
Saturday, January 2, 2016

In My Mailbox #218

Happy New Year :D While I love the holidays, with all the amazing food and presents, it also annoys me a bit. Because I only got one package this week. And it arrived on Monday. Ugh. But this probably means I will get all my mail next week, lol. I just don't like all these days with no mail. Ack. How depressing. Also waiting to hear from Edelweiss about some books I really wish to read. So yeah. I'm just waiting for Monday to arrive :) I have not read much at all. I finished My Lady Jane last Sunday, and haven't read anything since. Ack. But I shall read more. Sooon. I just haven't been able to with the holidays. And lots of movies to watch all the time, lol. But I do wish to read. Just no time yet. Also just wanted to thank you all for always visiting and commenting on my blog. <3 It means the most. Thank you. This week I posted a few times. I shared my review for My Lady Jane :D I posted a Top Ten Tuesday. <3 This week I'm waiting on The Last Place on Earth. I posted my Best Books of 2015. <3 What did you get this week?

The Mirror King. The Shadow Queen. Down With the Shine. So much love. Got this lovely ARC package from the amazing HarperCollins International. <3 Thank you oh so much :D These are the ARCs I wanted to get the most of those I asked for. Eeee :D SO HAPPY. I had hoped for six, but I'm thrilled with these. <3 Yes, yes, I have read the first two books. But I did not own ARCs of them. And owning these means THE MOST to me. I loved both books so much. And ahhh. They are simply perfect looking. I love them all so much. I have been meaning to start Down With the Shine all week long; really hoping to get started tomorrow. Just no time with the holidays. I cannot wait to read and love it. I'm super excited to start it.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. I love the pictures of your Cat. Your Cat looks like he is pondering things. I hope you love all of your new books this week.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. Yay! Those books look awesome, Carina. I know you've always wanted these books, so I hope you'll enjoy them. I'm pretty sure you've read these books already because you're quick like that. Lol.

    Have a great week, hun!

  3. Awesome ARCs!! I hope you get many more things in the mail on Monday!
    I'm hoping for some approvals on NG & EW too, although my hopes are not too high, truth be told!
    I hope you had a wonderful holidays dear!

  4. Mirror King sounds good, hope you enjoy. Happy reading and have a good upcoming week.

  5. Kitty looks so stoic! :D Like she is seeing the possibilities of the coming year ;)
    Lovely books this week. I'm so glad you got copies of these. I still need to read all three but I know you enjoyed all of them, so I can't wait!

  6. Happy New Year, sweet friend! I look forward to discussing more books and boys with you this year. :)
    I'm sooo excited for The Shadow Queen. I hope I love it. :D


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