
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday #213

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Can fear be inherited?

Kelsey was raised to see danger everywhere. Her mother hasn’t set foot outside their front door in seventeen years, since she escaped from her kidnappers with Kelsey growing inside her.

Kelsey knows she’s supposed to keep a low profile for their own protection, but that plan is shattered when she drives off a cliff and is rescued by volunteer firefighter and classmate Ryan Baker.

A few days later, she arrives home to face her greatest fear: her mother is missing. She and her mother have drilled for all contingencies—except this one. Luckily, Ryan is as skilled at emergency rescues as Kelsey is at escape and evasion.

To have a chance at a future, Kelsey will have to face all her darkest fears. Because someone is coming for her.

And the truth about the past may end up being the most dangerous thing of all.

Hardcover, 368 pages
Expected publication: May 24th 2016 by Crown Books for Young Readers 
Pre-Order here and here

Oh my gosh, this book sounds amazing. I adore Megan Miranda. I have read a lot of her books, and enjoyed them all. I think this book sounds the best, maybe. It sounds so exciting :D And I like the cover a lot too. Ahh. I just think this book is going to end up being amazing. And a bit heartbreaking too probably. I'm the most excited for it. Just wishing it was May already, sigh. I'm going to love it a lot.
What are you waiting for on this safe Wednesday?


  1. This sounds so exciting, Corina! I love mystery/suspense so I hope this is a good one. Thanks for bringing it to my attention! :)

  2. OH I almost chose this one, too! :D Looks fabulous, plus I've really enjoyed this author's books in the past. Loooove that the guy is a volunteer firefighter! :D Thanks for sharing about this one, Carina!

  3. I'm looking forward to reading this also. I've enjoyed her previous books, so I hope I like this one too.
    My WoW

  4. Great pick, hope that you get a chance to read it soon

  5. Ooooh, I had missed this one! I'll have to keep an eye for your review on this one! I hope you'll get to read it soon Carina!

  6. I hope you'll enjoy this one, C! I haven't read a book by this author yet.

  7. I really liked Soulprint, so I'm looking forward to this one too. :) Great pick, lady!


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