
Saturday, October 11, 2014

In My Mailbox #154

Remember how I said last week that I didn't get that many books? Hah. This week I got less. Hmph. Because nothing is arriving. Shipping is so slow. And I am waiting on so much. Hoping it will all arrive early next week. <3 ANYWAY. Today my blog is turning 3 years old :D And I'm celebrating with an international swag giveaway. <3 Go enter. Also, I did post a lot of posts this week. Huh. EVEN! One each day. I don't usually do that. So fun to have done so this week, hih. <3 First. I read Thornhill and Willowgrove. Which I'm so sorry to say that I did not love :( They were good, just, not that good. Then another Cress Tuesday. <3 50 weeks already! And I'm waiting on The Stolen Moon. <3 And then I re-read the very amazing Seraphina. <3 So much love! And I read the short story Seraphina: The Audition. And I shared the gorgeous cover for Please Remain Calm. <3 Anyway. Despite not getting all that much this week, I'm happy with what did arrive :D WELL. I wrote this before the mail arrived today. And I got 10 pre-orders today. <3 Nothing of what I'm waiting for, sigh, but still. My own pre-orders are awesome, hih. I have so much to read, though. Ack. The Young Elites next, I think. What did you get this week? <3

Don't forget to enter my US/Canada giveaway of a hardcover of Firebug. <3 Awesome book. Enter here.

The Fall. I loved this book. So much. So excited to finally have my finished copies of it. <3 Gorgeous.
In the Shadow of Blackbirds. Gorgeous new paperback edition. <3 I love this book so much. It's perfect.
The Young Elites. Finally got this book :D I am excited for it. I'm thinking I will read this one next.
Stray. I read my eARC of this book, and I loved it. This hardcover is just so so gorgeous. <3 I adore it.

Heir of Fire prize pack. Won this via the Heir of Fire blog tour :D Thank you so so much to Alexa. <3 I did own some of these, hih, but happy with two copies. <3 Will read them soonish. I hope. Maybe :D
Black Ice. I'm very curious about this book. Hoping I will love it, but I'm also a bit nervous to read it.
My True Love Gave To Me. This is just too damn beautiful. I love the look of it. Reading one day, hih.
The Lost Hero. Gorgeous graphic novel. <3 I do love this book. Despite zero Percy. Hmph. And so pretty.
The Rover. I finally own this movie :D Hoping to watch it very, very soon. <3 I just adore Rob. Sigh.
Frozen. Another gorgeous book for my collection, hih. I just love and need all things Frozen. So pretty.
The Fault in Our Stars. Finally own this one too. <3 So beautiful. Mostly. And that bracelet is stunning :D

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. I've heard good things about Seraphina and The Young Elites! Enjoy your many copies, Carina! :)

  2. Stray has such a pretty cover! I'm in love with those TOG editions <3 happy reading!

  3. Many amazing things you got this week, Carina!!
    My True Love Gave To Me is both gorgeous and so cute and adorable, loved the stories!
    The US editions of TOG are so gorgeous!!

    Happy reading sweetie!!

  4. I should've picked up a copy of Stray when I saw it in San Diego last week. I'm so bummed that I didn't. Boo

    Anyway, enjoy hun!

  5. I loved The Young Elites! Read it! And ahhhh, I loved Stray :D I hope you enjoy all of your new books, Carina! Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  6. Awesome haul Carina! The US covers for Maas' series are so pretty, I'm tempted to order them all even though I have the UK covers. I'm also pretty curious about Black Ice, I hope we both end up enjoying it. Happy blogoversary!! :)

  7. I'm pretty nervous to read Black Ice, too, Carina! Not sure it looks like my cup of tea, but we'll see! Look at the pretties! I loved The Fall, and the cover is probably my favorite creepy cover of all!

  8. OH and happy 3 year anniversary!! :D That's awesome!!

  9. I really want to reread my Seraphina. If I do then the wait for Shadowscale will be more painful. I'll be reading The Fall very soon! Very excited. Great haul Carina--I hope the stuff you are waiting on gets there soon.

  10. Stray sounds good, hope its a great read and that your week is awesome

  11. YAY! Congratulations on 3 years! It sounds like such a long time, but it doesn't feel it, right? That's how it is for me, at least.

    Eek, I need to read my copy of The Young Elites soon! Gosh, it sounds so gooood. And I just started Stray last night and I'm really liking it! The hardcover is so pretty!

  12. You always get the best books, girl! So gorgeous. <3 Loving that cover of My True Love Gave to Me. And I hope to get my hands on Seraphina eventually...


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