
Friday, October 31, 2014

All Our Yesterdays: Swag Giveaway

Hi everyone! Today I'm giving away All Our Yesterdays swag. It will be International. And for this time there will be 3 winners. Will be giving away more All Our Yesterdays swag at a later time as well. <3 All Our Yesterdays is a gorgeous YA book by Cristin Terrill. Whom is all kinds of awesome. And her book is stunning. It's been a while since I read it, but I loved it very much. And I cannot wait to read it again. If you haven't already read it, then you really should. <3 Em and Finn are the best. Sniffs. So good! Anyway. Some giveaway details. Three winners will win the gorgeous swag pictured below. Giveaway will run for three weeks. And winners must respond within 48 hours. <3 Then I will mail your swag in an envelope :) Most likely. I am also a part of The Insiders, which is sort of like a Street Team for All Our Yesterdays. <3 Which is all kinds of awesome. Cristin is the best. Hope you will all enter to win. <3

International. Three winners. Two bookmarks + two chapter samplers each.


  1. All Our Yesterdays is one of my all time FAVOURITE books!! Its so amazingly written and I loovveee em and finn <3

  2. I read All Our Yesterdays about three months ago, and I absolutely loved it!

  3. It us quite the amazing book indeed! I'm not entering of course, as a fellow teamer but I'm gonna spread the word!

  4. I absolutely loved All Our Yesterdays, so I'm super excited about this giveaway! The swag looks pretty gorgeous!!!

  5. I did not read it, but it's on my tbr. And I would love to win the swag. Thanks for the chance to win :3

  6. I have indeed read All Our Yesterdays once but I recently bought the audiobook and plan to reread via audiobook! Lovely bookmarks etc. Thank you!

  7. Don't know much about this book so I'm truly curious now.

  8. I love love LOVE this book so much, it's one of my all time favorites. Terrill did a brilliant job of plotting it out. Thank you SO much for the giveaway :D


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