
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Mini Review: The Black Knife by Jodi Meadows

This is the fourth and final enovella about Tobiah Pierce from The Orphan Queen books. Aw. I will miss this boy. I have loved getting to know him more in all four novellas, and I adored him so much in The Orphan Queen and The Mirror King. I simply love him. He's a favorite of mine. I liked this final one a whole lot.

I simply adore how Jodi has written these books. Her writing is stunning. And I love her characters so much. I love Tobiah a lot. And James too. Sigh. He is the bestest friend. I love him so much. His relationship with Tobiah is the best. I love how well he is at protecting him, and I love how much he cares for him.

In this final novella we get to read about Tobiah facing up with the bad guy, trying to stop him one last time. It was interesting and exciting. I find the glowmen to be pretty scary, and this drug type of thing is just the worst. Ack. Yet so so interesting to read about. We also get more of Tobiah, which I always love. And his first kiss too. Which made me a bit sad, but I liked getting to read it. I just want my boy to be happy. Sigh. I liked the story in this one a whole lot. I just wish it had been even longer, hih. It is so short. I think the two chapters of The Mirror King in the back is longer than this story. Ack. But despite it being short, it was amazing and I loved it lots. It was a great read. I'm just sad there will be no more Tobiah. I want more.

Which reminds me. You all need to read The Orphan Queen books. And these novellas too, after you read The Mirror King. They are all perfection. These books are so good. And you are all going to love them. You need to buy them. Because I need more books from this world, I really do. So glad I finally read this one. It was awesome. Also wish to mention that I adore Jodi so much. She's always so kind and just the very best person. Thank you so much, Jodi, for writing these stunning books. I have loved them all lots.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Mirror King Blog Tour: Interview with Jodi Meadows + Giveaway

I'm so happy to take part in this blog tour :D Yesss. I love Jodi so much. She's amazing. And her books are so good. I loved The Orphan Queen a whole bunch, and the sequel, The Mirror King, was even better. And the four enovellas were stunning too. Lots of love for this world. And characters. Eee. These books are just so stunning. You must all get this book when it comes out on April 5th. Just a few days left :D You are all going to love this one, promise. I cannot wait to get my copies. I also adored her newest book, out this summer, My Lady Jane. <3 So good. Thank you so much Alexa for letting me take part in this stunning blog tour :D And thank you so much Jodi for answering all my questions. <3 You are the bestest. There is also an international giveaway at the end of the post that you should enter. Good luck.

Interview with Jodi Meadows.

1.  If you could make any of your characters come to life, which one would you choose? 

Only one?? From just The Orphan Queen, right? Not from all my books? Wow, this is hard. Um. Let's go with Wil.  

2. Which character was the most fun and the most difficult for you to write about? 

Oh definitely Wilhelmina. That's why she's the main character. She's complex. She has a lot to lose -- but she also has a lot to gain!  

3. If you could choose, would you have wanted to have Wilhelmina’s powers? 

Ummm. With great power comes great responsibility. All my friends think I'm the responsible one. So I will either be responsible enough to know that I don't want that kind of power, or responsible enough to use that power for good.  

You are asking some hard-hitting questions.  

4. Do you regret killing off some of the characters in The Mirror King? No spoilers, but one death still haunts me :) 

Hahahahaha. No. I don't regret it. I'm sad that it had to happen, but . . . it had to happen.  

5. Which character did you like the least while writing The Mirror King?  

I don't know that I really disliked any of them. Even the antagonists had their reasons for why they did things, and while I don't like their methods, I still like them in some ways.  

6. Who is your favorite hero and heroine of all time? Bookish or not. 

Of. All. Time.??? *shakes fist in the air* Carina!! I don't know. I just. 

I don't know. I love all my favorites equally. I can't choose.

7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why? 

I'd have a house that could pop in and out of existence in whatever place I wanted to be in at the time.

8. Could you share anything about what you are writing next? :) 

Sure! There are dragons. And bad things that happen. And secret languages! That's really all I can say for now. The first book is still very far away! 

Wilhelmina has a hundred enemies.

