
Saturday, August 29, 2015

Book Recommendation: The Map to Everywhere by Carrie Ryan and John Parke Davis

Re-reading this book was perfection. So much fun. I first read this gorgeous book last November. And I loved it so much that time. Re-reading it now, I think I loved it even more. This book is so beautiful. It is full of adventures. It has such heartbreak. It has the most adorable main characters. Fin and Marrill are both so cute and amazing. I'm so glad I decided to re-read this book now. Will be starting my eARC of book two in a moment. And I simply cannot wait. It's going to be amazing. I'm so excited to read it.

I think I wrote all my reasons for loving this book in my first review of it. But I'm still going to talk about it, hih. I might repeat myself, but yeah, it has been almost a year since I last read this precious. And, oh, I'm just so glad that I read it again. Because it was so fun. And heartbreaking. I feel like I noticed a few more things this time around, so I'm curious to see if they will mean anything in the sequel. But yeah. I'll never get tired of reading this book. It was just as amazing and exciting this second time.

In my review from November, I included a few quotes. You should check out my link for it below, as I'm not posting those teasers again. But yes. They still mean the most to me. Those teasers break my heart. Sniffs. Yet they give me a bit of hope, too, because this book wasn't all sad. It was hopeful too. And it has such a great friendship with Fin and Marrill. Their friendship is the very best. I could not have loved those two twelve year olds any more. Sigh. I also loved Marrill's cat so much :D He was adorable.

My favorite character in this book is Fin. Love that half the book is from his point of view, and the other half from Marrill. They have one chapter each. But yes. Fin. Sigh. I cannot with this boy. He is so adorable and strong and kind. But he is so broken. Because he was left by his mother at age four. She was the only one who remembered him. Because Fin is forgotten by everywhere. No one ever remembers him. And it is so heartbreaking. Because he is adorable. And he deserves to be remembered. Sniffs.

But then there is Marrill. Whom comes flying into the life of Fin. And she remembers him. And it is so beautiful. Because it means so much to Fin, since no one has ever remembered him before. But Marrill does. And sigh. They get the most gorgeous friendship. I love how much they care for each other. How they get to know each other. Yeah. This friendship is the best. And I just have so much love for these precious characters. Fin is my favorite, like I said. He is so broken and so perfect and I love him lots.

But I also do love Marrill. She's adorable too. And a bit broken, because she just learned that her mom is sick again. So that is also all kinds of heartbreaking. I did love reading about Marrill's family. Though she isn't with them. Which is an awesome plot twist. Which you'll have to read about. But yeah. It is awesome. And sad too. I just adored Marrill. She's so kind and brave. And her cat is adorable. And yeah. I love how Marrill wants to take care of Fin. And I love the most that she remembers him. It's the best.

There is so much about this book that I love. It is full of adventure. There are talking trees. And those trees are so creepy. Shudders. Yet so awesome too. I loved the rumor and secrets part. There are also pirates. I even liked some of them, though sad that they couldn't remember Fin either. Sniffs. There is this one awesome wizard, Ardent, whom I liked a lot. And the captain, Coll, whom looks like a teenager, but I feel like he is much, much older. There are a bunch of great characters in this. I liked them all.

I loved that The Map to Everywhere takes place in a Pirate Stream. Most of it takes place on a ship. And it is so awesome to read about. This book is exciting. And I loved reading every moment of it. I won't say more about this book. Just that I love it with all my heart. And re-reading it was so much fun. Despite how much it makes my heart ache. The writing is perfection. I cannot wait to read the next three books in this series. It's gonna be awesome. But yess. You must all read this book. You'll love it.

My first review of The Map to Everywhere

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here. 


  1. Love the cover, so beautiful and fantastic. Sound like an amazing fantasy book :)

  2. Ooooh, they've changed the cover?? I think I liked the original one better, even if this one is very cute too!
    Very happy to hear you loved this book as much as you did the first time or even more this time sweetie!

  3. does it turn into a love trope in the books following the first?


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