
Thursday, September 17, 2015

Review: A Curious Tale of the In-Between by Lauren DeStefano

I have waited so long for this book. And today I finally had the chance to read it. This book was everything that I wanted from it. And I wanted a whole bunch from it ever since I first heard about it. The summary is stunning. The cover is beautiful. And now I know that the writing and story is amazing too. Loved it.

I'm so glad that I loved this book. I was a bit nervous, since I had wanted to love it for so long. But yeah. It was just simply beautiful. And I'm so glad I finally had the chance to read it. But oh, it is way too short. I need more. I grew to adore Pram and Clarence and Felix so much. And I need to read more of them.

The writing is stunning. But I already knew that; as I have read four books by Lauren before, and I enjoyed all of them. But this one was the best for me. I just feel like middle grade books have the most feelings and the best plots. And this book was just incredible. I liked it a whole lot. Despite wishing it had been longer, lol. It was perfect. And the story was just all kinds of interesting. But also so heartbreaking. Getting to know about Pram was the best. She is the cutest eleven year old girl. And I loved reading about her. About her living with her two aunts and all the old people. It was awesome. This main girl was just the most adorable and kind and loving. I liked Pram so much. She is also different. She sees ghosts. It's the best.

Pram's best friend is Felix. Whom is dead. And Pram is the only one who can see him. While I felt like I didn't get to know Felix all that well, with the book being so short and all, I still got to know him enough. Enough to know that he cares for Pram a lot and that he is a good friend. And I just loved reading about their friendship. And how Pram cares for him too. Their friendship is just all kinds of cute. Though her aunts just think she's imagining him, which bothered me a bit. Hmph. But liked it too. They care a lot.

Pram has never gone to school. And she doesn't have any other friends than her ghost. She is also concerned about the fact that her mom died while having her, so she's feeling guilty a lot. And she wants to find her dad, whom she knows nothing about. It is all so heartbreaking, to be honest. Because we get to know a lot about what happened to her mom. In the very beginning we know that she hang herself, while pregnant. Which just broke my heart. I did like getting to know more about her, though. Sniffs.

In the beginning of this book Pram has to begin school. And I loved that. Because at school she meets Clarence. Whom is such an adorable boy. Sigh. I loved him lots. And I ship them so much, hih. But yeah. Clarence is amazing. And I loved getting to read about them becoming friends. Though I felt like there were a little bit too little about their growing friendship. I would have loved to see much more. But anyway. He is awesome. And I loved getting to know about him more too; about his mom dying as well.

The plot in this book is so exciting. Yet a bit scary too; and sad. There is this scary woman. And she wants Pram. And it creeped me out a bit. But it was so interesting and I loved reading about it. A Curious Tale of the In-Between is a stunning middle grade book. It is exciting and heartbreaking and so much fun to read. Pram and Clarence and Felix are the most adorable characters. This is a book that so many people will love. And I will love reading it again and again. Which I will. I loved it a whole bunch.

There is just so much about this book that I loved. But I'm not going to say too much about it. Just a little bit, since the book is so short. What I will say is that this book is exciting and heartbreaking and full of hope too. It is a book that I feel everyone should read. I just wish it had been longer. But there will be a sequel. And I need to know everything about it. Now. Just wish it was out already :) I'm sure it will be amazing. I cannot wait to read it. But yes. You must all read this book. Because you will love it.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that this was a fantastic book! So glad to hear you loved it so much! When a highly awaited book is as good as you hoped it's a great feeling!
    I hope you are doing well sweetie!


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