
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Preview Review: The Darkest Corners by Kara Thomas

I don't know what to say. I wanted to love this book so much. I was thrilled when I was asked to take part in the blog tour and get to read this book early. It isn't my genre, but I thought it sounded awesome, and I was sure I would like it. But oh. I did not. And I must admit to being sad and disappointed about it.

This will only be a preview review, as I'm set to take part in the blog tour on March 19th :) That might change based on my rating of this book, though, but I hope not. Either way, my full review will be lots longer and I will be sharing a whole lot more. But I wanted to say a little about it now too, as I read it today.

I thought this book would be amazing. It looks awesome. It sounds creepy. I was sure I would love it. But, sadly, the writing wasn't all that great. But I could move past that. Except that the story wasn't very good at all. Which disappointed me so much. It is so boring. Yes, there were people who died years ago. But I expected more to happen. More people to die. One girl dies at the beginning. One the main character didn't know much at all. And so I felt nothing. I didn't care much about this mystery at all. Which makes me sad. The only exciting thing in this whole book happens in the last forty pages. And those were even rushed. Ugh. I'm disappointed. It could have been better. But even so, I didn't hate it. But yes. I did not like it either.

I'm giving two stars to The Darkest Corners. I wished I could have liked it more, but that just didn't happen. Though it is so gorgeous. And my ARC looks so pretty, and I love it. But yeah. Inside was not good. More in my full review later sometime. I do think others will enjoy this book, though, and I'm curious to see what you all would think of it. Huge thank you to Anna at Random House Children's Books for sending me this stunning package. Means the most. <3 It was so pretty. Loved the extras included.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

In My Mailbox #226

I had a good week. Still thinking about The Winner's Kiss, which I got to read last week. <3 Sigh. So good. This week I only got to read two books, but that's okay :D Because both books were five stars. So much love. I'm going to start The Darkest Corners today, and I am so excited. I hope I will love it lots :) I also got so much mail this week. Lots and lots of pre-orders. So much love. I blogged a lot too, which is awesome. Posts this week. I shared the awesome cover for Three Dark Crowns. <3 I read Stars Above :D Which was awesome. This week I'm waiting on The Passion of Dolssa. <3 Then I shared the stunning cover for Crooked Kingdom :D And then I read The Forbidden Wish. <3 What did you get this week? :)

A Gathering of Shadows. Oh, the gorgeous. I must re-read book one soon. I cannot wait to read this :)
The Shadow Queen. US and UK covers are both so, so pretty. I loved this book lots. It is so awesome.
Carry On. YAY! This book is a big favorite of mine. And this new UK edition is oh so pretty. I love it.
The Forbidden Wish. Finally got this precious. I loved it so much. It is gorgeous and such a good book.
The Last Place on Earth. I pre-ordered this one because I am so curious about it. Please let it be good :)
Cinder. Ah, this Italian version is so pretty :D On sale on bookdepo, had to buy it. But.. looks a bit used?
The Thickety: Well of Witches. I loved this book so much all those months ago. Finished copy is perfect.
The Steep and Thorny Way ARC. Eee :D Thank you UK Abrams. <3 Means the most. I LOVED this one.
How To Train Your Dragon. These Dragons books are so cute. I couldn't help but buy them. Adore them.
Blood and Salt Swag. Oh, thank you so, so much Kim. <3 You are the kindest :D Eee. I love this swag.
Wedding Katniss. Yay! She's so cute. Head a bit wrong, yet still gorgeous. Waiting on my Peeta to arrive.
The Maze Runner Prize Pack. Won from an Norwegian publisher on Instagram :D Three Norwegian books and the second movie. I haven't read the books, or seen the movies, but I'm seeing them very soonish :)

More Instagram photos here. <3

Friday, February 26, 2016

Review: The Forbidden Wish by Jessica Khoury

I liked this book so much, like I knew I would. Have wanted to read it for so long, and now I finally had the chance to read it. Eee. It was just as good as I knew it would be. Better, even. I liked it so much. This book was just amazing. The writing was gorgeous, loved it so much. And the story was the very best.

This is an Aladdin fantasy retelling, but it is so different from the Disney Aladdin I know. It is not the same. Which is such a good thing, eee. Some things were like it, which was awesome, but most is different and oh how I loved it. Story was amazing. It could not have been better. The characters are the very best.

