
Friday, August 19, 2016

Book Collection #25

25th week of my new Book Collection posts. I will be doing this every Friday. And I am loving it. I own so many amazing books, and I love that I get to share my collection of many of them. I will be posting all my collections randomly, but I love them all. I hope you will all enjoy these posts of mine. Would love to know if you have any collections like mine; if you own and love these books too. Let me know. I love my books.

This collection of mine only include two books. But I had to share about them. And I do have many copies of them both, lol. This middle grade series is one of my most favorite. The books are so well written and so fantastic. The story is amazing. And gosh, how heartbreaking too. I am dying for book three, which comes out next year. Aw. Sadly, I do not own the ARCs for these two books. But I want them very much. I also don't have any signed books, aw, but one day I shall buy them. Yeah. I adore this collection of mine.


  1. I loved these! I can't wait for the 3rd book! :)

  2. You have so many collections, Carina! It's awesome that you loved the books so much you had to buy multiple copies and different editions. :)

  3. I haven’t actually heard of this series! Definitely need to add it to my TBR list now. Thanks for sharing your collection Carina! :D

  4. Have fun with your middle grade collection, Carina! :)


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