HER FRIENDS HAVE TURNED. After her identity is revealed during the Inundation, Princess Wilhelmina is kept prisoner by the Indigo Kingdom, with the Ospreys lost somewhere in the devastated city. When the Ospreys’ leader emerges at the worst possible moment, leaving Wil’s biggest ally on his deathbed, she must become Black Knife to set things right.

HER MAGIC IS UNCONTROLLABLE. Wil’s power is to animate, not to give true life, but in the wraithland she commanded a cloud of wraith mist to save herself, and later ordered it solid. Now there is a living boy made of wraith—destructive and deadly, and willing to do anything for her.

HER HEART IS TORN. Though she’s ready for her crown, declaring herself queen means war. Caught between what she wants and what is right, Wilhelmina realizes the throne might not even matter. Everyone thought the wraith was years off, but already it’s destroying Indigo Kingdom villages. If she can’t protect both kingdoms, soon there won’t be a land to rule.

In this stunning conclusion to THE ORPHAN QUEEN, Jodi Meadows follows Wilhelmina’s breathtaking and brave journey from orphaned criminal on the streets to magic-wielding queen.

BIO: Jodi Meadows lives and writes in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, with her husband, a Kippy*, and an alarming number of ferrets. She is a confessed book addict, and has wanted to be a writer ever since she decided against becoming an astronaut. She is the author of the INCARNATE Trilogy and the forthcoming ORPHAN QUEEN Duology (HarperCollins/Katherine Tegen).

 *A Kippy is a cat.

Where to find Jodi Meadows:
Twitter. Website. Facebook.

Giveaway Rules.
There will be one winner.
International, if Book Depository ships to you.
Win one copy of The Orphan Queen + The Mirror King.

Swoon Thursday
Top Masked Vigilantes
ABCs: Character Edition
Calligraphy Post

Waiting on Wednesday #233

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:  

From New York Times bestseller Lauren DeStefano comes a gorgeous tale of friendship found and fought for against a haunting danger.

Lionel is a wild boy, who doesn’t much like to be around other people. He’d rather be a purring cat or a wolf stalking the woods.

Marybeth is a nice girl. She doesn’t need to be told to comb her hair or brush her teeth, and she’s kind to everyone at the orphanage . . . Lionel most of all.

Different though they are, Lionel and Marybeth are best friends in a world that has forgotten about them. So when a mysterious blue spirit possesses Marybeth—and starts to take control—they know they must stop it before the real Marybeth fades away forever.

From New York Times bestselling author Lauren DeStefano comes a haunting tale of friendship, love, and the magic of childhood . . . and what lies beyond, just right for readers of Serafina and the Black Cloak.

Hardcover, 208 pages
Expected publication: September 13th 2016 by Bloomsbury USA Childrens
Pre-Order here and here

Ah, I am going to love this book so much. And I simply cannot wait to read it. I adored the other middle grade book by Lauren, A Curious Tale of the In-Between. It was amazing. I must admit that I thought she was writing a sequel to it. So I'm a bit disappointed that she wasn't. But I'm also so excited for this book :D Because it looks gorgeous. And it sounds aaamazing. Can't wait to meet these kids. And love them.
What are you waiting for on this peculiar Wednesday?

Monday, March 28, 2016

Review: The Stars Never Rise by Rachel Vincent

I have been meaning to read this book for months now. And now I finally got myself to do so. It is my second book by Rachel, I first read Menagerie, which I loved so much. I had seen some great things about this one, and I was so excited to read it. I must say that I liked it a lot. But I also had a lot of issues. Sigh.

I'm going to go with three stars for this book. Makes me a bit sad, but I don't think it was a four star at all. Because I really struggled reading the last fifty pages. I didn't find it exciting, like it was supposed to be. And I had some other issues too. Sad face. But I did like it. I didn't hate anything. It was a good book.

