
Saturday, August 22, 2015

In My Mailbox #199

I've been feeling crappy with my health this week. But slowly getting better; hopefully :) Anyway. This week I read one gorgeous middle grade book. <3 And currently almost done with Vengeance Road, which I'm loving too :D Reading more next week, I think. Just haven't felt like reading after I read The Last Ever After last week; as it was so perfect :) Anyway. I got much more mail this week :D Yay! Lots of love. And ohh. Yesterday I saw Inside Out at the cinema, finally. It was perfection. So good and cute and sad and awesome. I'm going to go poor buying all the released books from it. Ugh. I have ordered so much this month. I shouldn't have. All my money is gone :p Sigh. But worth it. Lots of upcoming mail :D And got some review copies too. <3 Thrilled about that. Not many blog posts, but a few ;p I was a part of The Uninvited Blog Tour. <3 So much love for that book. I posted another gorgeous Cress Tuesday :D Winter is coming soon. <3 I read the stunning Ravenous :D So good. This week I'm waiting on Drift and Dagger. <3 Posting my review of Vengeance Road later today :) Just need to finish it first. So far I'm loving it lots. Anyway. Pleased with this week, despite feeling badly. Just so happy with all that I have bought, hih :D Excited to read more. Just always so busy. Ugh. Annoying. What did you get this week?

Lair of Dreams. Well. Not reading this one. But loved book one. But not reading this. Ugh. Still, pretty.
Ruin and Rising. Ah, this gorgeous new US paperback is stuunning. I love this book. Oh so much. <3
Monstrous + Ravenous. EEEEK! Thank you so much MarcyKate :D BEST surprise. <3 Love these books so goddamn much. My precious. Loved Monstrous and Ravenous. <3 And Pippa plush :D Cuuute.
The Last Ever After. Gorgeous special edition from B&N. <3 Loving the poster inside. It is gooorgeous.
A World Without Princes. Special Edition from B&N. Damaged. Not getting a new. Heartbroken. Sniffs.
The Last Ever After. Gorgeous International Edition of this book :D But damaged. So getting a new. <3
Velvet Undercover + The Lies About Truth + A Sliver of Stardust. Thank you so so so very much to HaperCollins International for these three books :D Yay! So excited to read them. They look so gorgeous.
The Iron Trial. Official US paperback edition. <3 This book was amazing. And it looks so so stunning.
Fox Journal. Just sharing about this gorgeous journal I bought yesterday. <3 It was too cute. Needed it.
T-Rex pen. Heh. I couldn't resist buying this one when I saw it. I do love dinosaurs. This is awesome.
Supernatural: Dean. The replacement Pop that I got from ForbiddenPlanet. <3 Thank you. Love him.
Plush. Look how precious these are :D Eeek. So cute. I adore buying cute plush animals. <3 Love them.
Shannon Messenger Swag. Eeek! Thank you so so much Shannon :D Oh so perfect. I love it so much.

Movies. I'm too lazy to write all of these titles down, lol. But a bit on sale, and I wanted them all. They are awesome. Well, have seen most of the movies, and I wanted to own them and rewatch sometime :)
Howl's Moving Castle. Eeek. Finally got to buy these from Ebay too. A bit expensive. But worth it. They are gorgeous. But.. one small piece is broken off. And that bothers me. I must complain about it, sigh.
Crowley. Sadness. Two new gorgeous Pop! figures :D I cannot wait to own them all, hih. But expensive.

Disney Store Sweden items. YAY :D I love buying from Disney. <3 But eeexpensive. And taxes. And it suucks. I am heartbroken about things being so expensive to get to Norway. Ugh. So annoying. But yeah. These precious items are worth it. Love the three Ornaments. <3 Love Rapunzel and Snow White. I own all the little Animators. Waiting for more to release :D And a few more Tsum-Tsums. <3 AND SADNESS :D

Menagerie. Eeeek. Alyssa read this. It sounds awful. And I am dying to read it :D So excited. Soooon.
Wolf By Wolf. Thank you so much Netgalley :D I cannot wait to read this one too. I really hope to love it.
Signed Monstrous + Ravenous. Thank you so very much MarcyKate. <3 You are the sweetest person :D

My gorgeous new Lego finished built. <3 They are all kinds of gorgeous, hih. But yeah. They were expensive. Ugh. But love them. You can click to make the images bigger :) Do you own any of these?

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. VR was so good. I love your Disney figurines. They are adorable. You got some terrific books this week.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. Yay Lego!! That tower is epic. I am really curious about Menagerie though scared. Hopefully you'll read it soon? I didn't request it but I am curious. Great haul this week. So sorry your health hasn't been good this last week. Hopefully next week will be better.

  3. The Lies about Truth sounds good. Hope that you enjoy and have a great upcoming week.

  4. Oh my god, that journal is adorable! I've been on the look out for a new cute journal recently as I want a place where I can organise my thoughts and write to-do lists, etc. :)

    I recently watched all the xmen movies (minus the two wolverine ones, not sure if I'm going to watch those...have you seen them?) and I ship Rogue/Wolverine so hard! I mean I love Bobby, but still. xD I was sad that they cut Rogue from xmen Days of Future past as I adore her. But it's cool that there's a DVD with her cut scenes. :D

  5. Such gorgeous books! Eee, that copy of Ravenous is lovely, I want that one so badly! :D I also can't wait to read Velvet Undercover, love that author's stuff. I love the fox journal! It's so cute! This is a great haul of fun stuff, Carina! Enjoy it all!

  6. Aw. I hope you'll have a better week, this week, Carina. It sucks when you feel like crap. Everything is affected. Anyway, gorgeous haul! I hope you'll enjoy them. :)

    Happy reading!

  7. I hope you get better and better each day Carina! <3

    And I hope you like Menagerie - I know you're really excited about it :D I did enjoy it! Minus all the disturbing world-building. I also have Wolf by Wolf on my queue! I rather loved Vengeance Road :)

    Enjoy all of your new books! Have a great week, Carina.

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  8. What a haul! That's fantastic! I hope you enjoy your new books, movies, and goodies. I want to watch Insurgent again just for Theo James. :P He's soooo dreamy.

    I hope you get to feeling better. Thinking of you! <3


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