Oh, I'm unsure about how to talk about this book. I just loved it so much. Sigh. It is the story of Zahra, whom is a four thousand years old jinni. She's the very best. So powerful, yet trapped in a magic lamp. She has been stuck there for five hundred years when Aladdin finds her. Shudders. Oh, I loved Zahra so much. She's strong and brave and kind and sweet and so loving. She can be brutal, which was awesome. I loved reading from her point of view. I loved her the most. Her whole life she has been in that lamp, forced to make wishes for masters of the lamp. It sucked, to be honest. I wanted her freedom as badly as she wanted it for herself. She deserved so much better. Sigh. I love how powerful she was; all the things she could do.

This is the story about Aladdin getting his three wishes from Zahra. And the story about them being together. And oh, it was so thrilling. I loved how they slowly got to know each other a bit more, and how they started to fall for each other. Because this is a love story too. It is beautiful. So complicated, as Aladdin is trying to get the princess to marry him, so he can have revenge for his family. Yet he does not love the princess. Oh. I loved how they fell in love with each other. Sniffs. A bit sad, though. But great.

This story is simply amazing. I loved everything about it. My favorite part was the romance, which was so sweet yet forbidden. But there are some really swoony kisses. Sigh. Loved it. Aladdin and Zahra are so cute together and I shipped them the most. I really enjoyed reading about the jinni. I loved learning more about them, and about Zahra. And learning about her past too. People know about her, what she did, but they don't know the full truth. I loved getting to know it all. Zahra is amazing. Loved her so.

I don't really know what to share about this book. Which is bothering me a bit. Hmph. I think it is because I loved it so much, and I can't find anything to say about it. It was such an easy read, and I was interested the whole time, which is why I stayed up past two to finish it. I simply could not stop reading. This book was exciting at all moments. I was never bored. The plot was so stunning and evil and I liked it a whole bunch. I cared so much for the characters, but especially for Zahra and Aladdin. So so good.

There are a bunch of other people in this book. Like the princess, whom I'm unsure how I felt about. I didn't like that Aladdin was set on marrying her, but it was never a love triangle. Not ever. Yes, there was one kiss between Aladdin and the princess, that she started, but zero feelings between them. And one kiss between Zahra and this awful person, where he kissed her, after she stole from him. Nothing more, and never any feelings for other people. Which was the best. This romance is the best, promise.

But anyway. The princess. I did like her. She seemed like a kind person. Well, until she learned who Zahra really was, as the people in this city did not like jinni at all, and Zahra did not tell anyone but Aladdin whom she was. But yeah. All secrets come out. Which was awful and heartbreaking. Shudders. It was so good to read about, though. There were other characters in this one too, most bad, but a few kind ones too. But, honestly, I cared most for Zahra and Aladdin. Though the others were interesting.

Okay. I can't really say more about this book. My mind is going blank. But oh gosh, I loved it so much. Zahra was the cutest person. I loved getting to know her. I loved that she was a jinni. I loved her relationship with Aladdin, whom I liked so much. He was a great person. The ending was good too, a little bit weird, but I loved it lots. The Forbidden Wish was such a thrilling book. I loved every moment of it. It was exciting and fun and romantic. I could not have loved it more than I did. It was so good.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Cover Reveal: Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

Oh, how much I want this book. I adore Leigh Bardugo so much. And all her books have been amazing to me. So much love. And oh my gosh, Six of Crows was so goddamn good. And I simply cannot wait for the second and final book, Crooked Kingdom. This book will be the best, I'm sure of it. Yet Leigh is teasing. I fear some of my favorite characters will die. They better not. But, well, there are six main characters. I love them all. Sooobs. I am worried. But so excited. This book will be amazing. Fingers crossed for Kaz and Inej romance. <3 And Nina and Matthias. And Jesper and Wylan. Sigh. This duology have the best romances. I love the interview that Leigh had with LA Times. So much info :D And then Leigh posted a Jesper and Wylan teaser, and a Kaz teaser, and a Inej teaser. <3 Sigh. I love you Leigh. But damn. I need this book. And I need it now, lol :D September 27th cannot arrive soon enough. Also. If anyone have an ARC of Six of Crows they don't need, I want one the very most. <3 Just putting it out there :D Gosh. I haven't even talked about the cover yet. And oh my god. It is gorgeous. All kinds of stunning. I agree with Leigh; favorite of her covers so far :D Just. Perfect. I love it so. What do you think of the cover?

