
Saturday, June 11, 2016

In My Mailbox #241

I don't know where this week went. Time is moving so fast. And I only got to read Gemina. Probably because I haven't felt like reading anything at all after it, lol. Because it was so awesome. And I don't feel like reading any of the books that I have. Sigh. But I must. Tomorrow. Hopefully. Just feeling so lazy and unmotivated and lots of sick lately too. And a bit sad, because I feel like I comment on so many blogs, yet I keep getting less and less comments on mine, which just makes me so sad. Aw. But yeah. I do love blogging, and I'm not stopping no matter what. Shrugs. This week I did not get much mail at all. Sad face. Waiting on some things, which seems to be missing in the mail, ugh. But hoping it will arrive next week :D Fingers crossed. But I did get one book this week. So yay. And a few movies too. Love it all. A few blog posts this week too. I posted my book recommendation of Illuminae. <3 And then I posted my review of Gemina :D Ahhh! This week I'm waiting on The Ever Never Handbook. <3 My newest Book Collection post is books by Maggie Stiefvater, part 2. Yay :D I'm hoping to feel better next week, and read lots more.

This Savage Song. Eee, I love this book. And my pre-ordered UK edition is SO awesome :D I adore it.
Game of Thrones Pop. My Jorah :D Eee. I love him. And Sansa too :D She's adorable. They both are.
Fawn. From the Neverbeast movie, which I love so much. I saw this on sale, and I needed it. So cute.
Panic Room. I love this movie. But didn't own it. Ahh. Had to buy it after reading The Safest Lies, eee :D
Fantastic 4. First and second movie. I have seen that first one many years ago, but I don't remember, lol.
Crimson Peak. I have heard that so many have seen this movie. Pretty curious about it. Excited to watch.
Six of Crows Swag. Oh my god. I got this from a precious friend, and it means so much :D Eee! Love it.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Love this post!
    The Uk edition of This Savage Song is so pretty!!!
    Also, that SOC Swag <3

  2. I ordered This Savage Song from Book Depo last week. It's apparently on its way. So excited! Lovely haul, C!

  3. I LOVE that copy of This Savage Song! I actually prefer that cover to the USA one - though I love the USA one. And you got the SoC pouch and card this week as well, isn't that something! I didn't get the sticker or buttons, but I'll have to keep an eye out for those. I hope you enjoy all of your new goodies, Carina!

    Have a lovely week. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. That UK edition is so gorgeous! I hope I can budget it soon so I can have both editions!
    And that SoC pouch is awesome too!

  5. Don't be sad. :) and your cat still looks super cute! :) xx

  6. I'm having a tough time reading and commenting this month. I wonder if we should all just take the summer off lol

    I got the SoC swag but I do not recall getting buttons! I must look.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  7. Ohh, it's so hard to bounce back after a wonderful book! I'm totally scared to read Gemina!

    I love that SoC pouch! Preeeetty. And Ser Jorah! I love him. :)

    I hope you're having a great week, Carina!


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