
Saturday, November 1, 2014

In My Mailbox #157

Road trip is over. Which makes me very happy, as those four days of driving was torture. Okay, I didn't drive, but sitting in a car is all kinds of torture anyway. But yeah. I am now home, and that is all kinds of awesome. <3 Though it took me forever to catch up to some things. And I am still months behind on blog comments :( I am so so sorry. I just never seem to have time for anything. Sigh. But soon. I hope. I do read all my comments, and I love them all so much. <3 You guys are the best. Thank you. Anyway. This week I have read nothing. UGH. I just haven't had time after coming home from my road trip Monday night.. but today. Today I shall read. Most likely. I have so many books that need to be read. Just need to make myself start, hih. Though I had no reviews this week, and not many blog posts, I did post a little bit. <3 A new Cress Tuesday teaser. I'm waiting on Kalahari. And yesterday I posted a new giveaway. I'm giving away some All Our Yesterdays swag. <3 It's gorgeous. Anyway. I did get a lot this week. Not all that many books, but bunch of other things :D And I love it all so so much. <3 Sigh. Getting mail is still the best. My new iPad Mini! Dies. It kills me how gorgeous it is. Anyway. I had a good week. Still waiting on lots of mail, but hoping it shall arrive soon. What did you get this week? <3

International Swag Giveaway. <3 It is all kinds of awesome. Enter to win here.
All Our Yesterdays Swag Giveaway. <3 International. So pretty. Enter to win here.

Frozen. Tin box that I had to buy for me, hih. <3 And it is pretty gorgeous. I love it. Stuff inside too.
Atlantia. I am nervous about this book. Some loved it. Some hated it. Hoping that I will love it as well.
In the After Light. I did not love book one. Have not read book two yet. But I needed to own all of them.
The Ice Dragon. I just had to pre-order this one. <3 As it looks all kinds of gorgeous. Must read it soon.
Talon. This hardcover is just so stunning. I'm excited and nervous about this book. Reading soonish.
The Fire Sermon. Eeek. Got from UK publisher. <3 Thank you so so much. So excited about this book!
The Subtle Knife. Gorgeous new UK hardcover. <3 It is stunning. Getting the other two books as well :D
Blue Lily, Lily Blue. Gorgeous paperback that had the signed bookplate. <3 So perfect. So much love.
Compulsion Swag. Gorgeous swag that I won from the author :D Thank you so much. It so stunning.

Frozen. Two gorgeous puzzles I had to buy while in Sweden. <3 They are just too gorgeous, hih.
Big Hero 6. I need this movie. I do. And this is awesome. I will build them both very soonish :D
Disney Books. I had two buy these two books. Because they both look all kinds of awesome, hih.
Frozen: My Busy Books. I finally got to buy this one. The tiny figures inside are all kinds of pretty.
Lego. This Brave lego is gorgeous. <3 But very small. Huh. And The Hobbit :D So so much love.

Princess Mononoke. This book is big. And gorgeous. And now I really need to re-watch this movie. <3
Crocodile + Lizard. They are on the book. And I had to buy them. Cause they are pretty awesome, hih :)
Frozen. Some cards I bought in Sweden. <3 Now I want more, though. And gorgeous new book too :)
Toothless. This isn't the best picture, I know, but yeah. This new dragon of mine is stunning. Love :D
Angry Birds. This was not as gorgeous as I thought it was going to be. Hmph. Still. The cover is pretty.
Wall-E. This was a small card game thingy I bought on sale in Sweden. <3 Because I adore this movie.
Dragon. They had one of the dragons I do not yet own in Sweden. <3 But still missing a bunch of them..
Plushes. These are all the cutest. Bukowski for the win. <3 Kind of regret the green one.. but it is soft, and cute, so I am glad I bought it, still. <3 But yess. The tiny kitten! So adorable. I love buying plushes.

This Shattered World. I got this via the publisher via NetGalley. <3 Thank you so much. I am very excited about reading it. And hoping I will love it :D Will read it soonish. <3 Have anyone read and loved it yet?
Conspiracy of Blood and Smoke. I didn't love book one, but I did enjoy it, and I'm excited about reading this one, even so :D Hoping to read it soonish. <3 As I have peeked already, hih. I'm happy about it.
Ferals. Had to download this. Look at the pretty cover! And it sounds pretty amazing too. Hoping it is :)

iPad Mini 3.This is my baby. And it is goooorgeous. SO PRETTY. The gold is stunning too. Sigh. I just love it to pieces. <3 And it is 64gb, so a bit bigger than my 16gb iPad 2 :) It is just all kinds of perfect. And bookish! Bookish on the back. So much love for my new iPad Mini. Think I will read my eARCs on it.

A lot of Instagram pictures this week, hih. <3 First four are from roadtrip. Started with a plane trip. Then more than 30 hours in a car. Sigh. Then there is my nephew, Cedric, whom is four. <3
Then a gorgeous picture of Talon. My swag. My stunning Blue Lily, Lily Blue. And the cat.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Awesome haul of books this week. I see quite a few books that look terrific. I hope you love all of them as well. Your Cat is so pretty.


  2. iPad mini, awesome! And I also downloaded Conspiracy of Blood and Smoke. I loved the first book and I'm so excited. I really liked those Instagram pictures :D

    Have a GREAT November! <3

  3. That Blue Lily cover is so pretty! I can't wait to buy my copy soon. You'll be happy to know I'm finally reading this series this month. :D
    Cross your fingers I get approved for Conspiracy of Blood and Smoke! I reeeeeally want to read that one. And I'm happy that you peaked and you liked it. That tells me all I need to know. :D
    Happy reading, C!

  4. This Shattered World was REALLY good!!! Hope you'll enjoy it. You've got so many beautiful books <3

  5. You're really loving everything Phil Pullman, huh? Don't blame you. :) He is such a fantastic author. Ack. Engraved iPad! Want.

    Have fun this week, Carina!

  6. Ooh, I have to try to get This Shattered World if I get through some of my reading. Always love seeing what you've been getting.

  7. Oooooh This Shattered World!! I'm so so excited for it!! =D
    And that plushie of Toothless is adooorableee!! I want one too!! =D

    I hope you'll be feeling better next week and more in the mood to read sweetie! *hugs*

  8. What a haul Carina! This Shattered World...yay! I hope you love all your goodies.

  9. Nice haul!! I'm really excited to read most of the books you hauled :) Enjoy your new iPadMini, I LOVE the engravement :)

  10. Your nephew is so cute, Carina! I don't mind a road trip if I have some good reading to do and I'm not driving! I'll be picking up Blue Lily, Lily Blue soonish. Enjoy all your books and welcome back! :)

  11. Awww, Cedric is adorable! And OMG I also got In the Afterlight, so excited! I really liked This Shattered World, even more than the first book! I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a fabulous week :)

    Check out my STS post!

  12. Oh I so need to buy a copy of In the Afterlight, however I checked Amazon, and it said it will ship it in 1-3 months! :/ I'm also looking into getting an Ipad, you're mini looks amazing Carina! I hope you enjoy all your reads! :)


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