
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Review: The Mirror King by Jodi Meadows

My happiness about having read this book so early cannot be explained. It simply is. This book was perfection. I adored book one, The Orphan Queen, so much when I read it in March. But that ending. Ack. It was one of the meanest. I needed this sequel so badly. Was thrilled when it turned up on Edelweiss :D

And then I had to read it right away. I didn't even re-read book one first. But then, I remembered just about everything. And I had just read the second short story about Tobiah. Oh. Reading this book was so much fun. The Mirror King was just amazing. Heartbreaking and exciting and a bit romantic. I loved it lots.

I don't know what I wish to say about this stunning book. I want to talk about all kinds of spoilery things, lol. I cannot get the ending out of my head. But I won't talk about it. But I will say that this book was simply perfection. I liked reading every moment. It is forty nine chapters of happiness. Okay, fine, there is way more heartbreak than happy times. Yet I loved it all. There is so much death. Yet I didn't mind at all. I found the ending to be so good and hopeful. But I missed an epilogue. And I wish it had been even longer, despite being pretty long already. A bit sad that this is only two books and four short pre-novellas. But there really does not need to be more books at all. This final one had everything I wanted and more. So good.

There is so much happening in this book. It is so long and gorgeous. The writing is stunning. And I loved reading every page of this precious. The book is easy to read and I loved that it is told from the point of view of Wilhelmina. She is adorable. And so heartbroken. And mostly alone. And she gets hurt a lot. Yet she is so strong and brave and she never annoyed me, lol. I loved her at every moment. Which is rare for me to do. So glad that I adored Wil. She's the best. Very much loved getting to know more about her.

The Mirror King starts right after The Orphan Queen ends. With Prince Tobiah having been shot by Patrick. With Tobiah bleeding and dying. It is so sad to read about. Yet not that sad, and things happen, and I shouldn't spoil it. So I will not. Well, I'll try my best not to, anyway. But yes. The plot in this book is exciting. How Wil tries to save Tobiah. How she would do anything to save him; despite how her heart is aching from learning his secret. But she still wants to save him and be with him. I loved her kindness.

But dark things are happening. And Tobiah did just share the date for his wedding with Meredith. Which is breaking my heart. But I also understood why it had to be as well, though I will not say what happens about it. But oh my gosh, so many twists. I don't know what more to say about this without spoiling it all. My thoughts are just all over the place. I loved this book so much. There might be a bit too little romance, which made me a bit sad, but there were also some really beautiful scenes. Sniffs. Loved.

We get to see another kingdom in this book. And it was so exciting. Though the journey to get there made me sad. And a bit angry too. Yet it was so great and written so well. Wil is just awesome. And I adored reading about James too. He was such a great friend. And he too had some secrets. They broke my heart. Yet so exciting. I loved getting to know his secret. So many amazing characters in this book. Many new. Some I loved, others I wanted dead, lol. Like Colin. Ugh. But I really liked Melanie a lot.

We see more of the wraith in this one. And it is so creepy. So many people die. It's a bit heartbreaking. Yet so great and interesting to read about. I kind of loved the wraith boy that Wil created. He even gets a name in this book. Though, yes, he does so much bad. He hurts people. He kills people. But I loves Wil. He just wants to please her. And I liked that a lot. Meaning I grew to like him too, despite him being all wraith and so creepy. But the plot with him was so exciting and different. So much to love.

I feel like I have been all over the place trying to describe this book, lol. Sorry about that. But I just can't talk about it better than this. I loved every moment. I adored Wil and Tobiah and James and everyone. I found the ending to be so good yet also so sad. I wish there would be more books. The plot is just so good. And I was so happy about this book. I cannot wait to read it again sometime next year. And the years after that too. You are all going to love this sequel and final book when you read it. It's perfect.

This book is full of twists and secrets. Getting to know them all was so exciting. Some I saw coming, but most were a surprise. We see more of Wil using her magic in this one. And it is so beautiful to read about. I love her powers. Though magic does create wraith, so that's a bit depressing. But it is still so fun to read about. There is also some lovely dresses in this book. Some balls and such. Wil is trying to become Queen of her kingdom. Which is not an easy thing to try. Reading about it was the very best.

The Mirror King is a stunning sequel. It is full of excitement and secrets revealed. The characters are all amazing to read about and I loved getting to know them more. The romance is small, but it is beautiful. The plot is unique and incredible. Reading about the wraith was so fantastic. Most of this book broke my heart. And I couldn't have been happier about it. The Mirror King was everything I wanted and more. Wil and Tobiah are my favorite characters to read about. So thrilled that I loved this book like I wanted to.

Huge thank you to the publisher, Katherine Tegen Books aka HarperTeen for my auto approval on Edelweiss. <3 I could not be happier about getting to download and read this book so early. Sniffs. It means so much. But oh, now I really, really need to own a print ARC too. It looks so big and gorgeous and perfect. Sigh. I need it. I adore how gorgeous the covers for these books are. I simply cannot wait to own final copies of The Mirror King when it comes out in April. You must all get it too. You will love it.


  1. Gah, I have no idea how I haven't started this series yet. I loved Jodi's first series so much. So glad to hear how much you are loving these books, Carina.

  2. This was such a brilliant book indeed! So happy that you could read it early sweetie! I also got it early and COULD NOT WAIT so I read it right away too! I was so caught up on the book that spent all my day off on Tuesday reading it!

  3. I really enjoyed the first and great to hear that you enjoyed this one as well

  4. I am eager to read this one though I've not DL it yet. I don't know what I'm waiting for! I enjoyed the first book and until you told me I didn't know it would be just two books. That makes me sad in a way since I could see a ton of potential for many more books. I'm so happy you loved this one!

  5. YAY. I'm happy for you, girl! I know how much you've loved this duology. I still need to read book 1. :P Hoping I love as much as you.


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