
Saturday, June 27, 2015

In My Mailbox #191

I read two books this week. Which I'm pretty happy about. Still heartbroken about not getting the Six of Crows package. Sigh. But this week I did get some other amazing mail, and I couldn't be happier about it all. <3 Love knowing such amazing people. But yeah. This week was supposed to be happy. I removed my stitches this monday. Which hurt like hell. But then, of course, instead of healing like it should, I have gotten a wound on my wound. It looks bad. And I cannot go swimming yet. And it hurts my heart so much and I'm so sad. For once I just wanted something to go right. I mean, I finally got to do that awful surgery. I removed my stitches. It was supposed to heal. But it didn't. And oh, I'm so depressed about it. Sigh. But anyway. Other than all of that, I did have a good week. I saw San Andreas :D Which I loved. And I finally got to see Jurassic World, which I also loved to pieces. <3 Though not watching 3D movies at the cinema anymore; it sucks :p This week I posted a bunch of blog posts. I read Rebel Mechanics. Which disappointed me. I posted another Cress Tuesday. <3 This week I'm waiting on Burn :D I shared the news about Stars Above by Marissa Meyer :) I read The Last Good Day of the Year, which I liked a lot. I shared the gorgeous cover for The Shadow Queen. <3 I love it so. This week I also posted my very first twitter and instagram giveaway. Both are international :D Links below. Please enter. <3 Hoping to read much more this upcoming week. Fingers crossed. And hoping to heal. What did you get this week?

A Book of Spirits and Thieves. Really hoping that I will love this book. It is so gorgeous. Sounds good.
Illuminae. YAY :D Thank you so much Aisha. <3 You are the best. I loved this book oh so much. Sniffs.
Supernatural. This gorgeous book I had to get :D And Pop! figures! Eeek. Getting more :D Destiel. <3
Big Hero 6 Wasabi. Now I'm just missing Fred in this series of Pop! figures ;p Wasabi looks awesome.
Shadowhunter Swag. Hugs. <3 Thank you so, so much Lauren. You are the sweetest :D I love this a lot.
Criminal Minds. Now owning season one and two. I shall get the rest one day too. Excited to see it. <3
Agents of Shield. I'm planning on watching this show sometime soonish. Probably. Hoping to love it :)
Tim Burton Collection. Wasn't too expensive, and I did not own the fourth movie :) It has a cute cover.
Mockingjay Part 1. Finally owning this movie. Still don't want to see it, though. Sigh. One day I will.
The Iron Trial. Ack, I had to get this new UK paperback edition. It is gorgeous. And I loved the book. <3

Courtney C. Stevens swag. Thank you so so much Courtney. <3 You are the sweetest. Love this swag so much. And aaaack, that poster is huge! No room for it just now, but shall look at it often. It's gorgeous.

Vengeance Road. Huge thank you to Elena at HMH Kids for letting me read this book via Netgalley. <3 You are the bestest. I shall read this book very soon. I'm excited about it. A bit nervous, but think I will love it :D I'm just really wishing that I had a print ARC. Sigh. One day perhaps. I need it. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. I'm so sorry about your wound not healing as it should have :-( Hopefully they can help give you something for the pain?
    What a great haul! I loved Illuminae! Such a wonderful story and book. I can't wait to own the final version. I want alllll the versions, haha.

  2. Hate when wounds not healing fast enough. Maybe they will give you medicine to help the healing process. Illuminae is a huge arc, but I think it's going to be amazing.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  3. Reading two books is great! One day I'm going to read at least one book in a week. ;) I'm sorry about the Six of Crows package. :( That really sucks. <3

    And I am so so so sorry about your surgery. :( That is just awful, I'm so sorry. I hope something can be done about it.

    I've never seen any of the Jurassic Park movies before! It's nice that you had that fun at least. <3 I'm not fond of 3d movies either, mostly because they make the movie darker because of the dumb 3d glasses. :(

    Stars Above sounds so fascinating, I need to read The Lunar Chronicles The Shadow Queen sounds really interested, just one more fantasy book to add to the list of fantasy books I need to seriously read someday. :)

    Yay! That is some awesome Courtney C. Stevens swag! I want to read all of her books, especially the newest one..


  4. YAY for Vengeance Road! I'm excited to start reading that one myself. Same with Illuminae. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a lovely weekend, Carina :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  5. I do hope your wound will finish healing okay, it just might take a lil more time! That's not unusual on surgery wounds. *hugs*

    And YAY for awesome swag and awesome books! I do hope you'll love Vengeance Road, I loved it!

  6. I'm glad you've had a stellar reading week, C. And also bummed out for you for not getting Six of Crows. Anyway, these books look awesome (especially Illuminae). I hope you'll have a great weekend!

  7. I loved Vengeance Road, Carina! I think (hope) you will too. :)
    I can't wait to read Illuminae - everyone is loving it!

  8. Vengeance Road sounds like a great pick. Hope you enjoy and have a great upcoming week and 4th of July!

  9. That Illuminae ARC looks so pretty! Can't wait to read it. Also I hope you love Agents of SHIELD, because that's one of my favourite shows ever! And that Faking Normal swag is beautiful <3
    I hope everything gets better with your healing, Carina. Sending you hugs from here!

  10. Aw, no! I hope you finally start to heal soon, Carina!

    Ooh, Vengeance Road sounds so good! And that Tim Burton collection is so preeetty! :D

  11. That Tim Burton collection looks great, I love this movies. Happy reading and I hope your wounds heal soon!


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