
Friday, March 4, 2016

Book Collection #1

This week I'm starting something new. Have wanted for so long to do another weekly thing, and now I'm finally ready. Once a week, every Friday, I will be sharing a book collection that I own. As in, all of the books I have from one author. I have wanted to do this for so long, and thrilled that I'm finally starting. Unsure about the name, but I like it even so. Cannot wait to share with you all every week :) Because I am in love with all my book collections. I own so many amazing books. Eee. Hope you will enjoy this :)

Books by Cat Winters.

I love these books so much. Cat is one of the kindest people, and her books are perfection. Love all four so much, and I cannot wait to read whatever she is writing next. Eee. And I love my collection so much. I have all the ARCs! Yesss. It means the most to me. <3 The Uninvited ARC is signed, which is the best.


  1. I love this so much, Carina! Thank you!!!

  2. Oh, so gorgeous! Your collection is the best!

  3. Oh yes! You're totally the queen for this type of thing. Your love for certain authors knows no bounds! Lol. Love this, C!

  4. They are all so beautiful! :D She has gotten gorgeous covers every single time, which I love. You reminded me that I need to get a copy of The Uninvited! I had the ARC but I passed it on so someone else could experience it's awesomeness. I wish it had come out in hardcover, though!

    I love this new idea, Carina! I can't wait to see more of your collections!


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