
Saturday, August 20, 2016

In My Mailbox #251

Time is moving so fast these days. This week we finally got a couple of days with summer heat. Ahhh :D It was perfection. But yeah. This summer has mostly been crappy. Ugh. Wishing I could afford to go on a nice beach vacation. Aw. Next year for sure, though. Just need to save money :) Anyway. This has been a good week. I captured 8 more new pokemon, haha, so now have 99 out of 151 different ones :D Most happy about Venusaur, I think :D Anyway. I did manage to read two books this week, so I'm happy about that. But gosh damn. I did not know how I ended up with SO MANY eARCs to read. Too many. Ahh. I must start reading one of those today, I think. Many are the one genre that I do not love, haha. But hoping to have luck with these books :) Fingers crossed. Just haven't started yet, as I have been busy being outside on these nice days :) Oh, and sister and I started watching Quantico. We have four episodes left. Ahhh. I am in love with this show. Have you seen it? If not, get moving! I also finally got to see Finding Dory at the cinema; it finally arrived, haha :) I loved it. Very much. Anyway. I also blogged a little this week. I posted my book recommendation of Walk on Earth a Stranger :D Then my review of Like a River Glorious. <3 This week I'm waiting on Pyromantic :) My Book Collection this week is by Carrie Ryan and John Parke Davis :D Love. These days I have also taken tons of pictures of books and eARCs that I'm going to read soonish, as it will get dark in a few weeks, sobs, so figured I should take the pictures now that I will post on instagram when I read the books, haha :) Anyway. Hoping to read more next week.

Nevernight. Eee. Two gorgeous UK editions :D Hardcover and paperback. Only missing 1 edition now :D
The Flame Never Dies. I did not love book one. But. I am pretty excited about this one even so :) Soooon.
Gustav Gloom #6. Ahh! Final book :D I have only read to book three. Ugh. Catching up very soon. Pretty.
City of Thirst. The US paperback arrived this week :D YAY! And so gorgeous. Ah, I love these books.
The Return of the Young Prince. Thank you so much Cailin at Oneworld :D I'm reading it very soon. <3
Miraculous Ladybug. I love this show. The most. So I had to get two copies of the first new comic book, hih. There will be more. Ahh. And those figures :D But sobs. I got lucky with amazon shipping. Now twice as much. Makes me so sad, as I am missing so many of the figures. I really need to buy them all. Hmph.
The Secret Life of Pets. I had to get the big plush cat too, lol. And another figure. Chloe is so adorable.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. This week, I found myself with two copies of a couple of books: Sting and Nevernight. I don't really know how that happened. I'm becoming you. Lol.

  2. I sometimes get overloaded with ARCs and wish I didn't request as much! Hope you catch up, Carina. Have fun catching Pokemons and enjoying the summer! :)

  3. Awww, I'm sorry you didn't enjoy The Stars Never Rise! Hopefully you like The Flame Never Dies more. =) Have a great week, Carina!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!


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