
Saturday, December 17, 2016

In My Mailbox #268

I feel disappointed. I'm suddenly getting tons more pageviews on my blog, yet no comments at all :( Aw. I love getting comments. Sigh. I am still behind myself, though, on commenting. Ack. Not feeling the best. Tired all the time. Hmph. I haven't read a book this week.. but I am re-reading Six of Crows. But I started it 4 days ago. Only read about 200 pages. What. I'm not a slow reader. But I don't have the energy to pick up the book and read. Never any time. Sad face. But I'm hoping to manage to read tons today. And finish it tomorrow. Crossing all my fingers. And then I will finally get to start Crooked Kingdom :D Eee. I wish I had finished my re-read already, but yeah. I simply don't have the time. To read. To comment. To catch up to other things. I'm so tired all the time. I just wish to spend all day in bed. Sigh. But I can't do that. So I just sit in my chair all day long, playing games on my iPhone. Sigh. I do love that, though :) I'm playing the Trolls game, which I love. And Pokemon Go, though mostly just at home. Aw. Aaand, Super Mario Run just arrived :D Eee. Disappointed that I had to pay so much to keep playing, ugh, but I did it. And I do love this game. Mostly :D A bit hard to get all the coins. Hmph. Anyway. I didn't blog much this week. But still managed two posts, so I'm happy about that. I will be reading this weekend, and hopefully posting a review tomorrow and then again later in the week :) I finally posted a Top Ten Tuesday :D I couldn't not. This week I'm waiting on Now I Rise. <3 Hoping this next week will be amazing. Fingers crossed. And oh god. Christmas in just ONE WEEK. Ahhh :D Here in Norway everything happens on December 24th. I'm so excited. For turkey. And presents. And eee. So happy about Christmas :) Sadly.. we got tons of snow just days ago. Which was perfect. So pretty. Then it started raining. Sigh. It haven't rained too much, but just enough to remove a bunch of the snow. And will be raining a little each day for days now. Sobs. I want fresh snow in one week. Hmph. I hope you all will have the best Christmas :D Are you excited? <3

Six ARCs. EEE! Thank you so, so much Krys for trading with me :D Oh god. I'm beyond happy about all of these ARCs. Sniffs. They are so important to me. I will love and treasure them forever. <3 So happy.
Crystal Storm. Aaack. I have still only read book one. But reading them all one day soonish :D Excited.
Violent Ends. Gah. I haven't read my hardcover yet. But I will. And I will love this book; I just know it :D
Finding Dory. This movie was all kinds of adorable. I cannot wait to watch it again. It came out pretty fast.
Trolls + Moana. Finally got the real looking copies of these soundtracks :D I love these songs the most.
Pop Figures. More pop :D Waiting on tons, but not released yet.. I adore all of these. EDWARD. Love.
Christmas Card. EEE! Thank you so much Alyssa :D All the hugs. <3 Your card meant so much to me.
Nevernight + Gemina bookmarks. Ahh! :D Thank you so much precious friend. <3 I adore these the most.
Bukowski Plush. Eee. I simply want to own all the plushes from this brand, lol. I have so many. Adorable.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Awesome haul of books and swag this week. I hope you love all of your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. Great haul! I loved Cinder and The Scorpio Races!! Books in the mail always makes me super happy.
    Rebecca @ The Portsmouth Review
    Follow me on Bloglovin'

  3. I haven't been blogging at all but I'm hoping to catch up on all the things I've missed this week!

    Enjoy your haul, C. :D

  4. Wish we had snow here! We haven't had it for a couple of years, though. ;(

    Love the Gemina bookmark, I still haven't gotten over how amazing that book was. <3

  5. I haven't read Crooked Kingdom yet! I plan on doing so, but I know the ending and it has made me feel discouraged. Still, I will definitely be reading Crooked Kingdom. I'm SO happy that the card reached safe and sound! *hugs*

    I hope you enjoy all of your new books! Have a fabulous week, Carina. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  6. You always have the best book hauls in the mail! Hope you love all of your new books ^_^

    Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles


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