I found the writing to be pretty good, and so I had no issues with that at all. The cover is gorgeous. But I must admit that it makes no sense at all when it comes to the book. Shrugs. Still gorgeous, though. I'm not sure what I expected from this book, but it was different. I found the plot to be interesting and I liked the characters. Well. I sort of liked them. I did not love any of them, which was depressing for me. It is told from the point of view of Nina. I liked her at first. She's cute. But she's also pretty dumb, which bothered me a little. And gosh. Reading about her past.. it.. well.. it made me a bit angry. I felt sorry for her, but I was also a bit upset with her too. Sigh. I hated what the school had done to her body. So, so not okay. It bothered me.

I'm not even sure how to start with this plot. It is a lot. And it was interesting, but not the best. Yet I liked reading about it so much. This book takes place many years in the future. There are demons, who possess people. There is a Church in charge, controlling everything. Everyone has a soul, and they are running out because of the demons, meaning not every child born gets to live. It was pretty sad. Most things are forbidden. And the punishments for breaking the rules were pretty bad. Shudders. Not okay.

Nina had done so much to make sure her sister was okay. Stolen things. And other stuff too. Their mom is a bit crazy, and it was interesting to learn about all of that. I liked reading about her sister, she was a bit smarter than Nina, except not really, because she's pregnant. Which is so not a good thing in this world. So much happens after that. I'm not sure how to talk about it. Just, the Church is a bit crazy. And Nina will do anything to save her sister. It broke my heart a bit too, that she would give up everything.

Something happens that ends with Nina on the run. With Finn. And others. We learn more about the demons, which was interesting. We learn that Nina can make them go away, and I liked the way all of that was done. She is also not the only one, which made me happy. Most of this book is probably about her hiding out, trying not to be found. Which might be why I had issues with it. I felt like nothing much was happening. But then, a boy was burned to death. And it was seriously awful. No one did anything.

There is a bit of romance in this book. At first I liked it a lot. It was pretty cute. But then we learned something about Finn. And I just. I liked it, I did, because it was so different. But it bothered me a lot too. I just don't get how this can have a happy ending at all. It makes no sense. So, yeah. I'm not sure I liked the romance after all of that. But I did like Finn. I liked him a lot. And I do ship them. I just did not like his secret. Sad face. But oh, I am the most curious about the sequel, and what will happen with it.

There are a bunch of other characters in this book too. Like the friends of Finn. I liked most of them, except for Devi. She was not a nice person at all. And I, well, I hated her. I couldn't stand her. And my opinion about her will not change, not ever. She was just not kind at all. Ugh. I didn't like the way she was written. She could have been such a good friend for Nina to have, instead she was always talking shit to her. But the other people in their group was nice at least. I didn't love them, but liked them :)

Sadly, I don't have more to say about this book. I just don't know how to talk about it. The story was interesting, and I liked reading the book, but I did not love it. And I had some issues. But I'm glad I read this book. And I will be reading the sequel in some months, when it comes out. Because I do want to know what happens next. I'm just not that curious, to be honest. Just want to know about the romance, lol. The Stars Never Rise was good. Not perfect, but it wasn't a bad book. You should all read this book.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

In My Mailbox #230

This week there were only two days where the mail arrived. Ack. Easter is the worst, lol. But I still managed to get a few pre-orders even so :) And it is all so precious. I love the mail I get all the time. Lots of love. I also managed to read two books this week, which I am happy about. Slowly starting to read more, I hope :) I just have issues with it, because I feel like I won't love any of the books I own. Ugh. Just waiting for other books to come out, lol. But I will be re-reading a lot of books this year. Shall start that soon. Which I'm excited about. I blogged a bit this week. I shared my review of Starflight :) This week I'm waiting on The Star-Touched Queen. <3 Then I shared my review of All the Missing Girls :D For my Book Collection this week I shared my Kristin Cashore books :) I had a good week. But I'm also a lot of jealous lately, because I see you all getting so many of the ARCs that I am dying to own and read, and I have no chance of getting any of them. Sigh. I hate living in Norway :) What did you get this week?

International Twitter Giveaway of a Swag Pack. Ends 04/11.

