
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Cover Reveal: Down With the Shine by Kate Karyus Quinn

I cannot wait to read this book. And I adore this cover so much :D And oh my gosh, have you read that amazing summary? This book sounds awesome. I think I will love it. Because I loved another book by Kate, (Don't You) Forget About Me. It was pretty amazing :) And I think Down With the Shine might be even better. <3 And weird. And awesome. I simply cannot wait to read it. And oh, I think the cover is stunning. <3 I love it. It isn't possible to pre-order this book just yet, but soon, I hope. <3 Have added the links below to where it will show up, sometime. But ahh, yeah. This book isn't out until April 26th. Which is forever away. Sobs. Wishing I could read it now. <3 Anyway. I simply can't wait to read this book. It will be amazing. Really hoping for a romance in it too, hih :D What do you think of the cover?

There's a reason they say "be careful what you wish for." Just ask the girl who wished to be thinner and ended up smaller than Thumbelina, or the boy who asked for "balls of steel" and got them-literally. And never wish for your party to go on forever. Not unless you want your guests to be struck down by debilitating pain if they try to leave.

These are things Lennie only learns when it's too late-after she brings some of her uncles' moonshine to a party and toasts to dozens of wishes, including a big wish of her own: to bring back her best friend, Dylan, who was abducted and murdered six months ago.

Lennie didn't mean to cause so much chaos. She always thought her uncles' moonshine toast was just a tradition. And when they talked about carrying on their "important family legacy," she thought they meant good old-fashioned bootlegging.

As it turns out, they meant granting wishes. And Lennie has just granted more in one night than her uncles would grant in a year.

Now she has to find a way to undo the damage. But once granted, a wish can't be unmade...


  1. Thanks for sharing, C! I didn't enjoy her Another Little Piece, but maybe I'll have better luck with this one? Hopefully. Fingers crossed. :)

  2. I just discovered this book! Well, the cover, because you just revealed it. IT IS SO PRETTY. OH MY GOSH. Blue covers are my favorite. Generally.

    --Amber @ YA Indulgences

  3. That's such a pretty cover! I have not read a book by this author yet, but Down with the Shine sounds very cool! Thank you for sharing, lady. <3

  4. OH MY GOODNESS! Thank you so much for sharing Carina! I had totally missed this one and I'm adding it to my GR right now!

  5. Oh, sounds like a fun story! Beautiful cover, Carina! I hope you enjoy the story as well. :)

  6. High, girl!
    While I realize my penname is quite morbid, yet,
    you shall find in our 24 blogs a lottagobba (subliminal) moxie
    which has taken this mortal sinner yeeers to compile:
    I lay it ALL out for you, dear - neet, packaged, concise.

    Nevertheless, wouldn’t ya love an endless eternity
    of aplomBombs falling on thy indelible cranium?
    An XtraXcitinXpose with no
    with an IQ much higher than K2,
    and an extraordinarily, sawcy, rowdy victory??
    Here’s what the exquisite, prolific GODy sed:

    “Faith, hope, and love,
    the greatest of these is love -
    jump into faith...
    and you'll see with love”
    Doesn’t matter if you don’t believe
    (what I write);
    God believes in you.
    God. Blessa. Youse -Fr. Sarducci, ol SNL
    Meet me Upstairs, girly, where the Son never goes down
    from a passionate, prolific iconoclasm where we get
    astronomically prodigious,
    immeasurably extensive,
    monumentally tremendous,
    stupendously substantial,
    infinitely irresistible
    of titanic opportunities for excitement BTW).

    Do it. Do the deed, dude. Sign into the Big House.

  7. Oh my gosh, this is the first I'm reading the synopsis for this one - LOVE it!! Unlike you, I have not read anything else by this author, but I trust your opinion - I think I will enjoy this one as well!

  8. Oh myy, that's pretty! I haven't heard of this before, but it sounds good too!

  9. Ooo, I like this cover! I need to read something by this author - soon! :D

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  10. I'm in love with the cover, and even more in love with that spooky synopsis. Thanks for sharing!!

    Farah @MajiBookshelf


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