
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Best Books of 2015

This year I'm posting about my Best Books of 2015 and my Best Re-Reads of 2015. I started with the latter, but now finally doing my best books post :D I have read 105 books this year. Goodreads says one less, but that is because I read Fairest twice this year. Ack. I wish I had read more, as one hundred feels like so little. But I wasn't able to read more. Sometimes I didn't feel like reading at all. But other times I wanted to read all the time. But I can say that this year I read the best books I have in a long time, I think. I re-read so many. See my Best Re-Reads of 2015 post here. <3 So many amazing books read and re-read this year. The first three are definitely the most favorites, but the rest might be randomly placed. Maybe. But point is, I loved all of these books so much. I loved so many books this year. And I cannot wait to read and love even more next year. Really hoping and thinking that I will read much more. Fingers crossed. Have you guys read any of these books? And do you have a list posted? Would love to see it. I just loved these books so much. Ahh. My Goodreads Challenge. My Goodreads Year in Books.

I also wanted to share a few stats about the books that I read. Seeing it on goodreads, but also including that I read Fairest twice. And all of my other re-reads. So anyway. This year I had one DNF. And I only read one 1 star book. But then I read twelve 2 star books. Sigh. And nine 3 star books. I read twenty one 4 star books. And I gave 5 stars to sixty one books. Eeee. That is a lot. But I loved that many. Though twenty seven of those were re-reads. Hmph. I really hope to read and love much more books next year.

1. Winter. I loved this book the very most. Perfect series ending. Amazing characters to ship. The best.
2. Illuminae. I will never forget this amazing book. Can't wait to read it over and over again. Perfection.
3. Carry On. This book gave me butterflies. It will forever be the best. Cutest romance too. Loved it so.

4. Six of Crows. So many characters. I loved every single one of them. This story is simply incredible.
5. Wolf By Wolf. Will never not love this heartbreaking story. It is simply oh so perfect. I loved the story.
6. A Darker Shade of Magic. This one is amazing. Such stunning magic and amazing characters to know.

7. The Last Ever After. It made me cry. And then smile. Heartbreaking and perfect. Stunning romance.
8. This Savage Song. So thrilled by how much I loved this one. Monster boy. Rich girl. A perfect story.
9. The Winner's Crime. This series is simply amazing. I adore Arin and Kestrel. Also so heartbreaking.

10. Walk on Earth a Stranger. Stunning book. I loved the time period. I found the plot to be so good.
11. The Uninvited. A special book. The romance was thrilling. The ending was unique and awesome.
12.  The Steep and Thorny Way. I adore Cat. And this book of hers was perfection. I loved it so much.

13. My Lady Jane. Loved it so much. So surprised and thrilled. Amazing story and stunning characters.
14. The Immortal Heights. Such an amazing trilogy ending. The sweetest romance. Such a good book.
15. The Thickety: Well of Witches. This series just gets better and better. Dark and exciting. Loved it.

16. The Shadow Queen. I ended up loving this one. So gorgeous. So much fun. There are even dragons.
17. The Orphan Queen. Loved the magic in this book. And the Black Knife. And just about everything.
18. The Mirror King. Stunning sequel. I adored it. I just wish there were more than just two books. Ack.



  1. You are way ahead of the game in 2015, Carina. I still haven't finished Illuminae. Bah. But some of these books in your list are the ones I'm definitely looking forward to reading.

    i wish you the best of 2016, Carina. I hope you'll get all the books that you want! <3

  2. I enjoyed Shadow Queen, Orphan Queen, and Winner's Crime as well. Looks like a great year of books and hope that 2016 is as well.

  3. Omg AMAZING books!!! Most of these are actually on my list too.

    SoC - FAVE BOOK OF 2015!! You're right; SO MANY CHARACTERS. BUt the SHIPZZZZZZ [and same comment for Winter] for illuminae, i can't imagine how much time it took to actually write all the documents and such. it's so good and i really loved it <3

    another book that was on my list was dumplin' by julie murphy because body positivity is YAAAS


  5. Eek! Everything I've read on here was awesome, but I'm dying to read some of them! My Lady Jane! This Savage Song! The Mirror King! Gotta get onto those sooooon. I hope 2016 is wonderful for you, Carina!

  6. Awesome list, Carina! And can you believe I haven't read any of them yet D: I'm hoping I'll have more time to read this year because damn, you make each one of these sound so good!

  7. Thank you so much for sharing this awesome list, girl! So many of these are favorites of mine too - Illumaine, Six of Crows, Winter, The Immortal Heights... and I will be reading Winner's Crime soon! Also can't wait for My Lady Jane!


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