming out early next year, and loved those, so not included those that I have already read :) But so excited to own them, haha. I'm super excited about reading these ten books. Though there are also a whole bunch of other books I'm excited about. But just sharing about these now :D Which books are you excited about?

Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme held by The Broke and the Bookish :)


  1. Hi, I´m also looking forward to red Wayfarer.
    Here is My Top 10 Tuesday

  2. I'm excited about a bunch of these too! I've got Traitor and Wayfarer, and I think I'll be reading them soon. I was surprised by how much I liked Carve the Mark--personally, I liked it better than Divergent. Ooh, Starfall! I'm so excited! NEED. :D Wonderful post, Carina!

  3. Oh this is a great list, Carina! I'm excited for Wires and Nerve---normally I don't go for graphic novels, but it will be excited to see the Lunar Chron world brought to visual life!! It's the same reason I'm looking forward to the coloring book! :D I'm reading Wayfarer soon and I can't wait and I'm sure I won't be able to resist Traitor too much longer either! I hope you end up loving all of these books in the new year!!


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