
Saturday, August 22, 2015

Review: Vengeance Road by Erin Bowman

I had such a great time reading this book. When I first heard about it, I knew I would enjoy it. But I was also a bit nervous, because of reasons. So it took me some time to read my eARC. But then I needed to read it. And I did. And I enjoyed this book a whole bunch. It looks gorgeous. And the writing is amazing.

For the first two hundred pages of this book I was in love. The writing is pretty stunning. Written in a bit different way, but I grew to love it. The characters were awesome to read about. And I really loved the story. Such a great time period to read about. Loved that the book was pretty dark at times, yet funny.

But then I put the book down for the day, and started it again today. And I got to a part where someone leaves another behind and steals a journal. After that I failed to care much. I was angry. And hurt. Because I felt like that person never truly apologized for it. And it hurt my heart and it made me so angry. Ugh. Which is why this is a four star. Because while it made me angry, I still thought this book was amazing. And I loved the other plot twists. Even that one death. Sniffs. And I loved the ending. Well. It made me angry too. I don't like long separations. Ugh. Not for me. Yet it was a beautiful ending. I just wish it had been longer. It was a bit heartbreaking too. But yeah. I love that this is a standalone; but really want another book :)

Vengeance Road is a book about a girl named Kate. Whom is searching for vengeance, after her father was murdered pretty brutally by a gang. I loved her search for revenge. I loved how she had to kill a bunch. I loved how she sometimes felt a tiny bit remorse. I really liked reading about her adventures. When she met the brothers, Jesse and Will. Whom I enjoyed reading about. But whom I also grew to dislike, as I did not like the way they treated Kate. It wasn't fair, and it bothered me a bit. Annoying.

Yet at the same time I adored this book so much. And I loved reading about Jesse and Will. There isn't any sort of triangle in this book, and I could not be happier about that. There is little romance, though. But it is with Kate and Jesse. And I loved it oh so much. They are so cute. Yet I wanted to punch Jesse so many times. And that bothered me a bit. Yet I loved him too. Loved how they talked and such and how they got along. His brother Will was a bit different. He also seemed so cold at later times. Sigh.

There is a lot of characters in this book. But it is mostly about Kate and Jesse and Will. And the Rose Riders. Whom Kate is hunting. It was all pretty exciting and I was dying to know what would happen next at all times. I had some issues with this book, yes, but I also liked it so much. It was a lot of fun. And heartbreak. A lot of that too. Yet that death near the end of the book didn't affect me much at all. Huh. Yet it affected other characters. And that was heartbreaking. Yet so interesting. Great to read about.

This book was a lot of fun to read. The writing is awesome. The characters are great. I especially loved Kate. How she dressed as a boy. How strong she was, and how brave. How she did not give up her want for vengeance over what they did to her dad. Not even when she learned the truth about her father; about secrets he had been keeping. She was awesome. A bit cold, sometimes, yet such a gorgeous heart deep inside. I enjoyed reading about her oh so much. And getting to know her better as well. So great.

I don't know what to say about this book. There is a lot of horse riding. There is also a whole bunch of shooting people and shooting at people. There are some really cute dancing moments. Little romance, but there was enough of it too. I liked it. This wasn't the best book, yet it was an amazing book to read and I would read it again. Enjoyed it oh so much. The story was just incredible. Loved reading about the people. And about the Apache too. Like Lil. She was pretty amazing to read about. I do think I liked her.

There was just so much about this book. And I'm not going to describe it more. I loved it. I had some issues. But it was still amazing. I adored Jesse and Kate. I just wish this one had been even longer :) Vengeance Road was a stunning book. A fierce main character. A stunning plot full of twists. Gorgeous writing. I adored just about everything about it. I think you should all read this book. Reminds me of Walk on Earth a Stranger, which I loved, but they are very different books. So I adored them both :) Huge thank you to HMH Books for letting me read and review this book via Netgalley :D So thankful.


  1. I really enjoyed this book as well. Kate's journey is one that I totally enjoyed. Liked how the voice of the characters seemed so authentic. Horse riding is a huge part of westerns.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. I loved this one. I thought it was so well executed and yay no love triangle. It took me some time to get into the writing because of the grammar usage but then I loved it. So sorry you were upset about that part...I was too and shocked.

  3. Not gonna lie, I'm not much of a fan of this book. That is, not yet. Western themed books aren't really my forte, nor of interest to me, but if this book not having a love triangle is a good start. :) Glad you enjoyed this one!

  4. Glad to hear you enjoyed most of the book, Carina. Wonderful review! :)

  5. Oh! I just saw your STS post, and I'm glad I stopped to read this review! I absolutely LOVED this book, despite not really enjoying Westerns OR Bowman's debut trilogy This one was quite awesome! Now you have a taste of the Wild Wild West here in the States ;D

    Fabulous review, Carina!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  6. I'm sorry that one part nearly ruined the book for you! I know Lauren is feeling the same way. It was a pretty lame thing to do! Honestly I thought the romance could have been better all around, but everything else was so amazing!
    Great review!


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