
Saturday, July 4, 2015

In My Mailbox #192

I wanted this week to be amazing. Instead it has been pretty crappy, sigh. I have spent a lot of time with my sister and nephew, which I love doing. But I have not had the energy to read. I tried reading one book, which I had to DNF at page 148. Ugh. That was so depressing. But I guess that I'm not reading anything because all I want to read are books that aren't out yet; ARCs that other people have, hah. But I will try reading today or tomorrow. I'm starting my eARC of Vengeance Road next, and I'm crossing all my fingers that I will love it :) Last weekend I rewatched the Alien movies, aka 1 to 4 and Prometheus. I loved that. They aren't the best, but I love them. Also saw Ender's Game. It was boring. Could have been much better. Last night I finally rewatched Interstellar, which was so amazing, sigh. I love that movie. I haven't been able to do much, so I'm behind on everything, because of my wound not healing. It is still bleeding a bit too. It sucks. I have been given antibiotics, two types, so that it won't get infected. But those are making me so nauseous, so yesterday I puked twice, three times. It was the worst. I never want to do it again. But still 8 days left with the pills. Ugh. Please let the time go fast and don't let me be nauseous anymore. So anyway. This week has sucked a bit. And I have not gotten much mail at all, which is also heartbreaking. I love getting mail, lol. I'm hoping to read more this upcoming week. I'm so behind. Only read 50 books this year. Sigh. Blog posts this week. I shared the cover for Down With the Shine. <3 I posted another Cress Tuesday :D And I posted a Top Ten Tuesday! Yay. I'm waiting on The Copper Gauntlet. <3 And I posted a DNF review of Public Enemies :\ What did you get this week? <3

Supernatural. I haaad to get this game :D I almost had to pay taxes for it, since expensive, but thankfully didn't have to do that. <3 So I'm happy. I love it. Gorgeous. And another companion book :)
Despicable Me. I thought I was getting Kevin. Hmph. Instead got Stuart. But cute. I wanted this one :)
Operasjon Arktis. Norwegian movie. It looked awesome. So I wanted it. Hoping that it might be good :)
Big Hero 6. Finally gotten the Norwegian version of this movie. <3 Always watch in English, though, hah.
The Hobbit. This ring in crystal thingy is gorgeous from a distance. A bit disappointing, but I do like it.
Bukowski Plush. I need all the Bukowski plushes. So I saw this on sale. I had to buy him. He's so cute.

The Nightmare Charade. I got this gorgeous from Tor Teen. <3 Thank you so much. Since I'm going to be a part of the blog tour in August :D So excited for my guest post with Mindee. <3 I have only read book one, though, so I'm going to re-read it pretty soon, so that I can finally read book two and this one :D I'm pleased with my peeking, so I'm really excited about starting this.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. YAY for that cool Illuminae collection!
    I do hope the antibiotics won't make you nauseous anymore and I hope the wound will get better soon too!

  2. Ah the supernaturals goodies! My friend and I just got the sam and dean supernatural necklaces. I get jerk :P Love this show. Have a nice weekend.


  3. Supernatural Clue??? That's awesome! My daughter and I are watching this show and it's so creepy and fun. Carina, I'm so sorry to hear you're still feeling bad. I hope it gets better soon. Nausea is one thing I have such a hard time with and have to deal with pretty often with my leukemia treatment. Its awful when there's just nothing that helps it. Antibiotics are horrible but hopefully they will do their job and help you heal. Take care, sweetie!

  4. I hope you enjoy The Nightmare Charade. If I remember correctly you really love that series. :D
    Also - my thoughts are with you, girl! I hope you start feeling better and have a much better week next week. <3 <3

  5. oh well, at least you have multiple copies of Illuminae, yes? :)

  6. Aw Carina, I'm sorry! I hope your nausea gets better, because that's the worst, and that you'll really start to heal soon.

    I missed when you got the Illuminae hardcover ARC, but yay! You've already got the start of an awesome collection of that one. :)


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