
Thursday, February 18, 2016

Book Recommendation: The Winner's Crime by Marie Rutkoski

This is my second time reading this book. And oh. My heart is broken all over again. But damn it. This sequel is so perfect. I cannot. It is amazing. But it is also the most painful one to read, and some things make me angry, yet I can't help but love it so much. I'm thrilled that I finally got to re-read this book. So, so happy that I have been accepted for an eARC of The Winner's Kiss, which I will be reading next. I'm so excited to finally get to read it, after waiting so long. But I'm also so very nervous about the heartbreak.

I'm unsure what I should say about this book this time. It has been just over a year since I first read it. And I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I hadn't really forgotten anything, except for the look of Roshar. Whom I adore. But yeah. I really loved reading this book for the second time. Though it still breaks my heart. There is so much hurt. So many lies. No love at all. It hurts my heart. Yet this book is so well written and so interesting and I love all the characters so much. I can't help but love it the most.

This book takes place after the ending of book one. Kestrel is engaged. And oh, how I loved reading about it. Because I hated it so much, lol. The prince was such an interesting character, though. I loved how he was in love with someone else, though it was so heartbreaking too. I loved how he and Kestrel slowly became friends. I liked him. I'm glad there wasn't even a hint of a love triangle. There never is in this series. Just so you know. Not much romance in this, but no triangle either. Just a little bit drama.

And ahh. All the drama. I really cannot stand drama. But I couldn't help but love it in this book. Because I understood it all so well. Though, well, I'm still angry with Arin. For how he threw away the knife. Ugh. I will never get over it, lol. For how he didn't understand things. But I'm also angry with Kestrel, for lying so much. Yet I can't be angry with her for long. Because I understood her the most. She had so much to lose. And oh, how she broke my heart. She risked so much. She did so much. She is the sweetest girl.

I must say that the ending of this book is still my favorite thing. It is so brutal. So amazingly written. I loved every moment. Well, except for that Arin moment, hmph. It still bothers me, lol. But Kestrel. The scene with her dad. I cannot. It was heartbreaking. I do not forgive him. I just don't. I'm so curious to read about it in book three. I hope it will be epic. But yeah. I still don't forgive him. So mean. But oh, how it was interesting to read about. So many dead people in this book. And interesting things happen.

I don't know what to say. The writing is all kinds of stunning. The plot is exciting. I love the difference between the people in this world. I loved getting to know some of the other people too, like Roshar. He was awesome. And I want more of him in the next book. There are so many characters in this one. A little bit of Ronan and Jess. I loved them both in the first book. In this one, not so much. I hated how they both treated Kestrel. I just can't stand it. I'm sorry. But I am not happy with Jess at all. Hmph.

I cannot deal with how amazing this book is. And how heartbreaking too. So many bad things happen. Especially that ending. There are so many lies. But the truth is just under the surface of those lies. And it hurt my heart. They both love each other so much. Sniffs. Book three must be amazing. It must. But anyway. I can't say more about this stunning book. Just that I love it the most. And I adore Marie. And I cannot wait to read whatever she writes next. I'm so glad I re-read this book right now. Read it. Now.



  1. I still haven't read my copy. :/ I loved the first book, but now I'm thinking I should wait until the whole series is complete.

  2. I haven't read this. I'll definitely consider it since you love it so much.

  3. I want to start my re-read of these soon but given how hard this one is on the feels, I might wait till my copy of Winner's Kiss ships before I even start Winner's Curse to be sure I won't have to wait long!!


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