The Skylighter. Ack. I must read this precious book very soon :D I cannot wait to read it. I will love it.
Broken Crowns. I am so disappointed. I peeked at ending. Glad I didn't read book two, lol. Just, boring.
The Winner's Kiss. Yesss. My gorgeous UK paperbacks :D LOVE this book. My US hardcovers next week :)
Mockingjay Part 2. I know. I don't love these movies. But I love the books. And I have to own them all.
Bukowski. This is my favorite brand of plush. And toy store finally got in new ones :D SO CUTE. Love.

Rebel of the Sands Swag. YAY! Thank you so much Alwyn :D You are the best. Love my prize so much.
Bookmarks. More Happy Hello bookmarks :D Yess. I own so many now, hih. They are all so gorgeous.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Friday, March 25, 2016

Book Collection #4

Fourth week of this new thing I started. Have wanted for so long to do another weekly thing, and now I was finally ready. Once a week, every Friday, I will be sharing a book collection that I own. As in, all of the books I have from one author. I have wanted to do this for so long; thrilled that I'm finally starting. Unsure about the name, but I like it even so. Cannot wait to share with you all every week :) Because I am in love with all my book collections. I own so many amazing books. Eee. Hope you will enjoy this :)

Books by Kristin Cashore.

I love these three books the very most. Though it has been over two years since I last read them all. Ack. Must re-read again shortly. Graceling still is, and will always be, my favorite book of all time. So good. And they are all so pretty. I am dying for the Graceling and Fire ARCs too. Love my collection so much. And I just. I love these books the most. I wish there was another one coming. Sadly, I do not own anything signed by Kristin. Which makes me a bit depressed. I want a signed book by her the very most.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Review: All the Missing Girls by Megan Miranda

Oh, I am so glad I read this book. I don't read Adult books. I really don't. Well, okay, a few here and there. But only from authors I already love. Which is why I really wanted to read this one. Because I adore Megan. And I have loved all the books I have read by her so far. Plus this one sounded amazing. Eeek.

Today I finally decided to read my eARC of this gorgeous book. And I'm so glad I did so. Because it was amazing. And I liked it a whole lot. I had a few small issues, but nothing too big. And so it is a four star read for me. Because, gosh, it was amazing. Gorgeous writing. Amazing story. So exciting and surprising.

But oh, how do I even talk about this book? I'm not sure. Because all I have in my mind right now are spoilers spoilers spoilers. And I shall not share any of that. Only some plot details that I feel are important to know. But gosh. I'm really unsure how to put my feelings into words for this book. I just liked it so, so much. It was a bit slow a few times, and I just wanted it to speed up until the ending, but I'm so glad it didn't. Because all the small details were important and I'm so glad I didn't miss any of the clues and such. This book was thrilling and surprising and mean and oh, I loved it. The writing was gorgeous, yet a little bit different. I had some issues at times, but I still adored it a lot. And the characters. I loved them all. So well done.

This book is told in reverse. Which I'm not sure I have ever read before. There is a little present time at first, and a bit at the end, but the entire middle of the book is backwards, from day fifteen to day one. Most of the book is like that. At first I was a bit sad about it, but gosh, I grew to love it a lot. Because there were so many important details in this story. I do wish it had been told in the right order, but I also didn't mind that much. Because I felt like it needed to be told this way. I liked it a whole lot. I really did.

This book is told from the point of view of twenty eight year old Nicolette. I don't read about characters this age. But I do feel like I should start to. Because I adored Nic a whole bunch. Sure, she annoyed me a little bit at times, but I didn't mind. Thing is, she has a fiance. Which bothered me. Though she had only been seeing him for a year. I didn't like him much, though he was kind. But it was so obvious that Nic still had feelings for her ex, whom she had seen a lot in the past ten years. So many things happen.

Nic left her home ten years ago, after her best friend went missing. She left her boyfriend behind. And her dad and her brother. Her friend was never found. There is a big mystery there. It was so exciting. Nic has been coming back home many times for the past ten years, and she has been hooking up with Tyler all those times. And I just. It hurt my heart. Because she always left him. And I grew to love him a lot. And I just wanted him to be happy. Hmph. For her to stop using him like she did for so long. It hurt.

