
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Review: Winter by Marissa Meyer

I don't know where to begin. I have waited so many years for this book. And it was everything I wanted it to be and more. I'm just sad that it is over. Sniffs. But, there will be Stars Above. And it will have short stories. And an epilogue. And I am dying for it to come out. Eeek. I need this epilogue. So excited for it.

Winter is so long. Over eight hundred pages. The pages are thin and the book is heavy. I love it. It looks so stunning. It took me a while to read this precious, but I don't mind. I love how long it was. I even wish it was even longer. Because it was perfection. It was everything I wanted. And it was heartbreaking. So good.

How do I even talk about this book without mentioning all the spoilers.. Ahh. I am not sure. But I shall try my best. Some things you probably knows already that would happen, so I don't count that as spoiling things. I shall just talk a bit about all the things that I loved about this precious book. Which is a lot. Because this book was perfect from the very first page until the end. I loved it so, so much. Best book. I'm so happy with how good this series have been. How perfect these books are. And how much I love them all. Ack. Marissa Meyer is my favorite author. I adore her the most. And I cannot wait to read even more amazing books by her. I can't describe how much I love these books. I do think these books are my favorite series. Sigh.

There is so much happening in this book. The plot is all kinds of amazing. And so much happens. And ahh. I was so nervous at all times. Because everything goes wrong with all the plans. And it was so heartbreaking to read about. Yet so amazing too, because I loved it as well. Most of this book takes place on Luna. With Cinder trying to get rid of Levana, trying to get the people to support her. It is a lot of work. And it was so interesting to read about. I loved getting to see Luna more. It seemed awesome.

"I have lived in fear of her my entire life," she continued. "If this is the only chance 
I'm given to stand against her, then I have to take it. I don't want to hide. 
I don't want to be afraid. And I don't want to be separated from you, ever again."

I love how this book is told from a lot of different point of views. It is never once annoying. And I loved all the different voices. These characters are amazing. Getting to know Winter more was so great. She is incredible. Yet so broken too, because she does not use her Lunar gifts. So she's a bit crazy. Well, a lot of crazy. But she's still herself. And she is adorable. And I loved her so much. And I just wanted the very best for her. Ack. So much heartbreak. Anyway. I adored Winter. And every single thing about her.

There was also a love interest for Winter. The very awesome Jacin. Whom we have sort of seen in all the books. Sometimes he annoyed me a little bit. But he was all kinds of swoony too. I loved how much he cared for Winter. How much he wanted to protect her. How complicated their relationship was. It was stunning to read about. They are way too adorable together. Ack. So cute. The relationship between Winter and Levana is not good. And it was so interesting to read about. Shudders. It was scary too.

There is a lot of stunning relationships in this book. A lot of amazing friendships. And I loved reading about them all so much. I love how close these characters have gotten. Sniffs. And then there are all the different romances. And oh my. Those are perfection. And stunning. And swoony. And I cannot. Marissa wrote them all so well. I loved every moment. Every stolen kiss. I still ship Cinder and Kai the most. But I adore everyone. So much. Winter and Jacin are all kinds of adorable. I loved reading about them both.

"Jacin," she said, with a shaky smile. "You must know. I cannot remember 
a time when I didn't love you. I don't think such a time ever existed."

I cannot tell you how much I adore all the characters in this book. Cinder and Kai are my favorites. Because they are both all kinds of amazing. I cannot explain it better than that. I just adore them the most. But I also love Scarlet and Wolf to pieces too. So much bad happens with them in this book. I cannot. Heartbreak. It wasn't fair to Wolf. And it still hurts me. Yet it was so perfect and horrifying and I loved every moment. Despite my broken heart. Wolf's story is incredible. I loved reading it the most.

But I also love Thorne and Cress to pieces as well. I ship them so hard. And reading about them together is so much fun, as there is a little bit of drama there too. Loved it. They are just so cute. I loved how much Cress grew in this book. She's much more brave and awesome. I just. I adored every single character in this book. And I just don't want their stories to be over. Sniffs. I want more. I need more. The ending is amazing. And that's all I will say about it. But I want more, lol. I will always want more.

I'm so happy with how much I adored this final book. I haven't been able to say much in this review of mine. Because I'm a bit speechless with how much I adored this book. Which was a lot. The book is so long. Yet I don't have much to say. Most is spoilery, lol. I just. I loved every thing about this book. I loved how much fighting there was. I was heartbroken about some deaths. I loved how everything ended. Yet I still cannot fully believe that this story is done with. Now just dying for Stars Above to come in February.

I shall not say much more. I loved Winter the very most. The characters are the best. The writing is perfection. The story is heartbreaking and exciting and I loved every moment. I couldn't have asked for more in this final book. Winter was everything that I wanted it to be. The most perfect final book to a series. Also the most heartbreaking one, in a way. I loved it. So much. You must all read this book, right away. You will not regret it. I cannot wait to read this book again and again. Which I know I will do a lot.


  1. Ack! It's here! I can't believe how long we've waited for this! I haven't read my copy yet, but I'm hoping I'll do it soon. Yay! YOU LOVED IT. I mean, of course you did. :D

  2. I just finished Winter today and I cannot wait for my physical copy to arrive so I can re-read it!! It fantastic how Marissa made WInter be crazy as she was and still made her a strong character and one we can care and feel so much for, as opposed to the other crazy in the books, our detested Levana!
    I had so many ups and downs while reading the book and as you said it was everything we wanted and more!

  3. Such a lovely review! I've not kept up with this series since Cinder. I liked Cinder, but I got annoyed when I saw that there would be four books (and then there were FIVE, with Fairest!). It's so daunting! Now that the series is over, I'll probably binge-read the books. I am so glad that you enjoyed the conclusion, Carina! :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. Lovely review, C! You were able to say a lot more than me! I can't put into words how much I loved this book, especially the characters/relationships. Cress and Thorne made me SO happy, and Scarlet/Wolf will always be my favorite.

    Great review, friend!


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