
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Review: Made for You by Melissa Marr

I wish I could say that I loved this book. But I didn't. I really, truly did not. I have wanted to read this book for a few months now, because of that stunning cover. And because it sounded creepy and awesome. But yeah. When I started it yesterday, I knew from the first page that it wasn't for me. Not at all.

I could talk forever about all the things I did not like about this book. And I will share some of it. Because I really, truly did not like this book. But I did read it. And I want to share all my thoughts about it. I wish it could have been positive, but it won't be. Sorry. Though not. This book was just not for me.

Made for You is mostly told from the point of view of Eva. I wish I could say I loved her. I didn't. She is the popular girl, everyone loves her, her family is so rich and popular too. And she has a boyfriend. And my god. I hated that to pieces. She has an accident, someone runs her over, and she finds out that her boyfriend had sex with someone else starting a week after they got together. More than a year ago. What the fuck. And she thinks that she probably would have forgiven him, if she hadn't been hit by that car. For god's sake. I did not like this girl. I hated her (ex)boyfriend. I really disliked her "friends." Though her only true friend was Grace, whom I kind of liked. Just didn't like her point of view, because the writing is beyond silly. It didn't seem real. Not a single thing they were all thinking. Ugh. So yeah. I really disliked the writing :\

Then there is the point of view of "Judge." HAH. I had heard it was creepy. It wasn't. The Judge character was the most silly and stupid and highly annoying point of view I have ever read. It wasn't scary. It wasn't creepy. It was fucked up. And not in a way that's good. It was just.. it was horrible to read about. First, he is sick in the head. He keeps thinking about the Lord and whatever. Which bothered me a whole lot. Not for me. He just did a bunch of stupid things that didn't make any sense.

I really wanted to love this book. But no. There wasn't anything about it that I loved. Well, I liked a few of the scenes between Eva and Nate. But only a few ones, because most were silly and just yeah. Way too silly and not real for me. It bothered me a lot. The romance is weird. But it's there. Sort of. One thing I liked, was how damaged Eva was after the accident. But too little focus on that. Sigh. So yeah. Just not a book for me. And I don't want to talk more about it. I just want to forget that I ever read it.

Then there is the whole murder thing. Oh, it was done so badly. I wish it wasn't the case, but it was. I really didn't care for it at all. It didn't get my heart racing. It didn't make me curious. It didn't make me care at all. Which sucks. It really does. I wanted this book to be epic. It wasn't. I can understand that some would love it, but I would not recommend it to others. I just can't. To me, Made for You was an awful book. And I have to be honest about that. I did not like this book. But. The cover is stunning.

I also just wanted to thank Laura, assistant to Melissa, for giving me a eARC of this book to read back in June. <3 I didn't read it back then, because I had some issues with how it looked on my iPad, so I waited for my hardcover to arrive. Just wanted to say thank you for letting me be able to read it early. <3 And say sorry that I wasn't able to like this book more. It just wasn't for me. Sorry. But thank you.


  1. Aw, I'm sorry you didn't like this one! It sounds cool, and the cover is gorgeous, but I don't think I'd be able to deal with characters that are unlikable or all the silly aspects either. I guess it can just be pretty from now on. :(

  2. Awww sorry you didn't like this one, but honesty is the best policy.

    Amber Elise @Du Livre

  3. Awww, I'm so sorry to hear this book really wasn't any good for you sweetie!

  4. Yikes. Sorry to hear this one was a total miss for you! But they can't all be winners. Honestly, from what you've had to say about this one here, the problems you mentioned... I think I would have the same issues as you. So yeah, I think I'll be skipping this one. But I really appreciated this honest review, thank you!

  5. I have bad luck with this author's books, so I'll probably pass. It sounds like I probably would have similar issues with the story!

    Thanks for your honest thoughts :)

  6. Well, now I'm nervous! I have this one to read and hoped I'd like it..pretty worried now seeing how you felt :-(

  7. Oh no! I'm so sorry this one didn't work at all for you! I have it on my Kindle - hopefully I'll like it more haha.
    Lovely review, C. <3


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