
Saturday, June 20, 2015

In My Mailbox #190

I'm heartbroken this week. Because such amazing people are getting that very special ARC box of Six of Crows. And it is breaking my heart. Because I did not get the email about it. So I am not getting it. And I cannot even begin to tell you how much I NEED this box and this ARC. I have loved Leigh since before Shadow and Bone officially published. I have loved all her books and short stories. I have toooooons of her books. I need this. Ugh. So yeah. I'm a tiny bit heartbroken about it, because I'm not getting it, and I'm so jealous, and I need it, and yeah. Trying to not think about it :) But anyway. This week besides all that have actually been pretty good. Healing is going slowly. Removing stitches on monday. It still hurts to sit in some ways, so I haven't been able to see Jurassic World yet. Sigh. But I did re-watch the Jurassic Park movies this week :) Which I have seen so many times, heh. But lots of love. I also got so so much amazing mail this week. Ugh. I cannot. There are so many kind people out there. <3 Thank you all so much. I love you all. So happy with everything I got and everything I bought. But oh. I still haven't read anything. Been more than two weeks now since I last read something. Rebel Mechanics is on the table next to me. Hoping to start it today or tomorrow. Fingers crossed. Oh! I made my entire post, then suddenly remembered that I hadn't written in my blog posts for this week. Ack. I never forget that. Huh. Anyway. This week I still haven't read anything.. but I did post some other things :) First I shared the stunning cover for Their Fractured Light. <3 Then I shared about MadCap Retreats with Courtney C. Stevens :) I posted another awesome Cress Tuesday. <3 This week I'm waiting on Six of Crows. I posted about Supernatural :D And I shared the beautiful cover for Ravenous. <3 What did you get this week?

Time Out of Time. Eeek! Thank you so much ACBYA for these :D Love love love. Precious card too.
Silver People. Yay! Thank you so much HMH Kids for this one :D Won it via facebook. <3 Looks stunning.
The Glass Sentence. This book is awesome. And this paperback edition is all kinds of gorgeous. Love.
TinkerBell. Finally got Legend of the Neverbeast. <3 This movie is amazing. I must rewatch it shortly.
Illuminae + Firewalker. OH! Thank you so, so much Andye :D You are the sweetest person. <3 Precious.
Exodus. I actually really liked this movie months ago. So I had to buy it. I will watch it again sometime.
Penguins of Madagascar. I haven't seen this movie yet. But I wanted it. Shall have to see it soonish ;p
Dog. I had to get this ornament. I have wanted it for so long. It is so awesome looking, hih. I love it.
Bukowski Plushes. Meeek. All my gorgeous new plushes :D Okay, one grey cat is old. But all so perfect.
Minions 3D Glasses. Bought these a few weeks back; aren't they awesome? :D They fit so well too. Love.

Jurassic World Lego. YAY! Finally was a 30% off sale, so I got to buy all these gorgeous legos. <3 They are all precious. I haven't yet seen the movie, sobs, but soon. I cannot wait. Anyway. I just finished building the final one, the big one :) Love them all. But big one had a missing piece, sobs, so waiting for them to send me a new one. Sigh. Anyway. I love it all. I adore building lego, hih. It's just so much fun :)
Blu-Ray Player. This wasn't supposed to be bought. Cost me a bit, but goddamn it is gorgeous. And so small. And I wanted a new one. Mine was getting noisy. This one works perfectly so far. I love love it.

Fairest Swag. Oh my gosh. This was the most perfect thing to get in the mail this week. <3 I love it so so much. Sniffs. Thank you Marissa. <3 Thank you my special friend for getting this for me :) It means the world to me. I adore the poster. Ugh. It is STUNNING. On my wall shortly :D Love the swag too. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. sorry you didn't get your arc of Six of Crows, but WOW! you got so many amazing things in your mailbox! I'm so jealous that you got a some Fairest swag! I've read the novel myself and I absolutely enjoyed it! btw the Bukowski Plushes are adorable!!!

  2. Awesome haul. It always hurt when you see other people getting an ARC of Six of Crows. You got so many other books to keep you occupied. I hope you love all your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  3. YAY for getting amazing things in the mail!! And that poster is so super gorgeous!!
    I hope you'll be healing great and once the stitches come out it'll hurt less so you can go see Jurassic World!!

  4. Great mail this week! I love the HC Illuminae arc. I started my pb copy last night and loving it so far. I didn't get to read today but hopefully this evening. I wasn't a fan of Trial by Fire but I do think that cover is so pretty. I'll be very curious to see what folks think of it.

  5. Aw. Sorry you about Six of Crows. I know how much you want that book! Maybe this week?

  6. Firewalker sounds like a great read. Hope you enjoy and have a wonderful week.

  7. Aww, too bad you didn't get Six of Crows like you were hoping. I'm sure there will be other opportunities to get it, so fingers crossed for you! And oh, Jurassic World was a fun movie (and those legos!! So awesome!) so I think you will love it too!

  8. Ahhh I love the IKO approved stickers!! And all the rest of your Fairest swag---gorgeous! And so very very jealous of your Firewalker ARC! Enjoy all your new goodies!

  9. I'm in the same boat as you, Carina! *hugs* I hope you enjoy all of your new books when you read them!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous week :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  10. Ooh you got some great stuff this week, Carina! I'm so jealous you got Illuminae, I can't wait to read that. Hope it's amazing! And it sucks about Six of Crows but not too long till release date! Happy reading :)

  11. I'm glad you got Illluminae! I should be reading it next month - I'm so excited. :D
    Happy reading, lady!

  12. Fairest is amazing <3 And whoa, a signed copy! How wonderful x I have also heard some brilliant thing about Illuminae, so I am adding that one to my TBR right now!

    1. That it is :D It isn't a signed copy, though; just a gorgeous signed poster :) And yay! I hope you'll love Illuminae :) I loved it oh so much.


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