
Saturday, October 8, 2016

In My Mailbox #258

This week have not been good for me. Well, for my health. I have been in so, so much pain. Still am. I hate having HS. I hate having this growing bump right now that hurts like hell. Sobs. So yeah. I haven't been feeling good this week. Aw. But. I did read four books :D And I am very happy about that. <3 Three were re-reads, lol, but they were so awesome :) I know all the books that I'm reading next and I'm so excited about it. Yay. I got a bunch of gorgeous mail this week too, so happy about that as well. <3 Just, yeah. I need my health to be better. Sniffs. I have been taking usual spa bath outside in my 40c for two hours each day. <3 But it is now getting so cold each night that it needs to be taken away soon. Sobs. For 8 months. 8 months with cold. Shudders. I'm not looking forward to winter at all. Especially since it is already so dark out, and very shortly it will not be possible to take pretty pictures at all. Hmph. Oh, well. I shall survive :) Hopefully. Anyway. I did blog a bunch this week :) I posted my review of The Wish Granter a week ago. <3 I posted my fourth review of The Thickety: A Path Begins :D And my third review of The Thickety: The Whispering Trees. <3 This week I'm waiting on The Suffering Tree :D I posted my second review of The Thickety: Well of Witches. <3 And I posted my review of The Thickety: The Last Spell :D Eee. My newest Book Collection is books by Melissa Landers. <3 I'm still a bit behind on commenting, but I'm going to get it done soonish :) I just hope to feel a little bit more up to it. Ack. I love those of you that comment on my posts so much. <3 All the hugs. But yeah, I feel like I'm getting so little comments these days :\ Have started having posts with no comments at all, which makes me so, so sad. Aw. And then I see how so many people I adore have ten thousand followers on Instagram, and I don't even have five hundred, and yeah, I'm a bit jealous :) But so happy for them. <3 Anyway. Happy with my mail this week.

Six of Crows. International paperback. Finally got to buy them. But not first editions.. sobs. But gorgeous.
Foxheart. This book is beyond amazing. So good. And these finished copies are the most stunning. Love.
Magnus Chase. I must read book one soon :) Will re-read all of Percy too. This one seems pretty great.
Nemesis. This book was pretty amazing. I adored it. And finished hardcover looks all kinds of gorgeous.
Like a River Glorious. Finished copy finally arrived :D Eee. Soon getting signed copies too. <3 Love this.
Funko Pop. Eee! Alien Queen and Ripley :D I love. And Scarlet Witch too. They are all perfection. Love.
Zootopia + Ursula. Small DisneyStore order :D Without taxes, haha. These figures are just so gorgeous.

Moana. I simply couldn't help myself. I had to buy all the books that I found on bookdepo, lol. A few more will be coming too, hih :) I just. I think Moana is going to be amazing. Can't wait to see it :D So gorgeous.

Wintersong. Eee, thank you so much Brittani. <3 Got this precious via Netgalley. And I'm super curious about it :D It looks SO GORGEOUS. And sounds pretty amazing too :) I'm a bit unsure after having peeked at the ending.. it is a standalone, isn't it? :\ Oh, well. Hoping to still like the book a whole bunch :D Fingers crossed. Have you read this one yet? Thoughts? :)

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Oh Carina :( I can't imagine what that must be like to always be in pain and having to have so many hospital trips. Thinking of you, and I hope your books bring you some relief.

  2. Awww, I'm sorry to hear about your health! Hopefully this coming week will be better. I think Wintersong has a companion novel to follow, fyi!

    Have a lovely weekend, Carina. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  3. Oh my gooddess, that's alot of Moana books!! I agree, the movie looks like it's going to be so good and I hope it is!! Foxheart and Like a River Glorious both looks gorgeous, I love those covers. And I hope you love Wintersong!!
    Sorry to hear your feeling so sick---sounds like you and I are in the same boat lately! Big healing *Hugs*, Carina!

  4. I can't wait for Moana ^-^ . Sorry to hear your feeling so sick .Mega hugs and happy reading

  5. I hope that your health gets better soon Carina! And I can't imagine how cold it must get where you're living, but just think about all the great books that you can curl up in the Winter months. I hope you have a great week :)

  6. I'm so sorry you still have to deal with all of this, Carina! I keep hoping it'll get better for you.

    Ahhh, Like a River Glorious! I'm very impatiently waiting for my signed copy to come, but it'll be worth it. :) And those Moana books are so cute! I put them all up on an endcap at work, mostly to make me happy in looking at them. It's gonna be so good!

    I have to admit, I love the sound of your winter, but I also think I'd rethink that once I tried it. It barely gets cold here--like MAYBE freezes three or four times each year--so I'm all about winter!

  7. Hey! I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Sounds awful. Hope you will be pain free soon darling ;) xx

  8. So sorry you're having a bad week =( I hope you'll feel better soon <3 At least you got such lovely book mail and had a good reading week!

    Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

  9. Hope you are feeling better! Love the goodies you got in the mail. So many beautiful books and items. :)


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