Kaz Brekker and his crew have just pulled off a heist so daring even they didn't think they'd survive. But instead of divvying up a fat reward, they're right back to fighting for their lives. Double-crossed and left crippled by the kidnapping of a valuable team member, the crew is low on resources, allies, and hope. As powerful forces from around the world descend on Ketterdam to root out the secrets of the dangerous drug known as jurda parem, old rivals and new enemies emerge to challenge Kaz's cunning and test the team's fragile loyalties. A war will be waged on the city's dark and twisting streets―a battle for revenge and redemption that will decide the fate of magic in the Grisha world.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday #228

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description: 

I must write this account, and when I have finished, I will burn it.

Buried deep within the archives of a convent in medieval France is an untold story of love, loss, and wonder and the two girls at the heart of it all.

Dolssa is an upper-crust city girl with a secret lover and an uncanny gift. Branded a heretic, she’s on the run from the friar who condemned her mother to death by fire, and wants Dolssa executed, too.

Botille is a matchmaker and a tavern-keeper, struggling to keep herself and her sisters on the right side of the law in their seaside town of Bajas.

When their lives collide by a dark riverside, Botille rescues a dying Dolssa and conceals her in the tavern, where an unlikely friendship blooms. Aided by her sisters and Symo, her surly but loyal neighbor, Botille nurses Dolssa back to health and hides her from her pursuers. But all of Botille’s tricks, tales, and cleverness can’t protect them forever, and when the full wrath of the Church bears down upon Bajas, Dolssa’s passion and Botille’s good intentions could destroy the entire village.

From the author of the award-winning All the Truth That’s in Me comes a spellbinding thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the final page and make you wonder if miracles really are possible.

Hardcover, 368 pages
Expected publication: April 12th 2016 by Viking Books for Young Readers
Pre-Order here and here

I have read two books by Julie so far, and I loved them both. This new book by her sounds aaamazing. Eee. I simply cannot wait to read The Passion of Dolssa :D I think it seems so good. And it looks so gorgeous. Sigh. I'm crossing all my fingers that I will love it. <3 But I'm pretty sure I will :) Can't wait.
What are you waiting for on this passionate Wednesday?

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Review: Stars Above by Marissa Meyer

I finally had the chance to read this precious book. I know, I know, it has only been a couple of weeks since it released. But I should have read it back then. Hmph. I was nervous, because I don't want these books to be over. Sniffs. I'm the biggest fan of this world. Of these characters. Of this author. Of everything.

This collection of short stories from the Lunar Chronicles world was everything I wanted it to be. Such perfection. The writing is all kinds of gorgeous, like with all the books by Marissa. I had read a few of these stories before, but most were new. And I loved reading and re-reading all of them. Was also so much fun.

I am the biggest fan of the Lunar Chronicles books. Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, Fairest and Winter were all perfection. I re-read them just this November, but while reading Stars Above I got such a huge need to re-read them all again, right away. Ahh. I don't have time for that. But I will be re-reading them all in a few months, I think, and I cannot wait. Because these books are truly the best. I love how all the characters fit together. I love the friendships. And all the different romances. Eee. And the story is simply so amazing. These books have been the best. I'm so glad Marissa wrote Stars Above. And that it got published so fast after Winter. Especially love that epilogue. Sigh. All the love. I shall now say a little of each story in this book.

The Keeper. This story was so interesting. I loved reading about how Michelle, Scarlet's grandma, ended up keeping Cinder hidden. I adored this story. But it was also so sad, because we get to meet Logan, her once lover. I hated that they hadn't gotten to be together all those years ago. But I also understood it so well. But still. He didn't know about Scarlet or her dad. Which was heartbreaking. Sad face. But anyway. I adored Michelle. And young Scarlet too, so much. Their relationship was the best. Makes me so sad now.

Glitches. This was a story I had already read before. But re-reading it was so amazing. It shows when Cinder first arrived at her new family, age eleven. It was heartbreaking too. Garan seemed like he could have been such a nice dad to her. But he, of course, had to go off and die. Ugh. Still bitter about that, lol. Because it made it so that Adri and Pearl was so cruel to Cinder. Sad face. I loved reading this story again. Because Cinder and Iko are adorable. And Peony. I loved that young girl so much. Heartbreaking.

