
Saturday, March 19, 2016

In My Mailbox #229

This week went by so fast. I have been feeling pretty crappy lately. But mostly doing good, even so. Sadly, I only read one book this week, which was Lady Midnight days ago. <3 It was perfection. Which is probably why I haven't felt like reading anything after it, lol. But I'm truly planning on starting something tomorrow :) I just need to make myself read. In a bad slump. I know I will love what I read, hopefully, I just need to make myself start. Which is proving to be difficult. Had a bad day last night, as the cat scratched me badly. Ack. It hurts still. But we are both mostly okay, so nothing too bad :) I got some gorgeous mail this week. <3 But still waiting on some precious things. Blog posts this week. I shared my review of Lady Midnight. <3 I posted a Top Ten Tuesday, finally :) This week I'm waiting on Like a River Glorious. <3 And I posted another stunning Book Collection :) I'm hoping next week will be better for me.

The Good Dinosaur. This coloring book is so cute. I simply love owning all of these pretty books, hih.
Zootopia. And so begins my quest for books from this movie :D This one is awesome. The whole movie.
Carry On. Ended up a bit expensive, but so glad I ordered this precious. Signed too :D LOVE this book.
Kindred Spirits. Glad that I got to buy this one too :D Not sure when I will read it, but I adore Rainbow.
Lady Midnight. Blue edges :D LOVE. Looking for the other paperbacks too.. ugh. I need them. Now :)
Siren's Song. Eee :D Thank you to the publisher for amazing giveaway that I won. Signed! Swag! LOVE.
The Skylighter Swag. YAY! Thank you so much Becky for this gorgeous pre-order swag :D So much love.

Disney Store Sweden. Gosh damn this was an expensive buy for me. But I needed the new Tangled tsum-tsums, and I couldn't not buy these other plushes too, lol. Couldn't really afford it at the moment.. but needed them even so. <3 Aren't they all so cute? But aw, I'm missing a couple from Zootopia. Hmph.

And I Darken. I am so curious about this book :) I hope it will end up being amazing. Thank you Cassie at Penguin Random House for letting me take part in the blog tour and letting me read this book via Netgalley. <3 I can't help it, though, I am sad that I'm not getting the print ARC, like all the US bloggers taking part. I have gotten aARCs from this lovely publisher lots of times, but they just decided to stop sending to Norway :\ Oh. It has been a sad week.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. To be fair, Lady Midnight is a massive book, so I don't blame you for spending the entire week reading it. Lol.

    Lovely books, Carina!

  2. Ahh, you got And I Darken! It is so pretty. :D I'm glad you made the tour, though I'm sorry they've stopped sending to Norway. Maybe try the foreign publisher of the book? I hope you enjoy your new books, Carina!

    Have a fantastic weekend. :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  3. And I Darken sounds interesting. Great haul, happy reading and have a great week.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear your kitty scratched you but glad that you both are okay! *hugs*

    I hope you'll get out of your reading slump next week!


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