Things are different now, though. Because she's engaged. But oh. I shipped her and Tyler so badly. This book is not a romance. But there is romance in it. And I wouldn't really call it a love triangle, though I did feel bad for her fiance, as I thought it was obvious that Nic never let go of her old boyfriend. And I'm so glad she didn't. Though there are a lot of complications and I should stop writing now, lol. Just. The romance was good. Not too much drama, nothing I didn't approve of. I liked the romance a lot. So good.

But this book is about girls going missing. Well, only two girls. Nic's best friend ten years ago. And now Tyler's new sort of girlfriend is missing. I loved how this story was told when it came to that. And I loved how it ended. Gosh. I was surprised, despite having peeked at the ending first. There is so, so much happening. With her dad having lost his mind a bit, yet he knows something. With Nic's brother knowing something too, it seems. And Tyler too. And then there is Nic. Gosh. So many secrets, all over the place.

I loved it. I loved figuring out what happened to Corinne all those years ago. And then the new girl too, finding out what happened to her. It was all so exciting. And a bit scary at times, yet nothing too bad. I loved this mystery so much. And I want to talk about it so badly. Ahhh. It was the most exciting. And I cannot stop thinking about it. You must all read this book. You must. I liked it so much. I can't stop writing that. I just. I don't know what else to say. This book was just so great. Everything about it was.

There are so many characters in this one. And I liked reading about all of them. Yes, Tyler was my favorite. But I loved Nic almost as much. And her brother Daniel was interesting too, and I adored his wife. Though I hated what Daniel had done to Nic in the past. So not cool. I loved getting to know about Tyler and Nic from the past. Some things broke my heart so badly. But then the ending was so perfect yet awful. I loved it. All the Missing Girls was an incredible book. Full of mystery and suspense. I loved it.

You all need to read this book when it comes out at the end of June. I simply cannot wait to get a hardcover of it and read it again someday. Because it was amazing. But yeah. The hardcover is all kinds of expensive. Ugh. But I will get it even so. Because it is worth paying that much for. If you have the chance to read this book early, then do so. You will not regret it. I shall now be hunting for a print ARC for my collection. I need it. Because I liked this book so much and I now want all the editions there is :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday #232

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:  

Cursed with a horoscope that promises a marriage of Death and Destruction, sixteen-year-old Maya has only earned the scorn and fear of her father's kingdom. Content to follow more scholarly pursuits, her world is upheaved when her father, the Raja, arranges a wedding of political convenience to quell outside rebellions. But when her wedding takes a fatal turn, Maya becomes the queen of Akaran and wife of Amar. Yet neither roles are what she expected. As Akaran's queen, she finds her voice and power. As Amar's wife, she finds friendship and warmth.

But Akaran has its own secrets - thousands of locked doors, gardens of glass, and a tree that bears memories instead of fruit. Beneath Akaran's magic, Maya begins to suspect her life is in danger. When she ignores Amar's plea for patience, her discoveries put more than new love at risk - it threatens the balance of all realms, human and Otherworldly.

Now, Maya must confront a secret that spans reincarnated lives and fight her way through the dangerous underbelly of the Otherworld if she wants to protect the people she loves.

THE STAR TOUCHED QUEEN is a lush, beautifully written and vividly imagined fantasy inspired by Indian mythology.

Hardcover, 352 pages
Expected publication: April 26th 2016 by St. Martin's Griffin
Pre-Order here and here

I have heard so many amazing things about this book already. And I simply cannot wait to read it too. Eeee. Everyone has loved it. And I wish to love it too. It seems so amazing. And it looks so gorgeous. And oh. I just hope I will end up loving it the most. Sounds like the romance will be so good too. Ack.
What are you waiting for on this epic Wednesday?

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Review: Starflight by Melissa Landers

I finally had the chance to read this gorgeous book. I adore Melissa. And have been wanting to read Starflight for so long. I didn't get the opportunity to read it early, so I waited so long for it to come out. And yet I still waited a few weeks before reading it. Ack. But now I have done it, finally. And I liked it a whole lot.

