
Saturday, October 11, 2014

Three Years of Blogging and Swag Giveaway

Today it has been three years since I started my blog. And I have loved these three years so so much. <3 I have gotten to meet so many amazing bloggers and authors and people. You are all amazing. And I have gotten to know of so many new and amazing books. It means the world to me. I love blogging about books. And I hope to continue to do so for ages. I have read so much in these past three years. Some amazing books, some very bad books. It has changed who I am as a person, for the better, I think. Reading is a huge part of my life. As is books. Which you might know, if you have seen my IMM posts :D I will someday post more recent pictures of my bookshelves. Maybe. It is just a lot of work, so not doing it right now. Anyway. I just wanted to say thank you to you all for following my blog. <3 And for always commenting on my posts. You guys are all amazing! Thank you. It means so much to me. You're the best.

Which is why I have decided to have a swag giveaway today. I know, not all that exciting, but it is some awesome swag. <3 Some is signed as well. I think it all looks awesome. I just cannot afford to send something bigger at this time, but hopefully in a few months, I think. Anyway. I hope you will all enter to win this amazing swag. <3 And best of luck to you all. It is, of course, international. Anyone can enter.

Will be one winner.
Must reply within 48 hours.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congrats on the blogversary xD

    It's an awesome giveaway, swag is cool, I love them xD

  2. Hi Carina,
    Your blog is my favourite when it comes to YA!
    Congrats on your blogiversary and thank you for the giveaway!

  3. I love swags! Happy blogoversary!

  4. Congrats Carina on the awesome three years! Cheers to more blogging years! I love signed bookmarks. Great choices there.<3

  5. Congratualtion! And thanks for the giveaway! ;-)

  6. Congrats on your bllogoversary! Your blog's awesome, and I trust your opinions on books. Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. Happy blogoversary!! congrats on reaching 3 years^^ i hope you will enjoy sharing with us for a lot longer
    thank you also for including this time again international followers, we really appreciate

  8. Congrats :) Three years are amazing number! I will celebrate just two years :)
    And perfect giveaway. I love signed bookmarks! :)

  9. Congratulations Carina!! 3 years is awesome. Thank you for being such a great friend to me!

  10. Congrats on three years, Carina! :)

  11. Congratulations!! I just had my first blogoversary, and can only hope I am still going strong in three years. Thank-you for this wonderful giveaway contest. :)

  12. Congratulations on your blogoversary and almost reaching 1,000 followers! :) Also, thank you very much for this giveaway AND for making it international! :)

  13. Congratulations! My 3 year mark is later this month. Cheers from Carole's chatter

  14. Thanks for everything you done for us and the handwork you got to be here.

  15. Congratulations on three years of blogging! You are doing a spectacular job with continuing to share your love for reading with the world. Closing in on 300,000 page views is quite an accomplishment as well!

  16. Happy 3 years, C!!! I am SO happy we have become friends. You are a sweetheart, and I'm always glad to find another girl who hates love triangles as much as me. :) Here's to many more years of blogging. <3

  17. Congrats! and thanks for the giveaway :)


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