
Friday, October 7, 2016

Book Collection #32

32nd week of my new Book Collection posts. I will be doing this every Friday. And I am loving it. I own so many amazing books, and I love that I get to share my collection of many of them. I will be posting all my collections randomly, but I love them all. I hope you will all enjoy these posts of mine. Would love to know if you have any collections like mine; if you own and love these books too. Let me know. I love my books.

Books by Melissa Landers

These books are so awesome. Eee. And oh gosh, I love my collection of them all. Sigh. I have all the ARCs that have been printed. And they are beyond amazing. I'm just missing one hardcover of United that will be for reading. Hmph. Only book I haven't read yet. Ack. But I loved all the other books so much. Sigh. Also need a signed hardcover of Starflight one day. Eee. I just adore Melissa. She is so awesome.


  1. I still have to read Melissa Landers . Great book collection as always Carina

  2. Been living under a rock apparently. Never heard of these! Will have to check them out!


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