
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Cover Reveal: Ravenous by MarcyKate Connolly

I'm so so so excited about this book :D MarcyKate is amazing. So kind and sweet. And I adored her first book, Monstrous. But it was so evil and heartbreaking too. Sobs. Yet so perfect. Sigh. Such a stunning middle grade book :D I'm so excited that she's publishing another one! This one isn't a sequel to Monstrous, but it takes place in the same world, and have a character that was in the first book :) Which is all kinds of awesome. But anyway. The cover. Gosh damn. This cover is stunning. I love it. I cannot wait to own it :D But oh, I need the print ARC so badly. My collection cries for it. <3 Can't wait to see this book in person. It will be so beautiful. And eeek, that summary is awesome too :D I simply can't wait to read Ravenous. It sounds and looks amazing. Can't wait for February 9th. <3 What do you think?

A witch has come to the city of Bryre. She travels in a hut that has chicken feet, and is ravenous for children. And once she gets what she desires, she never lets it go.

But when the witch captures Hans, Greta’s little brother, Greta refuses to let her have him. The two strike up a bargain. Greta will retrieve something the witch desires in exchange for her brother’s freedom.

To get the prize Greta must travel to Belladoma—a city where she was once held captive—which brings back terrible memories. With the help of a new friend, Dalen, a magical half-boy and half-horse, Greta embarks on the journey and tries to overcome both foes and her own weaknesses.

For fans of Monstrous and new readers alike comes the story of an epic quest and a heroine who will stop at nothing to save the one she loves most.


  1. Whaaaaaat??? I had no idea this was even happening!! OMG this is just gorgeous and I'm so over the moon happy to see another book in this world. Monstrous was amazing. I know this one will be too! Thanks for sharing this, Carina! What a wonderful surprise! :D

  2. They look great next to each other! I've not read anything by this author, but I like the covers :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  3. I think I remember you reviewing the first book. Both covers are lovely and I hope you enjoy Ravenous as much as you did Monstrous when you get your hands on a copy. Thanks for sharing Carina! :)

  4. I haven't read the first book, but have wanted to since seeing the cover. I don't feel any differently about the second book. I am an unapologetic cover tramp. Thank you for sharing.

  5. CUTE!! And even better is they look great next to each other! I still need to get to Monstrous.


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