
Friday, June 10, 2016

Book Collection #15

Fifteenth week of my new Book Collection posts. I will be doing this every Friday. And I am loving it. I own so many amazing books, and I love that I get to share my collection of many of them. I will be posting collections randomly, but I love them all. I hope you will all enjoy these posts of mine. Would love to know if you have any collections like mine; if you own and love these books too. Let me know. I love my books.

Books by Maggie Stiefvater: Part 2.

Second part of my Maggie collection. Eee. The Raven Boys series. Gosh, I love these books. Okay, yes, I haven't read The Raven King yet, but only because I haven't had the time. Soon I shall read it, and I am so excited. Oh, how I adore this collection of mine. I own way too many copies, though, lol. But I don't mind. I did not, however, knew that I had so many regular paperbacks of The Dream Thieves. Oh, well. One I bought to be signed, though it was only a bookplate, so yeah. Four hardcovers for reading. Four for not. Four were signed. Out of these books, I bought ten because they would be signed. Gosh. I got a lot of signed bookplates, lol. And I love them all so much. Ahh. Sadly, I only own The Dream Thieves ARC. Sniffs. But it is so precious to me. I very, very much want The Raven Boys and Blue Lily, Lily Blue ARCs too. I need them. Ack. Anyway. I adore all of my Maggie books so much. Eee. Bookplates are on my wall.


  1. Holy cow! Look at that collection! So many beautiful books and bookplates. Thanks for sharing! :

  2. So many gorgeous editions!! I wish I had got myself a set of tarot cards!

  3. Eventually I will start this series! Now that all the books are published, I may read them... eventually. I just need the time, and the copies. ;)

    Lovely collection, Carina!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. I only read the Shiver series. I loved her writing. Maybe I sould give Maggie another try :) great collection!

    I think I would give my left leg to have the ARC copies of the series.


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