The Queen's Army. Another story I had read before. But loved reading it again. So much. This is the story about how Wolf ended up being a special soldier for Levana. And oh, it is such a sad story. And so heartbreaking. And mean. Yet I love it so much. Wolf's real name is Ze'ev. Which is pretty awesome. We see a bit about his parents, whom seemed awesome. I really don't like his younger brother, though. Oh, this story. So mean. How they changed the way he looks. It was not okay. And so much fighting. Ahh.

Carswell's Guide to Being Lucky. First time reading. And I should have read it earlier. It was just so good. Carswell Thorne is the most adorable thirteen year old boy in this story. Well, he isn't the very nicest boy, but I liked him so much. I adored his sort of crush on Kate Fallow. I loved getting to know him more. Oh, this boy is amazing. And oh my god. There is a Carina in this one! Eeee :D It made me the most happiest. Never any characters with my name. Eeek. Thank you Marissa. <3 I loved this. So much.

After Sunshine Passes By. This story was so stunning. And evil. And heartbreaking. I loved getting to know nine year old Cress. Whom is just the sweetest child. But oh, it broke my heart to learn how she ended up locked in that satellite alone for all those years. She was sort of tricked by Sybil. Which was the meanest. Especially as she had friends among the other shells. It hurt my heart a lot. Cress is just the sweetest girl. And I want all the best for her. I also still hate Sybil. She is an evil woman. Shudders.

The Princess and the Guard. I adored this story so much. It was also the most heartbreaking one, I think. Getting to read more about Winter and Jacin was so amazing. I adore them both so much. They were so cute when they were younger, though they still are. We get to know when Winter falls in love. We get to see when and how she got those scars on her face. Shudders. It was awful. We get to fully know why she stopped using her gift. It was pretty sad. Winter and Jacin has the very best friendship.

The Little Android. I had read this one before too. And oh. I think I loved it more this second time I read it. It is based on the original The Little Mermaid, and so it is heartbreaking. It is the story of an android, Mech6.0. I liked this android so much. She's different. Like Iko. And she's in love with a boy. Whom is in love with someone else. Mech6.0 gets a different android body to get closer to him, and it is so painful for her. Oh. This story was amazingly done yet so heartbreaking. I did like the ending. Mostly.

The Mechanic. Eee, this short story was incredible. Oh, how I love Kai. He is the cutest. My favorite character in this series. Which I sometimes feel alone in feeling. Hmph. But he is the best. And I love him the most. And reading about his first meeting with Cinder, from his point of view, was the best. He's so cute. And I loved how he was crushing on her from the beginning. I loved reading his thoughts on things too. Just, so in love with this boy. And this story. Ahh. I just. I want more of everything. Always.

Something Old, Something New. The epilogue to Winter. I cannot. It was everything. So beautiful. Too short, lol, yet so perfect. There is a wedding. Not the one I wanted the most, but my second wish. And it was all kinds of beautiful. This story takes place two years after Winter. It is told from Cinder's point of view. It was perfection. These characters are the best. I loved seeing them all again. All the love. And oh my gosh, romance between Cinder and Kai is still the best thing in the world. Sniffs. I need more. <3

Heartless Chapters. There were only two short chapters from Heartless at the end of this book. But oh my gosh, they were amazing. Truly. And I loved reading them so much. But it was also a bit bittersweet, because I want this book so badly, and it isn't out until November. Ugh. And I know there are ARCs out there. And I know I won't be getting one. And it is breaking my heart a little. Because I am in love with Catherine already, and I need to know what happens next. I know this book will be all kinds of amazing.

