
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Review: Winterkill by Kate A. Boorman

I have been waiting ages for this book, it seems. And the wait was worth it. I knew I needed to read Winterkill when I saw that gorgeous cover. And then read the summary too. Because this book sounded amazing. And I'm so glad to say that it was. I had a few small issues, nothing big. Mostly I just loved this book.

Winterkill is told from the point of view of Emmeline. Who is turning sixteen in a few days, and she will be able to get proposed to. Which might have freaked me out a little bit. But anyway. Emmeline is an amazing character. And I loved reading about her so much. <3 I also pretty much adored the writing.

This book is just all kinds of awesome. I found all of it to be so interesting to read about. I loved reading about their village, how they are walled in, how they are scared of something out there. How they are dreading the winter coming. How they are talking English and French. Ack. I just adored everything in this book. Okay, that is a lie. There were a couple of people I hated. And I didn't like all of their rules. That they weren't allowed to go to the woods. That they weren't allowed to be Wayward. And if anyone disobeyed, they got sent to the crossroads. Which was all kinds of creepy and heartbreaking and yeah. That was pretty awful to read about. Yet I loved it to pieces, because it felt so real too. But yeah. They have very cruel punishments.

There is so much I can say about this book. But I don't want to spoil the things that happens. Though I will talk about some things, hih. The book is just over three hundred pages, which was a little bit too little for me. Sniffs. I didn't want this book to end. But, thankfully, there will be two more books. And I am dying to read book two in a year. Wishing it was out sooner. <3 I wants and needs it. I found the plot in this book to be all kinds of awesome. I loved the things they did and didn't do. It was all interesting.

I adored Emmeline in this book. I loved that she was curious. That she wanted to know what was in the woods. That she wanted to explore and not do everything after the rules. And oh. I loved that she was Stained. Though it was a bit heartbreaking too. And her poor foot. Sniffs. I hated how she hurt it. And how it hurts her still. Makes her a bit different. Yet more reason for me to love her. I just loved how kind she was too. Sure, she makes a few mistakes, but I still adored her. Yeah. Happy that I loved her.

I was worried there might be a love triangle in this book, as I had heard talk of many boys. But author also told me no triangle. So I wasn't too worried. And ack. I must try to explain it. There is no love triangle. Girl meets this very amazing boy that she starts having feelings for. But leader of the village, who is ten years older than her, ask for her hand in marriage. And it is all kinds of creepy. At least to me. Shudders. Yet awesome plot twist. Then there is her best friend, Tom. No romantic feelings there.

I loved so many people in this book. Tom was awesome. And I adored his little sister too. And his mom. And the woman Emmeline worked for. And some new people. And I grew to like her dad too. Though I'm not sure I liked him very much in the beginning. Sigh. But yeah. I hated a few characters too. Like the leader. Who wanted her. And who watched her. And ugh. I didn't like him at all. I loved reading about Andre. He was kind of awesome too. Mostly I loved reading about Kane. Because yeah. He's the best.

There is romance in this book. And I found it to be all kinds of amazing. Kane was so cute. I loved how Emmeline watched him. And how slow their romance is. Yet how strong too. And it isn't that much of the book, yet it is enough. And it is so sweet. And ugh. I need book two right away, please. I need to know what happens next with the people. And the plot. And everything. I'm just really excited about this series. And I need to read more. Though the ending for this book was pretty good. No cliffhanger :)

I may not have said that much about Winterkill. And I'm not going to. Because this book was awesome and I pretty much loved it. I'm struggling with how to rate it, though. So I think I'm going to settle with a five star rating. <3 Because yeah. I had a few small issues, but they weren't many, and I did love this book. I did. I found Winterkill to be exciting and creepy and just all kinds of amazing. It was just the kind of book that I love. And that makes me so happy. I need you all to read this book. Read and love it.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize this was going to be a trilogy! That's great, especially since it sounds so good. The characters sound wonderful! You've got me so excited for this book now :)

    Awesome review!


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