
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday #26

Top Ten Books On My Spring TBR

1. A Gathering of Shadows by V. E. Schwab
I don't even know why I haven't read this book yet. Ack. I loved the first one so, so much. And I'm super excited for this sequel. Just need to re-read book one yet. Soon. Very soon. I do know that I will love it. I love every book by V.

2. Starflight by Melissa Landers.
I have been excited about this book for so long. Yet I have not read my copy of it yet. Ack. But I will. Soon. I'm just nervous. But I'm still so sure that I will like this book so, so much. Cannot wait to finally read it. It seems awesome.

3. The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman.
I have heard so many amazing this about this book already. And I think it looks amazing. I adore the author; have loved two books by her before. I just know that I will love this one. Just need to get myself to start it. It seems the best.

4. Traitor Angels by Anne Blankman.
I'm so curious about this one. Yet nervous too, because I did not love the first two books by this author. Yet I still got this one from Edelweiss. Since I think it seems amazing. I just. I really hope I will like it lots. Crossing my fingers.

5. All the Missing Girls by Megan Miranda.
I don't usually read adult books at all. But this one I will read. Because I adore Megan. And I think this one sounds pretty interesting. I'm a bit nervous, yet excited to read it even so. I hope I will end up loving it a whole lot. Excited.

6. Siren's Song by Mary Weber.
I really liked book one and two last year. And I have been wanting to read this one for so long. Yet I did not manage to read my eARC of it. Hmph. But now I have my hardcover, and I'm excited to read this one very soon. I will like it.

7. The Skylighter by Becky Wallace.
I have been meaning to read this as an eARC for three months now. But, well, I suck at read eARCs. I prefer print. And now my hardcover have shipped. So I am finally reading it soon. Yay. So excited. Will be re-reading book one first.

8. Summer Days and Summer Nights by Stephanie Perkins + more.
I do not read many books with short stories. But I have wanted to read this one for a while now. I adore some of these authors a whole bunch. And I just know that I will love them all. Reading my eARC soon. So excited for these stories.

9. Once Upon a Dream by Liz Braswell.
This was an accident. I clicked the Netgalley link to read about it. Instead it happened so that I needed to download it. Hmph. I didn't love her first book, but I did like it, and so I'm nervous about this one, yet a little bit excited too.

10. The Last Place on Earth by Carol Snow.
When I saw this book, I couldn't help but buy it. I usually don't buy books I have never heard of before. But this one I did. I'm a bit nervous, yet I cannot wait to read it. I just hope it will end up being amazing. It looks so good, hih.

Yay! I'm finally doing another Top Ten Tuesday :) For this week I'm only going with books I own that I'm planning on reading soonish. A few of them are eARCs that I own, and must read very soon :) Others are books I have yet to have read. Ack. Anyway. I liked this topic a lot, so I just couldn't not do it :) I'm so excited to read all of these books. Have you read any of them? Which books are on your list this week?

Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme held by The Broke and the Bookish :)


  1. I have A Gathering of Shadows on my list as well, really need to read that one soon-ish. Here's My TTT

  2. YES^^ A Gathering of Shadows made my list this week too! I'm hoping to read it VERY soon :D The Dark Days Club is another great one^^ I really want to read that one too!

  3. I really need to read The Storyspinner. Like, stat. Enjoy these, C!

  4. Several of these are on my spring tbr as well! I can't wait to get to Siren Song--ahhh such an amazing series!! And Traitor Angels and Skylighter (though I need to find time to fit in Storyspinner first!). Great list, Carina!


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