
Thursday, March 3, 2016

Cover Reveal: United by Melissa Landers

Eee, I cannot wait to read this book :D Sigh. It is going to be amazing. I adored Alienated and Invaded. So, so thrilled that there is going to be a third book as well. <3 United is going to be the best, I just know it. There will not be ARCs of it, which is a it heartbreaking. Waiting for August 2nd is so long, lol. But it will be worth it :) I can't wait to read this book. I adore the world Melissa created. And I love Aelyx and Cara so much. Eeee. Their romance will be even more in this third book, and I'm super excited for it. And oh gosh, it looks SO GORGEOUS. Eee. I love these covers SO MUCH. They are simply so stunning. Cannot wait to own this book as well :) Just, it looks so pretty. I love it. What do you think of the cover?

After thwarting a deadly coup and saving the alliance between their worlds, Cara and Aelyx have finally earned a break. Their tiny island colony is everything they dreamed it would be―days spent gathering shells on the beach and nights in each other’s arms.

But the vacation is short-lived.

The treaty between Earth and L’eihr has awakened an ancient force that threatens to destroy them all. The Aribol, mysterious guardians charged with maintaining interstellar peace, deem the alliance a threat to the galaxy. They order a separation of the races, decreeing humans and L’eihrs must return to their own planets within the month or face extinction. In fact, they already have agents in place on Earth, ready to begin.

With the clock ticking, Aelyx and Cara assemble a team of colonists and race back to Earth, where they unite with old friends to solve the mystery of who the Aribol are, what they want, and the real reason the alliance has provoked them. As tensions build to a full-scale war, Aelyx and Cara must fight harder than ever―not just for their future, but for the survival of both their worlds.


  1. I never did finish this series! Not gonna lie, the cover is not doing anything for me. Lol. Thanks for sharing, hun!

  2. Very cool progression of covers! It's cool that the two characters are getting closer and reaching for each other come the last book. Still need to read this series though!

  3. All these covers are beautiful! I want to read them for the covers alone! Glad the series is good too. :)

  4. I Still need to read Invaded but I'm waiting till my copy of United ships to start it! I love how gorgeous all the covers of the series look together!

  5. I've always enjoyed these covers. They look so cute.

    Majanka @ I Heart Reading

  6. I can't wait to read United! So excited! I hope we love it, Carina. :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!


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