I haven't read all that many books about space and space travel, but I have enjoyed all that I have read. And so I was excited for this one. And I'm so glad that I liked it so much. I love reading about space. So interesting. The writing was pretty amazing. And I really liked reading about all the characters too. So much.

I'm not sure how to describe this book. So I'm not sure how much I will write about it. It is hard sometimes to talk about books that you like. Ack. But there are a bunch of things I would like to talk about, just hoping to find the right words. While I didn't fully love this book, as I'm giving it four stars, I still liked it so much. And I didn't hate anything about it. I just didn't fully love it. But it was still amazing and I still enjoyed it so much and I am thrilled that I finally read it. Eee. I was a little bit disappointed by the ending of this book, despite it being happy. I just wanted to know so much more about Solara and Doran. I wanted to know what happened with his dad and such. And his money. It felt so open to me. I need to know. So, so badly.

But then there is the second book. Which isn't from their point of view. Ack. Which makes me a bit sad, because I'm not sure I will get the answers I want. But at the same time I am so excited for the second book, because I did like Cassia and Kane. Sort of. And I'm so excited for their story. And there will be Solara and Doran there too, just not their point of view. Hmph. But yeah. I'm super excited for Starfall, in just less than a year. I think I will end up loving it. Crossing all my fingers for that. Cannot wait for it.

But anyway. This book. I liked this book a whole lot. I loved that it was from the point of view of Solara and Doran both. They were pretty interesting to read about. I had some issues with them sometimes, but nothing huge. I did adore them. Mostly I loved Doran, lol. Sure, he was kind of mean and such in the beginning of the book, but I didn't find it to be that bad. He was rich and spoiled. Shrugs. I didn't think he acted that badly. But I must admit that I am thrilled that he changed. That he ended up much kinder.

I also adored Solara, sometimes Lara. Though I must also say that I did not like how she treated Doran in the beginning, despite him being so mean towards her. She tricked him and drugged him a little and then stole so much of his money. I'm not good with that. Sure, he treated her badly, but she had no right to steal all that money from him even so. Shrugs. Made me dislike her a little bit. But I also thought she was an amazing character and I loved getting to know her. She did grow on me a lot. Very yay for that.

There are other characters in this book too. And while I never truly loved them, I liked reading about them all. I think the character I found the most interesting, besides Lara and Doran, was the pirate boss. He was huge and mean yet pretty amazing too. I loved how he tricked Lara. It was so mean yet awesome. And then he had such a brutal fist fight with Doran. My poor boy. He got so badly hurt. Yet it was the best moment in the book for me. Brutal and a bit of fun and pretty awesome. Was written well.

I loved how the relationship between Lara and Doran grew. They hated each other. But they grew to admire each other and then they slowly became friends. It was great to read about. And then it got to be more. Sigh. I did like this romance a whole lot. It was sweet. And I shipped them a lot. Liked the kissing scenes, hih. I felt like their romance was written well. I just wish there had been a longer ending for them. Hmph. I want that. I'm really hoping there will be something more from them in the next book.

This book takes place in space. And I loved it. First there was a bit ship, which I wish I had gotten to read a bit more about. But I don't mind too much. I loved how they ended up changing ship, though it hurt my heart a little bit. Sigh. Then most of the book takes place in this smaller ship, and I loved it. They have a crew with four other people. I liked the captain, but I didn't care about him. There was a man whom always stole, and I couldn't help but adore him. They also have a small animal; was so cute.

Then there was Kane and Cassia. And I just. I never grew to love them. And that hurts my heart a little bit, since they are the main characters in the next book. But I also found them interesting. Though I didn't like how they were towards Doran and I just couldn't forgive that. Shrugs. It bothered me. I did understand them, but it still hurt me. And so I never loved them. But I did like them. And I liked reading about their friendship, and how it was obvious that they both felt something more. Aw. And it was cute.