I have now written so much about this book. But I couldn't not write it all. Stars Above was everything I wanted it to be. Such stunning short stories. Such perfect writing. And these characters are my favorite. I adore Marissa so much. And I cannot wait to read her upcoming books. I just, oh. I wish there would be more stories after this epilogue. More Cinder and Kai. I'm wishing for it. And hoping it will happen one day. You must all read this. After Winter. It is the most perfect book. All the stars for all the stories. <3

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Cover Reveal: Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake

Oh, how I aaaadore Kendare Blake. She's always so kind and amazing. And her books are so awesome :D I have loved them all. <3 So I cannot wait to read Three Dark Crowns. It looks amazing. And it sounds so good too. Eee. This book shall be the best, I'm sure of it. September 20th cannot get here fast enough. Hypable has shared an amazing interview with Kendare, and a gorgeous map too. <3 Hope it's okay that I'm reposting it here as well :) This map is so aaawesome. I love that this book has a map. Sigh. It is going to be so good. I cannot wait to meet these three sisters. But oh, this book might end up being so dark. Not sure I want to of them to end up dead, lol. But yeah. It will be very exciting to read about. Cannot wait. I'm also a sucker for romance. Hope there will be some :) What do you think of the cover?

Every generation on the island of Fennbirn, a set of triplets is born: three queens, all equal heirs to the crown and each possessor of a coveted magic. Mirabella is a fierce elemental, able to spark hungry flames or vicious storms at the snap of her fingers. Katharine is a poisoner, one who can ingest the deadliest poisons without so much as a stomachache. Arsinoe, a naturalist, is said to have the ability to bloom the reddest rose and control the fiercest of lions.

But becoming the Queen Crowned isn’t solely a matter of royal birth. Each sister has to fight for it. And it’s not just a game of win or lose…it’s life or death. The night the sisters turn sixteen, the battle begins. The last queen standing gets the crown.

If only it was that simple. Katharine is unable to tolerate the weakest poison, and Arsinoe, no matter how hard she tries, can’t make even a weed grow. The two queens have been shamefully faking their powers, taking care to keep each other, the island, and their powerful sister Mirabella none the wiser. But with alliances being formed, betrayals taking shape, and ruthless revenge haunting the queens’ every move, one thing is certain: the last queen standing might not be the strongest…but she may be the darkest.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

In My Mailbox #225

Oh, this week. It has been amazing. So, so amazing. Well, except for things in my personal life, which has sucked more than anything else. Sad face. But besides that. I have had such a great week. The Winner's Kiss was added to Netgalley by the UK publisher. I got accepted within minutes. Eeeee. And then I re-read the first books right away, and have read this third one too, and my life feels complete. <3 I loved it so much. Sigh. I cannot. Perfect books. I also blogged a lot this week. Yay for that. And got a little bit of perfect mail. So yeah. This week was good. Blog posts. I read Wild Swans. <3 It was good. I shared the cover for Foxheart :D I'm waiting on Nemesis this week :) I read The Winner's Curse for the 4th time. <3 I read The Winner's Crime for the 2nd time :) And then I read the perfect The Winner's Kiss. <3 Oh, how it was perfect. I cannot. Perfection. So good. Thrilled that I got to read it early, eee :D Have been so jealous for weeks now, hah :p Anyway. I was happy with this book. But still waiting on things, and that it upsetting me. Hopefully all the lost items will arrive :) What did you get this week?

Riders. Yes, I know, I didn't love this book. But I love this author. And I love this cover. I had to buy it :)
Stars Above. YAY! I got my two gorgeous international paperback editions. <3 Oh, they are so stunning.
Allegiant. Only got the paperback version; of course it is damaged on the side. Goddamn it. Still, pretty.
Hotel Transylvania 2. The Norwegian version just came out; so I had to own that too. I love this movie.
The Darkest Corners. Eee :D Thank you Anna at Random House. <3 I cannot wait to read this book next.
The Winner's Kiss. Sigh. This was the best part of my week. Thank you Bloomsbury. <3 I'm so, so happy.
Miraculous Ladybug Mask. Isn't this mask the most gorgeous thing? I love it so. Expensive, but worth it.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Friday, February 19, 2016

Review: The Winner's Kiss by Marie Rutkoski

Oh, how long I have waited for this book. I can't believe I was lucky enough to get to read this book early. I had wished for it. And my wish came true. Eee. I am the most happy. Because I simply adore this series. I love this author. And these books. They are the best. And The Winner's Kiss was the best of them.

I knew I would love this book the most. Considering that awful and perfect ending of The Winner's Crime, I knew this book would be the best. And the most painful. I was not wrong. It is so heartbreaking. But it has hope and romance and friendships. There is a big war. Yet it is so happy at times too. Somewhat.

