
Sunday, December 18, 2016

Book Recommendation: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

I finally managed to re-read this precious book. Eee. I have been wanting to read it again ever since I first read it last year. But I have also been a bit scared about reading it again. Because it is such an amazing book. With gorgeous writing. And the most excellent set of characters. And I care about them all way too much. And I'm worried. This book just makes me feel too much. It breaks my heart all the time. Yet it is so good. And I loved reading every moment of it. So glad I finally had time to read it again. It is so precious.

I don't know where to begin with this second review of mine. I adore this book so much. Just like I adore the author. Leigh is all kinds of amazing. And her books are the best. Cannot wait to read more books by her. But gosh, this book of hers is rude, lol. It made me care way too much about these characters. And I want happy endings for all of them. Sniffs. Okay, fine, I know how Crooked Kingdom ends. I'm hurt. But I won't say more than that. But even so, I'm sure I will love that final book like crazy. Reading it next, finally.

The writing in this book is simply gorgeous. I had no issues with it at all. Which is just the best feeling. It did take me forever to re-read this book, though, but that's because of health issues. I wish I could have read it all the time. Because there isn't a single boring part in this book. Sure, there were a few moments that made me a little bit angry, but that's normal, lol. Most of this book was perfection. And I'm so glad I finally read it again. Sigh. I just wish there were tons more books than just two in this series. Want more. 

"When everyone knows you're a monster, you needn't waste time doing every monstrous thing."

The characters in this book are all beyond amazing. And I love them all to pieces. They all have a ton of faults. Yet they are all perfect too. And I just adore reading about them all. Eee. My favorite character must be Matthias. I love him more than words. His back story is all kinds of interesting. And he has been hurt the most, I think. If I were him, I would want to murder so many of these people. Which he does. At first. But he is such a kind hearted person and strong and gah. I loved how he started to care about them.

I just cannot tell you how much I adore Matthias. He is all kinds of amazing. Sigh. And broken. And a bit mad at times. Yet I love him oh so much. But gosh. The other characters are so amazing too. Kaz is all kinds of special to me. Broken. So, so broken. Yet he has a soft heart too. Way deep inside. And I simply adored reading about Dirtyhands. And Wylan and Jesper too. They are so interesting to get to know. And I loved reading about their past too. All of these characters are just awesome. I love them all so much.

And oh, Nina and Inej. I adore these two girls oh so much. I'm not sure what else to say. They are both broken yet both the strongest. And so sweet and fierce and brutal and oh. They are just incredible. I loved reading about all of these people. And I am dying to know more about them. But gosh, reading Crooked Kingdom makes me so nervous. I don't want that heartbreak. Sniffs. But I still know that I will love the book. Just, yeah. I'm nervous. And hoping to love it all so much. Crossing my fingers. I'm so excited too.

I simply don't know what else to say about this precious book. I'm so happy about reading it again. I'm thrilled that I loved it just as much this time as I did last year. Probably even more. Reading about all the different places, the Grisha, and the Fjerdans. Gosh. It was so much fun. This book is so complicated. And I loved every moment of it. If you still haven't read Six of Crows, then get moving. Because this is not a book to be missed. It is glorious. Just wishing I owned that gorgeous ARC + box of it. One day, maybe.

Tears streaked the dirt of Matthias' face. The rage was gone, and it was like some flame had gone out with it. His north sea eyes were colder than she'd ever seen them, empty of feeling, stripped of anything human at all. This was what Hellgate had done to him. And it was her fault.


  1. Ahhh I need to read my copy of Crooked Kingdom!

  2. So glad you enjoyed your SoC re-read! I'm still crushed after reading Crooked Kingdom from all my feelings, but someday I will definitely re-read this series ^_^

    Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

  3. This book stole my heart and soul. *.* Happy readings! ;)

    Ps. Did you receive a ARC of "Hunted"? So jealous!


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