
Saturday, December 10, 2016

In My Mailbox #267

This week have been sort of okay. My joints are feeling better at least, so yay :) Medicine is mostly working atm, so I'm happy about that. But something is wrong with my mouth. Ugh. Swollen and red and my tongue hurts all the time. Don't know what it is yet, but going to the doctor if it isn't better on Monday. Hoping it goes away before then. So annoying. Anyway. I did get some gorgeous mail this week, though :D I'm happy about all of it. <3 And even more happy, because early next week my box of 6 ARCs from a lovely person will be arriving. <3 Eee. Cannot wait to share about them all :D So many. So special. So gorgeous. I'm the most excited. Also excited because my Disney package finally arrived, lol, and I got to order the limited edition Moana doll this week too. I cannot wait to get her. She's gorgeous. This week I went to the cinema to see A Monster Calls, and ohh, it was pretty amazing. And sad. I remember loving the book a few years back. You should all watch this movie. Sigh. I'm still behind on just about everything, sigh, but hoping to find the energy and time to comment this weekend. Fingers crossed. I did read one book this week :D I'm happy with that. Hoping to read more these next days. I must also admit that I have seen Moana :D Eee! It was so, so perfect. But it still isn't in cinemas here until February. So I watched it in crappy quality on my laptop.. ack. But still perfect. Hoping to be able to watch it in a cinema when I go to Chicago, first week of February :) If it's still there then. Fingers crossed. Anyway. I just spend my days sitting still. Mostly. And playing Pokemon Go, when we drive somewhere, and also listening to the Moana music all the time. I can't help it :) I only blogged twice this week. Aw. This week I'm waiting on Strange the Dreamer :) And I shared my review of The Perfect Stranger. <3 Eee! I got it via Netgalley this week, and I read it right away, and I loved it :D So happy. Anyway. I mostly had a good week :) Lovely mail too.

The Lunar Chronicles Coloring Book. Yay! My gorgeous copies have arrived :D And they are perfect.
Zootopia. There was two different versions of this one, and so I had to get them both :D Building it soon.
Heartless. Finally got my two international paperback versions of this perfect book :D Yay. So gorgeous.
Their Fractured Light. Eee, paperback edition :D My collection is finally complete. <3 It is so, so stunning.
Gemina Notebook. Another notebook bought from Evie via Society6 :D It is just stunning. I love it lots. <3
Movies. I couldn't help it. Black Friday sale. I got a bunch, lol. Have seen and loved most of these; yay :)
Bookmarks. Eee! More from Happy Hello :D I'm so happy with them all. Iko. Studio Ghibli. My precious.

Disney Store. Sometimes I simply can't help myself, and then I order from Disney Store Sweden. Ahh. I was supposed to only get the Moana Tsum-Tsum plushes, lol, but then I saw the other stuff that I needed. Ack. Will be sharing better picture of the plushes on my instagram tomorrow :) Anyway. I got Lilo + Merida as those were the last of the little dolls box sets I were missing. Gorgeous. And two Rapunzel ornament things. I own a bunch of her, lol. And lots of Finding Dory figures. So so cute. I simply love it all. Perfect.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. I feel like it's been a long time since I've visited your IMM post! Awesome haul and I'm looking forward to seeing that box of ARCs you're expecting. :)

    Enjoy, and be well, C. <3

  2. Ah, sweeties, I'm so glad to hear your feeling a bit better. The mouth thing is probably a side effect of the medication, huh? That's what sucks---when you have to take a med to feel better, but then have to deal with all that med's crappy side effects. :(
    Oh, lovely copies of Heartless---so shiny♥. I love all the Happy Hello stuff, too! I need to get myself some of those!

  3. I still haven't see the Angry Bird movies, but I do want to. :)

    Heop whatever is wrong with your mouth improves, and that you have a good week next week. x

  4. Good to hear you are feeling better. Only in February?! :O In Portugal, "Moana" has been on the cinemas for two weeks now. But at least, you found a way to see it sooner. :)

    Happy readings! ;)

  5. Amazing haul! And awwwww so many cute Disney things, I love it! Thanks so much for sharing <3

    Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles


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