
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Preview Review: The Darkest Corners by Kara Thomas

I don't know what to say. I wanted to love this book so much. I was thrilled when I was asked to take part in the blog tour and get to read this book early. It isn't my genre, but I thought it sounded awesome, and I was sure I would like it. But oh. I did not. And I must admit to being sad and disappointed about it.

This will only be a preview review, as I'm set to take part in the blog tour on March 19th :) That might change based on my rating of this book, though, but I hope not. Either way, my full review will be lots longer and I will be sharing a whole lot more. But I wanted to say a little about it now too, as I read it today.

I thought this book would be amazing. It looks awesome. It sounds creepy. I was sure I would love it. But, sadly, the writing wasn't all that great. But I could move past that. Except that the story wasn't very good at all. Which disappointed me so much. It is so boring. Yes, there were people who died years ago. But I expected more to happen. More people to die. One girl dies at the beginning. One the main character didn't know much at all. And so I felt nothing. I didn't care much about this mystery at all. Which makes me sad. The only exciting thing in this whole book happens in the last forty pages. And those were even rushed. Ugh. I'm disappointed. It could have been better. But even so, I didn't hate it. But yes. I did not like it either.

I'm giving two stars to The Darkest Corners. I wished I could have liked it more, but that just didn't happen. Though it is so gorgeous. And my ARC looks so pretty, and I love it. But yeah. Inside was not good. More in my full review later sometime. I do think others will enjoy this book, though, and I'm curious to see what you all would think of it. Huge thank you to Anna at Random House Children's Books for sending me this stunning package. Means the most. <3 It was so pretty. Loved the extras included.


  1. Oh boo. It does sound amazing. Sorry it wasn't up to your liking, C.

  2. It is a gorgeous cover but sorry to hear that it wasn't all you'd hoped.

  3. Aw, it's too bad you didn't like this one more. I like when characters die in thrillers but not if I haven't gotten to know them - and it sounds like that was the case here.


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