
Saturday, December 13, 2014

In My Mailbox #163

Gosh. I'm bad at this whole blogging thing lately. Okay, I do post at least three posts a week. Which I did now. And then I post if there are cover reveals. Which there haven't been. And then I always post a review right after finishing a book. But the thing is.. I haven't been able to read anything for ages. I'm not sure why. Feeling busy. And not feeling like reading at all. I'm hoping it will change soon, because damn, I have so much that I need to read. Hmph. Thinking about trying Princess of Thorns next. We'll see. Anyway. I also still haven't been able to catch up on my own blog comments. And I'm so so sorry for that. I just never have the time or the energy. My health has been all kinds of crappy for a long time now. Just waiting to feel better. Which doesn't seem like it will happen yet. Sigh. Anyway. I only posted two things this week. A new Cress Tuesday. <3 Which I still adore doing. And I'm waiting on The Sin Eater's Daughter. Which looks awesome. This week I got a whole bunch of movies. But not a lot of books. Because I just about only pre-order books these days, and not many coming out in December. :) But soon there will be lots. Ack. Little space left. Sad face. But. I'm all kinds of happy with what I got this week. <3 And oh! I forgot. I got all those signed and personalized books. <3 That I have waited months for. So gorgeous. And a little gorgeous swag too. <3 love it. What did you get this week?

Shannon Messenger swag. EEEEK. Shannon is still the most amazing author and person ever. <3 Thank you so so much. Dies. This swag is the most gorgeous. And I love it all to pieces. SO STUNNING. I got this swag as I bought more copies of her books for an amazing Black Friday giveaway she had, hih. <3
Gathering Darkness. And.. my second copy. As I already own two of all her books. <3 Just so gorgeous.
Princess of Thorns. I'm excited about this book. And I cannot wait to read it. I'm happy with peeking :)
Tarot Cards. ACK! Gooorgeous Cassandra Clare & Cassandra Jean Shadowhunter Tarot Cards. <3 They are so damn perfect. And I'm so happy I bought them. So so much love. And fast shipping. Stunning.

Movies. A whole bunch of movies I had to buy on sale, hih. <3 They all look pretty amazing. Much love.
Ninja Turtles + Jakten på Berlusconi. The last movies I won from Platekompaniet. <3 Looks awesome.
Spirited Away. Ah, my love. <3 Finally I have this on blu-ray. Will re-watch it very soon. So amazing.
Kingsman swag. Gorgeous iPad sleeve and awesome looking ice cube tray :D Won these from Fox Norge. <3 Thank you so much. They both look pretty awesome. Yeah. That ice gun is pretty amazing looking :)

Maggie Stiefvater. Ahh. So many signed and personalized books. <3 Thank you so much to Maggie for signing them. And to Fountain Bookstore for sending them :) So much love. I also ordered a personalized paperback of The Scorpio Races, which will come after. Not sure when. But it will arrive soon, I hope :)

Joyride bookmarks. Huge thank you to Anna for these. <3 They are gorgeous. Excited about this book :)

Black Dove, White Raven. Huge thank you to Disney Hyperion via NetGalley for accepting my request to read this book. <3 So excited about it! I loved her other books, so hoping I will love this one too. Though I tried reading it yesterday, and had some issues with the way it was written. Hmph. But soon I will try again. <3 And really hoping I will love this gorgeous book. So pretty.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Oh I got Princess of Thorns and Gathering Darkness this week as well. Have you read that fantasy series by Morgan Rhodes? I'm hoping I'll like it. Eeeep. You know me and fantasy novels. :/ Holy shizzballs you got a lot of swag!

    I hope you'll get your reading mojo back, C. <3

  2. That swag is awesome. Gathering Darkness was so good . I hope you love all your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  3. Ooh those Tarot Cards!! You can buy those?! I MUST. Awesome haul! :)

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

  4. Holy blurays, Carina!! That's a lot of movies :D I looooved Edge of Tomorrow. Such a great mix of funny and exciting. I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling healthy---I'm with ya. And I know it's hard to keep up with anything, let alone lots of reading and blogging when I'm feeling bad. Hope it gets better soon. I've just started Princess of Thorns and it's really good so far. I've got to get a handle on my expectations of it, though, because Of Beast and Beauty was one of my favorites last year. Love all the signed Maggie S. stuff! Fun!

  5. So much awesome swag!! AND HOOORAY for finally getting all the personalized and signed books that had been missing for a while!

    I hope you will be feeling better soon sweetie! You deserve it! *big hugs*

  6. Gathering Darkness seems interesting-- hope that you end up loving it. Have a great Sunday and upcoming week.

  7. You're not bad at blogging! It's okay, just focus on yourself first. I loved Princess of Thorns - the cover is nice and simple. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous week :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  8. Just get better, love! I am thinking about you, and your blog is WONDERFUL. Don't stress about it. And I hope your next book will be wonderful. I really adored Princess of Thorns.

    Also, all those Maggie Stiefvater books are making me drool. LOVE. :D

  9. black dove white raven sounds so good!! and YEAY for the maggie stiefvater GOODNESS <3 <3 <3

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  10. WHOA girl! This is quite the haul! I especially love all the Stiefvater goodies, and Black Dove, White Raven, which I also got. I'm so excited to read that on, but I'm sure it will be tough too. And I hope you LOVE Princess of Thorns, that was an unexpected recent favorite for me.

  11. Happy with your peeking?? YAY! Obviously I'm going to be needing to pick up my copy ASAP now. :) Oh, I must start Falling Kingdoms! Isn't the series going to be, like, six books?

    I hope you're having a great week, Carina!!

  12. I need to get a copy from The princess of thorns as soon as possible! It sounds so good and I like the cover :) I hope you are able to read some time soon!


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