There is so much happening in this book. There are space pirates. And other things. And I liked the plot a lot. It was an easy read, which I enjoyed lots. I loved reading about Doran's past. And Lara's past too. But yeah. Adored Doran the most. Though I did guess that plot twist pretty early, so I wasn't surprised. It was mean, though. Yet interesting. Starflight was an amazing book. Interesting and exciting and a bit romantic. It was fun. I liked reading it so much. I think you would all love it too. You must all read it :)

Saturday, March 19, 2016

In My Mailbox #229

This week went by so fast. I have been feeling pretty crappy lately. But mostly doing good, even so. Sadly, I only read one book this week, which was Lady Midnight days ago. <3 It was perfection. Which is probably why I haven't felt like reading anything after it, lol. But I'm truly planning on starting something tomorrow :) I just need to make myself read. In a bad slump. I know I will love what I read, hopefully, I just need to make myself start. Which is proving to be difficult. Had a bad day last night, as the cat scratched me badly. Ack. It hurts still. But we are both mostly okay, so nothing too bad :) I got some gorgeous mail this week. <3 But still waiting on some precious things. Blog posts this week. I shared my review of Lady Midnight. <3 I posted a Top Ten Tuesday, finally :) This week I'm waiting on Like a River Glorious. <3 And I posted another stunning Book Collection :) I'm hoping next week will be better for me.

The Good Dinosaur. This coloring book is so cute. I simply love owning all of these pretty books, hih.
Zootopia. And so begins my quest for books from this movie :D This one is awesome. The whole movie.
Carry On. Ended up a bit expensive, but so glad I ordered this precious. Signed too :D LOVE this book.
Kindred Spirits. Glad that I got to buy this one too :D Not sure when I will read it, but I adore Rainbow.
Lady Midnight. Blue edges :D LOVE. Looking for the other paperbacks too.. ugh. I need them. Now :)
Siren's Song. Eee :D Thank you to the publisher for amazing giveaway that I won. Signed! Swag! LOVE.
The Skylighter Swag. YAY! Thank you so much Becky for this gorgeous pre-order swag :D So much love.

Disney Store Sweden. Gosh damn this was an expensive buy for me. But I needed the new Tangled tsum-tsums, and I couldn't not buy these other plushes too, lol. Couldn't really afford it at the moment.. but needed them even so. <3 Aren't they all so cute? But aw, I'm missing a couple from Zootopia. Hmph.

And I Darken. I am so curious about this book :) I hope it will end up being amazing. Thank you Cassie at Penguin Random House for letting me take part in the blog tour and letting me read this book via Netgalley. <3 I can't help it, though, I am sad that I'm not getting the print ARC, like all the US bloggers taking part. I have gotten aARCs from this lovely publisher lots of times, but they just decided to stop sending to Norway :\ Oh. It has been a sad week.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Friday, March 18, 2016

Book Collection #3

Third week of this new thing I started. Have wanted for so long to do another weekly thing, and now I was finally ready. Once a week, every Friday, I will be sharing a book collection that I own. As in, all of the books I have from one author. I have wanted to do this for so long; thrilled that I'm finally starting. Unsure about the name, but I like it even so. Cannot wait to share with you all every week :) Because I am in love with all my book collections. I own so many amazing books. Eee. Hope you will enjoy this :)

Books by Jessica Khoury.

This collection of mine isn't all that big, but it is so gorgeous that I just had to share it with you all. I loved these books so much. Three of them were five stars, but have yet to read Kalahari. Very soon, though. I wish to own the ARCs of these books too; one day I hope. Aren't they just the most gorgeous?

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday #231

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

LIKE A RIVER GLORIOUS (The Gold Seer Trilogy #2)  

Goodreads Description:  

After a harrowing journey across the country, Leah Westfall and her friends have finally arrived in California and are ready to make their fortunes in the Gold Rush. Lee has a special advantage over the other new arrivals in California—she has the ability to sense gold, a secret known only by her handsome best friend Jefferson and her murdering uncle Hiram.

Lee and her friends have the chance to be the most prosperous settlers in California, but Hiram hasn’t given up trying to control Lee and her power. Sabotage and kidnapping are the least of what he’ll do to make sure Lee is his own. His mine is the deepest and darkest in the territory, and there Lee learns the full extent of her magical gift, the worst of her uncle, and the true strength of her friendships. To save everyone, she vows to destroy her uncle and the empire he is building—even at the cost of her own freedom.

