
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

DNF Review: Public Enemies by Ann Aguirre

This is breaking my heart, but it has to be done. I had mixed feelings about book one, Mortal Danger. But I still really wanted to read the sequel. But then I got it months ago, and I didn't feel like reading it. But this week I wanted to try. But I'm so sad to say that I did not like it one bit. But I wanted to so badly.

I liked it so little that I had to DNF it at page 148. This does not happen often. I do not stop reading books. I don't like it. But with this one, I don't think I will be able to read more. I have no want to read more. I don't care what happens next. And it is the worst thing to feel. I will try to explain why I'm not finishing it.

I had a lot of bad thoughts about this book. I will try to not talk too much about it, as it will only be negative. Sigh. But I do love sharing how I feel, so I'm going to do that. My first issue with this book was the writing. I didn't enjoy it. It wasn't bad, so I didn't have any hate towards it, but it wasn't good either. I did not feel connected at all. And nothing happened. So little talking. And the kissing scenes and such were described badly, I thought. I didn't like how Edie was thinking and talking. You know, shit hitting the fan, was mentioned so many times in these 148 pages. That annoyed me a lot. Sigh. Didn't like it. I'm weird that way :)

I really wish I could have loved this one. As I adore Ann. She's such an amazing person. And I have loved a lot of books by her. But this series was not for me. It was so overdone. All the monsters and what not. I felt nothing for them. It didn't make sense to me. That whole immortal game or whatever. First, I didn't remember it that much. Second, it just annoyed me so much. It made no sense. It wasn't exciting. I felt nothing for it. And that is just heartbreaking. I'm sure others will love it. Probably. I don't know.

Then there was the characters. I did not care for Edie at all. She was being silly. And Kian. Why does he love her? I saw nothing about her. The romance wasn't good. A few kissing scenes that weren't exciting. Then there was the potential love triangle with the Harbinger. Sigh. So annoying. Probably nothing, but I don't know. Point is: Nothing about this book excited me. I was bored. I didn't like what was happening. I didn't like how they talked. I just couldn't stand to read any more, and that is depressing. Didn't like it.

Not saying more about this book now. Just a maybe spoiler. I peeked a tiny bit ahead. Someone important dies. There is time travel at the end. What the hell. This is just so not a book for me. I wish it was, but it wasn't. There is too much of everything, I felt like it could have been better without all the weird things. But yeah. This book just was not for me. I'm sad about not finishing it, but I also do not want to pick it up at all. So I guess I'm done with this book. Depressing, but true. Not a book for me.

I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to finish this book. That I didn't enjoy it more. But it just was not for me. I wanted to love it, but I could not. I'm curious to know what others feel about this book, though, as I have seen some mixed thoughts already :) Either way, I adore Ann. And I have loved four of her books, and two short stories by her. But not every book is for me. This wasn't. But I'm forever thankful to Macmillan Kids for sending me this ARC for review. <3 Thank you so much. You guys are the best :)



  1. You are the second person this week that I've seen a review for this novel and it hasn't been good. I also notice a change in the covers since Mortal Danger too. Lovely honest review. So sorry it such a disappoint for you.

  2. Aw. To be fair, I barely got through Mortal Danger as well, so this book is not even a blip on my radar. I don't blame you. :(

  3. I finished this one and while I didn't like it as much as I liked Mortal Danger, I didn't not like it? The ending was very interesting ;) But I'm sure you read the ending first, as you do! I'm excited to read the third book, despite not liking this one much. So sorry you DNF'd, Carina - I wish you could have like it more!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. DNFs just have to be done sometimes---there are just too many books out there to suffer through one that you're not enjoying at all. Sorry this one didn't work out better for you, Carina. Thanks for the honest review!

  5. I'm sorry that you weren't able to enjoy this one Carina, as I have heard amazing things about the first book in the series. But thank you for your honest review, I hope your next book is a lot more enjoyable! :)

  6. I know how much you love this author, so it makes me sad you had to DNF. :( It doesn't sound like a series I would like AT ALL. So thank you for your honest review! I hope your next read is better, hon.

  7. Awww, I am sorry this one didn't work for you. You know I didn't like it either and DNFed. I really wish it had blown us both away. I wanted to love it but nope. Hopefully your next read will be much better for you.

  8. Yeah, this sounds like there was no reason to continue. I used to feel like I had to finish everything that I started, but I have changed that and it is so freeing. Why read something that is torturous. There are too many other books waiting.

  9. I still have the first book for review, so this is disappointing to hear, Carina. I totally understand DNFing this, because why waste your time on book you don't love? It just makes me frustrated and time is precious! Great honest review! :)

  10. Aww, that's too bad, and I can completely understand why this would be so hard on you! I know how much it bums me out when I am just not feeling a book either, especially if it was one I was looking forward to or if I really like the author. Boo! Ah well, I definitely appreciate you sharing with us your honest thoughts here :)

  11. Aw no! I've been worried about this one, since so many people weren't big on the first, though I liked it well enough. Your mentions about the potential love triangle and the ending don't like things I'm going to like. We'll see soon enough, I guess!

  12. I hate when I have to DNF a book. I didn't like the first book, that I DNF'd. We are not always going to love a book.Sometimes love triangles can kill a book or even a potential one, that's not explored is bad. Great review.



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