
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Review: The Shadow Queen by C. J. Redwine

Oh my gosh how I loved this book. I cannot even begin to tell you how amazing it was. You will all love this book. I'm sure of it. Because it is gorgeous. The writing is perfection. I had to read this book right away once I got it from Edelweiss. So glad I did. Reading this book was the very best feeling. So much love.

I don't even know where to begin. This book is so beautiful. And so much fun to read. I have been wanting it forever. As I adore the author. She's amazing. And this new book of hers sounded perfect. Then the cover. Swoons. It is beyond gorgeous. So glad I could read it early :D But also longer wait for next one. Ahh.

I knew I would love this precious. But I didn't realize I would love it this much. And that pleases me greatly. Because my love for this book is huge. Very huge. And I can't think of what else to say about it. But trying my best to write down some thoughts about the story and the characters and the world and ugh. I cannot with this book. It was perfection. And I loved every single moment in this book. First it is the writing. Which was so beautiful and easy to read. Made me very happy. I also connected so well with the characters. I adored that it is from the point of view of Lorelai and Kol. And sometimes Irina too. They were all amazing. Sigh. Couldn't have loved them more. Or hated Irina more, lol. She was an awesome villain.

There is so much tragedy in The Shadow Queen. So many people die. Both Lorelai and Kol looses much of their family. And it is heartbreaking to read about. Yet so perfect. I loved it very much, despite my broken heart. And that one character I wish had not died. Sniffs. But yeah. It made the story even better, and I'm happy about that. There is also a lot of suffering in this book. All the people in the kingdoms are suffering, starving. It's so sad to read about. But I loved how Lorelai wants to change it.

But oh, how do I even begin to describe the plot. Well. I will say that it is based on Snow White. Yet it is very, very different from it too. But some things the same. And that was amazing. Such a stunning book to read. Sigh. Lorelai and her brother, Leo, lost their mom. Then their dad. And are on the run from the new Queen, Irina. She stole their kingdom. And Lorelai wants to take it back. And ugh. It makes for such an amazing story. And I couldn't have loved the plot any more. It was so so exciting to read about.

There is a bunch of characters in this book. I'm not going to mention them all. But I adored Leo, the younger brother of Lorelai. He was so much fun and so cute and ugh, I loved him. I also liked their sort of older guardian, Gabril, whom have been with the siblings for the past nine years, ever since they had to run away from their home. He was very protective and kind and I did like him a lot. And the people like Kol. I adored his sister, Brig. Wanted more of her. Loved his friends Jyn and Trugg. So awesome.

But the main characters in this book is Lorelai and Kol. I don't even know how to describe these two characters. They are both incredible. Lorelai is the true Queen of Ravenspire. She is trying her best to get it back. She is also one of the only two people in this country with magic. And it is awesome. Her powers are amazing to read about. Gosh. She is so fierce and strong and perfect. I adored reading about her. I loved her gyrfalcon. I just loved all of her. Getting to know her was the very best. Sigh. Much love.

Then there was Kol. Swooons. He was such a perfect boy. I adored reading about him so much. He just lost his mother and father and older brother. Which now makes him the King of Eldr. And oh, how my heart broke for him. I cannot. He wasn't ready for this. But he is doing so good. And also, he is part dragon. So he can turn into a dragon. And gosh damn. It was perfection. So much fun. So exciting. I cannot begin to tell you how much I loved this boy. He is kind and protective and full of honor. Loved.

There is romance in this book. But it isn't all that much of it. It starts a bit badly, but it grows into something beautiful. Lorelai and Kol are perfect together. They are so cute. I loved their bickering. And their sharing. And how they ended up sharing their thoughts which each other. It was the very best to read about. I can't say much more about this romance. It was so good. Wish it had been a bit more, but it was perfect. And their friendship was just so adorable to read about. Ugh. I just loved them so much.

I don't know what else to say about this book. The plot is amazing. The magic is stunning. Irina is such an awful villain. And getting to know about her was so interesting and horrifying at the same time. This book was just all kinds of exciting and I couldn't get enough of it. It was so surprising too. Loved it so much. The ending is gorgeous. The Shadow Queen is one of the best books. It's exciting, heartbreaking and romantic. I couldn't get enough of it. Everyone will love this precious book. I promise. Go order it.

The Shadow Queen comes out in February. You all need to pre-order it before then. This is not a book that you want to miss out on. It is a perfect fairytale fantasy retelling. So different and unique and amazing. There wasn't a single moment that I did not love. And I cannot wait to read this book again and again. C. J. is amazing. I adore her :) And she writes great books. <3 Simply can't wait to read more by her :D Now I need to hunt down a print ARC of this book. Because I need it badly. Would do anything. Huge thank you to Balzer + Bray aka HarperTeen for my Edelweiss auto-approval. <3 Means the most.


  1. Looks like I'll have to read this one! It sounds like you really loved it. Glad you did.

    Majanka @ I Heart Reading

  2. Yay! I'm so excited you loved this one. I grabbed it from EW too and am now dying to read it. I love Fairytales and the romance sounds lovely too. Thanks for your review.

  3. I'm so looking forward to this book! I love fairytale retellings and this one sounds amazing. Plus I love when the main characters do the whole cute bickering thing, it's so adorable. Thanks for the review, I'm even more excited now!

  4. Yay! I have plans to DL this one sooooon. So glad you read it and already love it <3

  5. I enjoyed her other series, so def need to check this one out-- great to hear how much you enjoyed

  6. So happy you loved this! I adore the author too, and I cannot wait to dig into this one. Hopefully soon. The characters sound great :)
    Lovely review Carina!

  7. I have just re-requested this one on EW! I also have it preordered for my Kindle already! ;)
    And I am so happy to hear that you loved it!
    Great review sweetie!

  8. Thank you for your review!! I am SO excited to read this one. I hope I love it as much as you did! Sounds amazing. I want to love the romance so much. <3

  9. I need this. I absolutely, positively, need this book. I'm so glad to be seeing such positive responses to it already. Can't wait can't wait can't wait!!!


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