The second epic historical fantasy in the Gold Seer trilogy by Rae Carson, the acclaimed author of The Girl of Fire and Thorns.

Hardcover, 432 pages
Expected publication: September 27th 2016 by Greenwillow Books
Pre-Order here and here

Eee, I am SO excited for this book :D I loved Walk on Earth a Stranger so much. And I am dying for this sequel. Oh. It is going to be so amazing. I cannot wait to read more about Lee. And Jefferson, hiih. <3 There will be more romance. And I am thrilled about it. Ahhh. It shall be perfect, I just know it :D Book one came up on Edelweiss last April, so hoping the same will happen now. <3 I can't wait. Want to read it right away. But also want the print ARC so much; my collection needs it :) Anyway. I wanted to share a cover reveal post for this book, but cover never arrived in bigger quality. Sigh. Isn't it so gorgeous? :)
What are you waiting for on this glorious Wednesday?

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday #26

Top Ten Books On My Spring TBR

1. A Gathering of Shadows by V. E. Schwab
I don't even know why I haven't read this book yet. Ack. I loved the first one so, so much. And I'm super excited for this sequel. Just need to re-read book one yet. Soon. Very soon. I do know that I will love it. I love every book by V.

2. Starflight by Melissa Landers.
I have been excited about this book for so long. Yet I have not read my copy of it yet. Ack. But I will. Soon. I'm just nervous. But I'm still so sure that I will like this book so, so much. Cannot wait to finally read it. It seems awesome.

3. The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman.
I have heard so many amazing this about this book already. And I think it looks amazing. I adore the author; have loved two books by her before. I just know that I will love this one. Just need to get myself to start it. It seems the best.

4. Traitor Angels by Anne Blankman.
I'm so curious about this one. Yet nervous too, because I did not love the first two books by this author. Yet I still got this one from Edelweiss. Since I think it seems amazing. I just. I really hope I will like it lots. Crossing my fingers.

5. All the Missing Girls by Megan Miranda.
I don't usually read adult books at all. But this one I will read. Because I adore Megan. And I think this one sounds pretty interesting. I'm a bit nervous, yet excited to read it even so. I hope I will end up loving it a whole lot. Excited.

6. Siren's Song by Mary Weber.
I really liked book one and two last year. And I have been wanting to read this one for so long. Yet I did not manage to read my eARC of it. Hmph. But now I have my hardcover, and I'm excited to read this one very soon. I will like it.

7. The Skylighter by Becky Wallace.
I have been meaning to read this as an eARC for three months now. But, well, I suck at read eARCs. I prefer print. And now my hardcover have shipped. So I am finally reading it soon. Yay. So excited. Will be re-reading book one first.

8. Summer Days and Summer Nights by Stephanie Perkins + more.
I do not read many books with short stories. But I have wanted to read this one for a while now. I adore some of these authors a whole bunch. And I just know that I will love them all. Reading my eARC soon. So excited for these stories.

9. Once Upon a Dream by Liz Braswell.
This was an accident. I clicked the Netgalley link to read about it. Instead it happened so that I needed to download it. Hmph. I didn't love her first book, but I did like it, and so I'm nervous about this one, yet a little bit excited too.

10. The Last Place on Earth by Carol Snow.
When I saw this book, I couldn't help but buy it. I usually don't buy books I have never heard of before. But this one I did. I'm a bit nervous, yet I cannot wait to read it. I just hope it will end up being amazing. It looks so good, hih.

Yay! I'm finally doing another Top Ten Tuesday :) For this week I'm only going with books I own that I'm planning on reading soonish. A few of them are eARCs that I own, and must read very soon :) Others are books I have yet to have read. Ack. Anyway. I liked this topic a lot, so I just couldn't not do it :) I'm so excited to read all of these books. Have you read any of them? Which books are on your list this week?

Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme held by The Broke and the Bookish :)