I could not have been happier with this book. The writing is beyond perfect. The story was everything I wanted and more. The characters are simply the best, always. I also got the romance I wanted, sort of. Don't want to spoil about all of that. But yeah. I was pleased with this book. Oh so pleased with it. And all of you will be too. Because it is heartbreaking. It is stunning. It is worth the wait. This book was worth everything. Oh, how much I loved it. But how do I even begin to talk about this book, without spoiling most of it. Ahh. I shall try my best. But do know that I will talk about one spoilery thing, as it happens pretty early in the book. I cannot ignore it. I must talk about it. It was my favorite part, well, one of my favorites.

In the end of book two, Kestrel has been sent to the work camp in Tundra. And oh, Arin has gone back home, without knowing this. I shall still never forgive him for what he did to her dagger. Hmph. I'm not a forgiving person about that, lol. But oh. This story. Arin is forgetting about Kestrel, as she hurt him so much. He is preparing for war, and working with Roshar to succeed. Meanwhile Kestrel is in prison. Being drugged daily. Losing her memories. Getting hurt. For about a month. Which was so painful to me. Sob.

To me, it was pretty obvious that Arin would figure out, eventually, where Kestrel really were. And he does. And oh, it was the most beautiful thing. His guilt. It was heartbreaking. It was beautiful. I loved every moment of it. A rescue came. And it was so awful. So perfect. I loved reading about Kestrel at this prison. How she started to forget things. How she wanted to remember. How she wanted to escape. And that one time she tried. What happened after. Shudders. I cannot. It was simply perfect. So good.

I know, I know. I shouldn't feel so happy about my characters being in pain. But I can't help it. I had wished for this pain for so long, and I was thrilled when I got it. It hurt so bad. It was written so well. Everything about it was perfect. Stunning. So emotional. Everything I had wanted and more. Sigh. I cannot deal with this book. The plot is so exciting. Reading about Arin and Kestrel together, finally, but still apart. Still having issues, because Kestrel remembers so little. She is so hurt. Yet they bond. A bit.

And oh, how beautiful this book was. I loved Arin and Kestrel the very most. Seeing them get to know each other again. How they talk. And don't talk. It was so special to me to read about. I adore them both so much. And oh, how painful it was. I wish they had talked about a few things, but I understood why they didn't, and I loved it even so. There weren't any drama. There weren't any love triangles. Though one could have been, but it never ever was, and I am so happy about it. Oh, this book was good. Sigh.

There is so much I want to say about this book. I just. I cannot. I loved it the most. The romance. Perfection. So much swoon. The friendships. So precious. Sarsine was so amazing to Kestrel. I loved it the most. And gosh, Roshar. He became so precious to me. I love him so much. His friendship with Arin is the sweetest. I love them together. And he was great with Kestrel too. I just. I cannot. He was an amazing person. And he had been hurt a lot. And oh, it hurt my heart. I want to read more about him.

I found the ending of this book, this series, to be the very best. It had everything I had been hoping for. I could not have loved it more. It made me so happy. Though there is one small thing that bothers me, that makes me wish there had been an epilogue. I don't know what happened to one character. If that relationship will get fixed. And I wish to know. I wish to know so badly. Hmph. But anyway. These is no epilogue. And I want there to be one so badly. Shall cross all my fingers that one might come some day.

I cannot stop writing about this book. I just. I loved it the most. And reading it was so special to me. It meant the most. I cannot wait to re-read these books again and again. I never re-read book in a series without reading the first one first, but I think I will have to read this one again once I get my finished copies. The Winner's Kiss was everything I wanted it to be. It was full of heartbreak, hope, friendships. The writing is stunning. The characters even more so. I loved every moment of this book. Perfection.

I simply must mention more about this book. I didn't say much about the plot at all. But anyway. There is a war against the emperor. Whom is still the most awful person. Shudders. I still adore his son, though. There is a lot of dead people. It was awesome, yet mean. I still don't like Kestrel's father. I won't ever forgive him for what he did to her. I can't. But I'm still curious about him. There is so much happening in this book. So much heartbreak. And hope. And good things. So many characters too. It was all amazing.

