
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Cress Tuesday #60

Already more than one year of Cress Teasers. <3 Ack! Which is so so exciting. I'm still not sure how long I will be posting these teasers, but I do not want to stop doing so, so I shall not, at least not for now. <3 As so many of you still haven't read Cress. Hmph. And I'm hoping my sharing of the teasers make you more excited about reading this stunning book :) And, well, I love sharing the teasers. <3 So much. You must all read Cress. Right away. But yeah. I don't think I will ever get tired of sharing these Cress teasers with you all. It just makes my heart happy to read small bits of Cress every time I choose a new teaser, hih. As you know, I adore these books. So much. And waiting for Winter is torture. November 2015 better arrive fast. <3 I'm also beyond excited for Fairest out in January :D It will be amazing. Sigh. Soon I will re-read them all. And I cannot wait. I adore this story and all the awesome characters. Also, Marissa is all kinds of amazing too. I adore her. I hope you are all enjoying these small and mostly non-spoilery teasers from Cress :) See all the previous Cress Tuesdays here. <3 Have you read it yet?


Cinder stumbled up the ship's ramp, pulling her shirt away from her hips in an effort 

to get some airflow against her skin. The desert heat was dry compared with the suffocating 
humidity of New Beijing, but it was also relentless. Then there was the sand, that annoying, 
hateful sand. She had spent what seemed like hours trying to clean it out from her cybernetic 
joints, discovering more nooks and crannies in her hand than she'd known existed.


  I adore the way things are described in this book.
Cyborg Monday. News: Fairest.

Was allowed to do this by Marissa and Macmillan; Thank you. <3 Marissa is the best. Check out her amazing website :D I'm also very much in love with the Lunar Chronicles facebook. So pretty. I hope you enjoy the teasers :) There will be one teaser each Tuesday. Can't wait for you all to read Cress :) Also, the teasers are now from my finished hardcover copy of Cress :D And oh, how it is gorgeous. <3


  1. Thank you for keeping on sharing Cress teasers! I love being reminded of so many scenes from the book! You make me want to re-read it every Tuesday Carina! =D

  2. Looking forward to the reunion part. *winks*

  3. I'm glad that you're still sharing these teasers with us Carina, it certainly is giving me the motivation to finally pick up this book! Thanks for sharing! :)


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