I love all the covers for this book and series. So much. But for this review, I'm using the UK paperback edition, as this was the eARC that I read. I will, of course, be buying all the different versions. Even the new covers, as they are pretty awesome too. But yeah. These covers are simply perfection. So stunning. So amazing. I have so much love for everything about these books. Sigh. The writing is gorgeous. Oh, how I love these books that Marie has written. They are huge favorites of mine. Will never forget them.

I forgot something. And so I am editing my review to add it. I did not mention how much I love Kestrel and Arin. Kestrel is so broken in this book. Yet she is the strongest and so brave. I loved how she was a part of the war planning. I loved how she got stronger. She's the best. And Arin is so amazing. He grows so much in this book, which I loved. He's gentle with Kestrel, which I loved. A bit weird with his god, lol. He's a bit insecure, which I loved so much too. He is simply the sweetest. Oh, I love them both so much.

The biggest of thank yous to the UK publisher, Bloomsbury Children's, for putting this precious book on Netgalley. And for accepting my request right away. It meant the very most to me. Especially since I had no other way of reading it early. And especially since I have been so jealous and heartbroken that others got to read it last month, and I did not. But now I got to read it too, more than a month before publish, and oh, it means the most to me. Just, thank you. Thank you so much. I loved this book the very most.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Book Recommendation: The Winner's Crime by Marie Rutkoski

This is my second time reading this book. And oh. My heart is broken all over again. But damn it. This sequel is so perfect. I cannot. It is amazing. But it is also the most painful one to read, and some things make me angry, yet I can't help but love it so much. I'm thrilled that I finally got to re-read this book. So, so happy that I have been accepted for an eARC of The Winner's Kiss, which I will be reading next. I'm so excited to finally get to read it, after waiting so long. But I'm also so very nervous about the heartbreak.

I'm unsure what I should say about this book this time. It has been just over a year since I first read it. And I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I hadn't really forgotten anything, except for the look of Roshar. Whom I adore. But yeah. I really loved reading this book for the second time. Though it still breaks my heart. There is so much hurt. So many lies. No love at all. It hurts my heart. Yet this book is so well written and so interesting and I love all the characters so much. I can't help but love it the most.

This book takes place after the ending of book one. Kestrel is engaged. And oh, how I loved reading about it. Because I hated it so much, lol. The prince was such an interesting character, though. I loved how he was in love with someone else, though it was so heartbreaking too. I loved how he and Kestrel slowly became friends. I liked him. I'm glad there wasn't even a hint of a love triangle. There never is in this series. Just so you know. Not much romance in this, but no triangle either. Just a little bit drama.

And ahh. All the drama. I really cannot stand drama. But I couldn't help but love it in this book. Because I understood it all so well. Though, well, I'm still angry with Arin. For how he threw away the knife. Ugh. I will never get over it, lol. For how he didn't understand things. But I'm also angry with Kestrel, for lying so much. Yet I can't be angry with her for long. Because I understood her the most. She had so much to lose. And oh, how she broke my heart. She risked so much. She did so much. She is the sweetest girl.

I must say that the ending of this book is still my favorite thing. It is so brutal. So amazingly written. I loved every moment. Well, except for that Arin moment, hmph. It still bothers me, lol. But Kestrel. The scene with her dad. I cannot. It was heartbreaking. I do not forgive him. I just don't. I'm so curious to read about it in book three. I hope it will be epic. But yeah. I still don't forgive him. So mean. But oh, how it was interesting to read about. So many dead people in this book. And interesting things happen.

I don't know what to say. The writing is all kinds of stunning. The plot is exciting. I love the difference between the people in this world. I loved getting to know some of the other people too, like Roshar. He was awesome. And I want more of him in the next book. There are so many characters in this one. A little bit of Ronan and Jess. I loved them both in the first book. In this one, not so much. I hated how they both treated Kestrel. I just can't stand it. I'm sorry. But I am not happy with Jess at all. Hmph.

I cannot deal with how amazing this book is. And how heartbreaking too. So many bad things happen. Especially that ending. There are so many lies. But the truth is just under the surface of those lies. And it hurt my heart. They both love each other so much. Sniffs. Book three must be amazing. It must. But anyway. I can't say more about this stunning book. Just that I love it the most. And I adore Marie. And I cannot wait to read whatever she writes next. I'm so glad I re-read this book right now. Read it. Now.